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The Islander in Palo Alto??

Pages: 1 9 replies

Tiki Royale posted on 01/18/2004

Does anyone know anyting about "The Islander" on El Camino in Palo Alto? It's just before you get to Trader Vic's on the left.
It looks like its probably some dicey biker bar but the sign reads The Isalnder: Food and Grog in kins bamboo like type.
Anyway, just wondering if it had any history...

Primo Kimo posted on 01/18/2004

Is it the Islander or just the Island? Food and Grog has been in my dreams lately as I ponder this place in my memory. Growing up in Palo Alto I passed by this triangular? one story building often. It has been there for most of my 34 years and has always been a dump. Or is it? I went in there once while walking down El Camino. I can't remember why I went in there, I wasn't of age. This is what I remember...

It was Pitch Black as I walked in. It was a windowless joint. I think there was some sort of vestibule (cigarette machine maybe). Black light (neon sign maybe). Nautical Decor and "things" hanging from the ceiling.

Quick someone go over there right NOW. I think Walgreens monitors this site.

I will be back in Palo Alto this coming April, if not sooner, and this is one of my first places to visit.

Also, Shakey's Pizza was a few doors down and was a great place for post baseball or soccer game sustenance. Dina's Shack (Trader Vic's), the Cabana, Ricky's Hyatt House were some other great places in that area.

Ya, I wear flip flops in the winter. Snow is just like really cold sand, man.

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2004-01-18 10:04 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 01/18/2004

Hey Kimo,
You're right. It is The Island. One story, triangular, right on the corner.

thejab posted on 01/18/2004

I went inside once a few years ago. It's just an average dive bar with too many sports/beer posters.

Primo Kimo posted on 01/18/2004

Taken from http://www.metroactive.com

Curved bar with padded edge. Looks promising?

Island Food and Grog
4141 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (415/493-9020)
According to my new friend Louanne, Island Food and Grog is a bar at which "a woman can be a woman and a man can be a man, for Chrissake." She's right. She's also right when she says it's a spot where "you can belly up to the bar, goddamn it, and have a goddamn drink." The bellying-up is no joke. A curved bar running the length of the main room features a padded edge for the ergonomic drinking experience. Deep into a recent Saturday night, a couple of housewives, a smattering of mellow guys in baseball caps and some grizzled pool players rounded out the crowd. Everybody was low-key, murmuring or engaged in serious bar talk roughly two decibels above the crooning of the Righteous Brothers and Patsy Cline, which poured like whiskey from the jukebox. The Island is the real thing--'50s before '50s got "retro." Open daily, 7amĀ­2am.

****the area code was changed to 650 in 1991 or so.

[ Edited by: Primo Kimo on 2004-01-18 18:26 ]

aquarj posted on 01/18/2004

Here's a pic I took a couple years ago. I've got nothing to add about the place itself though.


Fonduie posted on 01/19/2004

I went there once back in college. I don't really have much to add other than reiterate that it's seemed like your run ot the mill dive. It's a cool looking little building and sign though. That little stretch of El Camino is fun. You have the bowling alley and the cheep greasy Chinese restaurant next door, Trader Vic's with its weird electrical tower thingie that they light up at Christmas time, then this little place with the bamboo lettering on the sign.

Tiki Royale posted on 01/19/2004

Thanks for the info everyone. I love a good dive bar.

hanford_lemoore posted on 06/12/2004

I drove past The Island and sadly the sign is now gone. It's been renamed to something, I can't remember what, but it was not tiki-related. It looks like the whole place got an overhaul.

I wonder what they did with the sign?

tiki_kiliki posted on 06/15/2004

I can't believe the sign is gone! That kills me! Someone should go and find out if it's still around. It's probably in tiny little pieces...

I got a pic in front of it while in California in April. I'll try to post it soon.

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