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need info on newer trader vics mugs, because i might get some originals

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OceaOtica posted on 01/19/2004

did a search, found no info on this. the nearest trader vics is a bit of a drive, abd being that it is the beverly hills one, it is too shi shi. the last time i went was about 6 years ago, and they seem to frown upon the hawaiian print clad tiki loving visitors. long story short, i dont go there. my question is what does trader vics have in the line of mugs that can be purchased now. want to know if it is worth a visit for some new additions.
ps pics would be appreciated

[ Edited by: tikitanked on 2004-01-19 10:23 ]

OceaOtica posted on 01/19/2004

i think this post has been written off as a dumb question. thought the post was long winded enough without getting into the whole story. maybe the full detail will elicit a responce.
i am aware that tikifarm is producing some Trader Vic repros, and i believe that they are available at Trader Vics.
i went to the rose bowl flea market to sell. i took a break and saw that a seller had the trader vics bowl, the one with the three hulas, the pineapple, and some of the coconuts. i would have bought them outright, but the prices were a bit ridiculous. they also appeared too new, when i flipped the bowl over the foot did not appear to have age discoloration. the pineapple and cocs were the same. i didnt talk to the seller, just grabbed his card and walked away.
geckos post on Trader Vics made me think about this, which led to the question as to what trader vics is selling. it also made me wonder if the seller has the real deal and they were stored really well or that he found a way to clean even the foot. if they are making new ones, i might go down and get at least the bowl to use. if they are not, i may consider calling the seller and trying to talk him down. in the end, i would like to have the originals, but my pocketbook aint fat enough for that kinda numbers.
hopefully this all said, someone will respond and save me a drive to Trader Vics.

[ Edited by: tikitanked on 2004-01-19 10:24 ]

Alnshely posted on 01/19/2004

At Trader Vic's Beverly Hills I don't think they even have the giveaway aloha coconuts. Tiki farm produced a series of TV mugs, but, no TV carries them. I purchased a TV hula girl scorpian bowl at the Emeryville TV for $22.00. I also purchased a fogcutter (the "new" kind with Vic and the two wahines) for $15.00. They also have the giveaway Aloha Coconuts in Emeryville. I don't think they'll deal in Beverly Hills.

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2004-01-19 11:02 ]

OceaOtica posted on 01/19/2004

thank you alnshely,
so this seller may possibly have been selling a new version of the bowl. what about the pineapple mug, does your trader vic carry one?

Alnshely posted on 01/19/2004

I got the bowl like this one. In the older bowls the Hula Girls are "thinner", the bowl I purchased was one the restaurant was using, old style, the Hula Girl was a bit thicker though.

The Fogcutter I bought was like this. Again a mug they had been using. I am unfamiliar with any TV Pineapple Mug.

ModMana posted on 01/19/2004

I purchased one of the large scorpion bowls with the 3 Moai around it (dark brown version) at the Emeryville Trader Vics fairly recently. I paid $30 for it and have since seen the same bowl sold on eBay for over $100 and marketed as vintage. You do have to be careful what you buy because not everyone is completely up front with the true story...

ModMana :drink:

The Monitors posted on 01/20/2004

My buddies and I were recently at Trader Vic's Beverly and they do give away the aloha mugs. As for cool mugs, my vote goes to the rum barell, the skull, and the coffee grog mug. According to the waiter, everything was for sale except they were low on mugs, so they weren't selling any of their stuff. But you can call the SF headquarters and order it.

The Monitors posted on 01/20/2004

Trader Vic's wholesale office

OceaOtica posted on 01/20/2004

thank you for the info.
called the seller. he swears that the bowl and mugs are originals, and mentioned something that i did not notice, that there were some hairline cracks on the bowl. $125 for a bowl is way out of my range.
oh well, will settle for a new edition of the bowl and keep searching for the original pineapple.

Kanaka posted on 01/21/2004

Trader Vic's Atlanta only sell's the Aloha coconut and the Mai Tai glass. Joel the bartender said they were allowed to sell any of them but Manzoor didn't like the low profit margin and refuses to sell anything else.

Monitors, does the wholesale office sell the entire line up to the public?


Feelin Zombified posted on 01/21/2004

last time I was at the Chicago TV (in 2000) they were willing to sell almost any of their mugs & bowls, but when my wife went last year, they wouldn't sell her anything.


The Monitors posted on 01/21/2004


According to the waiter everything was for sale. The Rum barell, which is the largest thing on the menu sold for $30, so everything else should be below that.

I'll try calling and find out

The Monitors posted on 01/21/2004

Just called and left a message --it's already after hours, if I hear anything I'll let you guys know.

UtopianDreem posted on 01/21/2004

On 2004-01-20 16:53, Feelin' Zombified wrote:
last time I was at the Chicago TV (in 2000) they were willing to sell almost any of their mugs & bowls, but when my wife went last year, they wouldn't sell her anything.

Had a similar experience as your wife at the Beverly Hills location last year. Asked about purchasing a mug or bowl and was told they weren't for sale. I'm interested to find out what the corporate level has to say.

Thanks to all of you who are looking into this!

mriddle posted on 01/21/2004

Thanks guys for the info. Trader Vics definately does sell the Mai Tai glasses and the Cocnut mugs. In fact, on my trip to San Francisco last week, I went to the original TV. I picked up 2 Mai Tai classes. The also sold a larger "pint-like" glass (same design) and quite a few hawaiian shirts with the TV logos or images. They also had very expensive TV cufflinks. The coconut cups come when you order a specific drink on the menu (can't remember the name) for about $8.

mriddle posted on 01/22/2004

Anyone heard anything about the Trader Vic's Moai scorpion bowl? I e-mailed their customer service from their web site, but haven't heard anything back yet. I could kick myself for not asking when I was there!!!

The Monitors posted on 01/23/2004

Someone from Trader Vic's corporate Wholesale called me and told me that they do not sell to individuals, but only to the restuarants. She did say that the it is up to each restaurant's discresion if they want to sell their surplus or not. Some TV have gift shops and some don't . She said the best bet is to go to the Emmeryville TV, because that's their flagship restaurant and their gift shop always has surplus. The Rum barrel is not for sale, but the scorpion, somoan fog cutter, the tahitian, the mai tai, the aloha coconut, and the moai scorpion bowl is for sale. Moai is going for $30.

OceaOtica posted on 01/23/2004

i guess i have a reason to head up to emmeryville, got to get some funds first. thank you again for the update

mriddle posted on 01/26/2004

OK, finally got an email back Trader Vics', and the Vice President at that. In the message Frank T.(Ted) Hittell wrote that they do in fact sell their scorpion bowls even though they are not on the web site. He didn't give a price but said to call Gail in Customer service after Wed. 28th (on vacation) and she will "set you up".

Feelin Zombified posted on 10/28/2004

On 2004-01-22 16:14, The Monitors wrote:
Someone from Trader Vic's corporate Wholesale called me and told me that they do not sell to individuals, but only to the restuarants.... The Rum barrel is not for sale, but the scorpion, somoan fog cutter, the tahitian, the mai tai, the aloha coconut, and the moai scorpion bowl is for sale. Moai is going for $30.

Some updates...

for my birthday, Mrs. Zombified ordered me some goods from TV's. The good news is that Gail in customer service hinted at the fact that they considering and/or are in the process of adding their mugs & bowls to their online store (!!!) Very cool indeed.

The problem with my order is that I was really hoping for a Moai Bowl, but when my wife was describing it over the phone, they had never heard it called a "Moai Scorpion Bowl" and in the confusion I received this:

Which is great, but I already have one. Now I've heard this called a Hula Bowl, Aloha Bowl, Scorpion Bowl, etc. I really am beginning to think that Trader Vic's calls their mugs something completely different from our "street" names (so to speak). Example, the packing slip listed the Skull mug as a "Hot Buttered Rum Skull Mug". It can be confusing to say the least.

Until they're available online, can anyone shed some light on names? Also, what is the "Tahitian"? I probably know it, just not by name.

Photos please.


Tiki Royale posted on 10/28/2004

If I remember correctly...
The Moai bowl which you seek (brown, triangular bowl with 3 moai heads) is used to serve the "Tiki Bowl".
Lady Royale managed to drop one in her purse when we were at TV's for my birthday!

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/28/2004

The TV bowl you want is the one made by Tepco and as Al says, is THICK. It's vitrified.

(I'd post a picture of mine, but my interest in this thread is waning)

Paulamir posted on 03/01/2007

I went to Trader Vics in Beverly Hills last night. Was a super good time, and I asked if I could buy some glasses they told me No, that i would have to get online and order them from the website, but there is no order option on the website. I wonder if this is because they are closing down soon.

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