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Tiki Bob Art Show at Tonga Hut NoHo Sunday, March 23rd!

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tobunga posted on 02/21/2014


Tonga Hut is celebrating everybody's favorite Tiki Icon with another Tiki Bob themed Art Show!

Tonga Hut: 12808 Victory Blvd. North Hollywood, Ca

The fun kicks off at 2pm with vending and art show in the parking lot... vending until 6pm (but if there's a demand, we can continue after sundown... that was a big success at Tiki Wonderland!)

Then the party continues inside when The New Caledonians rock the Hut with awesome exotica at 6pm. And just WHO are The New Caledonians? Well, they're New! But they have impeccable tiki pedigree, check 'em out and hear and see!

DJ Tonga Tom will be spinning tiki tunes, and Durango Tacos (aka the Taco Lady) will be whipping up delish dishes!

New Issue release of Tiki Magazine & More!

There are no more vending spots left! Thanks to all the vendors for signing up! If you're interested in being put on the wait list, please PM me here or email me at ericoctober@gmail.com. Vending fee is 20.00.

And calling all tiki artists!!! Still taking submissions for the art show! The theme is TIKI BOB, which has proven to be quite an inspirational subject, so get your creative tiki juices flowing! There will be some great prizes awarded for "Bob In Show"!

PM me here or email me at ericoctober@gmail.com if you would like to be part of the art show!

Check out the fine wares from these vendors:
Mahalo Tiki
Rebecca Lord
Eric October
Johnnie Velour
Filthy Midget
Terry Wlbrt
Mimsy B's Kitsch Korner
Taka Plumeria
Viva Dulce Marina
Jonathan Morrill
Martini Kings

Art Show includes:
Rebecca Lord
Eric October
Scott Mabbutt
Johnnie Velour
Wendy Cevola
John Mulder
Jessica Kreig Hendron
Jonathan Morrill
Sherman Chan
Tiki tOny

It's gonna be fun!

See everybody on March 23rd!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2014-03-21 20:47 ]

tobunga posted on 02/25/2014

Aloha everybody!

Jonnie Velour has joined the like up of vendors and art show!

And NorCal will be represented by awesome work of Wendy Cevola in the art show!

It's gonna be good!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2014-02-25 14:05 ]

tobunga posted on 02/27/2014

These great vendors just joined the line up:
Terry Wlbrt
Filthy Midget

Awesome artists added to the art show:
John Mulder
Jessica Kreig Hendron

Wow, it's gonna be a great event!

tobunga posted on 03/05/2014

Great new vendors coming on board:
Mimsy B's Kitsch Korner
Taka Plumeria

There are only a few vending spots left, let me know if yer interested!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2014-03-05 12:30 ]

GROG posted on 03/07/2014

GROG in production mode:

Moai Bowl

Don't worry, GROG making Tiki Bob crap too:

Chippy posted on 03/10/2014


tobunga posted on 03/10/2014

The new issue of Tiki Magazine & More will be debuting at the show...

Featuring cover art by me!(superexcited about that!) and coverage of the new Tonga Hut in Palm Springs!

bigtikidude posted on 03/11/2014

Congrats Eric, looks awesome!
I dig all yer chalk on black art.

Jeff btd

GROG posted on 03/11/2014

Congrats on the cover, Eric. Welcome to the club.

GROG posted on 03/11/2014

Damned double post.

[ Edited by: GROG 2014-03-10 19:41 ]

tobunga posted on 03/11/2014

Mahalos BigTikiDude and Grog!
It's quite an honor!

Here are some completed pieces for the Tiki Bob show:

For the first show I did a Moai Bob, here is another version, slightly different design.

And here is a representation of TIki Bob from a vintage Tiki Bob's menu (not sure, but I thought I read something about it being a wine list?)
Kind of a fat Bob, or as someone remarked, "Tiki Blob"!

More stuff in the works, I'll post more photos soon!

bigtikidude posted on 03/12/2014

Sqauty Bob

GROG posted on 03/12/2014

I think BTD was trying to spell Squatty Bob.

bigtikidude posted on 03/12/2014

"Do or do not, there is no try"
I put 2 Ts, at first, but it didn't look right either.

Too bad you don't get paid to be the Spelling Police Grog.

Jeff btd

tobunga posted on 03/12/2014

These fine vendors have filled out the last spaces:
Viva Dulce Marina
Jonathan Morrill
Martini Kings

And we'll see some great pieces from these artists in the show:
Jonathan Morrill
Sherman Chan
Tiki tOny

There are quite a few vendors who will be debuting their work for the first time ever at a tiki event, so there will be lots of great and varied items to complement our usual roster of amazing vendors!

There are no more vending spots left! Thanks to all the vendors for signing up! If you're interested in being put on the wait list, please PM me here or email me at ericoctober@gmail.com. Vending fee is 20.00.

And calling all tiki artists!!! Still taking submissions for the art show! The theme is TIKI BOB, which has proven to be quite an inspirational subject, so get your creative tiki juices flowing! There will be some great prizes awarded for "Bob In Show"!

PM me here or email me at ericoctober@gmail.com if you would like to be part of the art show!

...And Tiki Bob's yer uncle, this is going to be a awesome event!


[ Edited by: tobunga 2014-03-12 12:18 ]

tonga hut posted on 03/13/2014

OceaOtica posted on 03/16/2014

Hoping I will get two one off mugs completed for the show, either way I will be attending. Looking forward to more interpretations of the classic Bob and to seeing folks, as it is likely my last Tonga Hut show before moving.
Here is what i have thus far on greenware, progress on a PNG inspired Bob

bigtikidude posted on 03/18/2014

Looking forward to seeing the band

GROG posted on 03/18/2014

Yes we know. :roll:

GROG posted on 03/18/2014

Cass, what's this about you moving? Hope you get your stuff done in time for the show. I can fire for you if Ceramic Castle can't.

[ Edited by: GROG 2014-03-18 00:21 ]

GROG posted on 03/18/2014

Wasted a day yesterday driving to orange county to get some clay and supplies and then trying to make the main piece for the show. Apparently I need another pair of hands to help make it, but my roommate is out of town, so I all I did was make a mess and wasted more time cleaning it up. So yesterday was a wash, and now I really have to bust butt to finish what I do have by this weekend. Lots of glazing and firing this week. Down to the wire as usual-- Dammitall.

tobunga posted on 03/18/2014

Hey Cass! Your piece looks great! Hope you can finish it in time!

Oh no Grog! Sorry to hear about your ceramic troubles! Hope you can get your piece finished in time... you still have a few days, I'm sure have something up your sleeve that you can pull out of your hat! Wait, do cavemen wear clothes? And did I just mangle a metaphor?

I'm waiting for my final pieces to pick up, I'll post when I've got 'em... and Ceramic Castle's kilns are on the blink, so fingers crossed I'll have stuff to show too!

GROG posted on 03/18/2014

I'll be firing a few times before Sunday, so let me know if you need something fired, and I'll see if I can fit it in.

bigtikidude posted on 03/19/2014

Found this about the band on the Net:

The debut performance of The New Caledonians!!

Who are The New Caledonians? No one knows for sure...it's a rag-tag brotherhood of musical outcasts assembled in the deepest recesses of a mysterious French penal colony on the remote island of New Caledonia. Imprisoned for a crime they didn't commit after being washed ashore from a horrendous boating accident involving a giant squid, The New Caledonians all awoke simultaneously after being pronounced dead in the prison infirmary. Considered a miracle, they immediately drew the attention of the resident prison guru and musical genius, the Indian mystic Baba Baksheesh, who it was thought had died from eating bad pork decades earlier. Baba took the three under his wing and proceeded to teach them the secrets of the universe and how to play mysterious, exotic melodies on their crappy prison instruments. Baba had a limited supply of scratchy vinyl to use as instruction tools at the prison, all washed ashore on the island from a container ship that departed from San Francisco in 1968.

What could this possibly sound like? Show up at the Tonga Hut on March 23 to find out!

tobunga posted on 03/20/2014

Aloha Everybody!

Here's a look at the "Bob In Show" Ribbon for the Art Show. The Ribbon and a bottle of rum is the prize for the piece with the most votes!
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C'mon out on the 23rd and cast yer vote for "Bob in Show"!

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johnnievelour posted on 03/20/2014

I'll have a rainbow of Bobs at the show. No mold is used, each one is individually made on wheel then I shape the face.

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 03/20/2014

Nice job Eric, Cass, and Johnnie! Can't wait to see everyone on Sunday!
Here's what I've got so far. Two hand built Bob's at 9.25" inches and 17.75".
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I also have a scorpion bowl on the way and will be vending my ceramic wares. I'll have handmade tiki mugs, lamps, pendants, hanging coconut planters, Nuka Hiva planters, and mid-century modern lidded jars.

OceaOtica posted on 03/21/2014

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Hey Grog, that's right, this is most likely my last Tonga Hut show.
We are packin it up and moving to Georgia in June. Thanks for the offer to fire;
I only had time for the one Bob, which is currently glaze firing.
Pictured is it at the greenware stage. Fingers crossed it turns out.
See you guys on Sunday!

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TikiRootsRocka posted on 03/21/2014

In addition to my Tiki Bob pieces in the show, I'll also have a booth packed with my handmade pieces.
Some big Moai that are all about 18" tall. They're food and drink safe and hold about 70 ounces of booze...if you've got a straw that's long enough.
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Marquesan Lamp
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A set of three mid-century modern style lidded jars
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Lidded tapa jar and Nuka Hiva booze barrels
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And, kind of a coconut theme. To start, coconut mugs with the same Marquesan inspired design from above.
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An assortment of lidded coconut jars. Stash jars, matches, lighters, salt, you name it.
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Huge coconut mug with removable lid and straw holes. Holds about 36 ounces. I'll only have one on hand.
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Hanging coconut planters
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Thanks for looking and I'll see you Sunday!

***If you're interested in seeing my daily ceramics updates, please follow me on Instagram...Jungle Modern Ceramics or #junglemodern

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robtikiti posted on 03/22/2014

Taka Plumeria will be selling for the first time at this weekendā€™s Tiki Bob Art Show at the Tonga Hut!

What would make a more lovely addition to your home tiki bar or outdoor Polynesian party than lovely tropical flowers?

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When you think of Hawaii you think of leis and when you think of leis you think of Plumeria!

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This Sunday, youā€™ll be able to choose from live potted Plumeria plants or cuttings.

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Plumeria are among the most iconic tropical flowers and grow throughout the Pacific, from Asia to South America.

Donā€™t have a green thumb? Plumeria are hearty and thrive in Southern California.

Youā€™ve got the tiki mugs. Youā€™ve got the aloha shirts. Youā€™ve got nine varieties of rum. Add something beautiful and living that smells wonderful to your exotic lifestyle!


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bongofury posted on 03/22/2014

Hi Robā€¦..do you have any orange plumeria?

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robtikiti posted on 03/22/2014

On 2014-03-21 17:21, bongofury wrote:
Hi Robā€¦..do you have any orange plumeria?

Hi Bongo, If you're talking about something like this then no, I do not.

The others that I have are a deep burgundy/red and a yellow/white with fuller, rounder petals, though I wasn't planning on having cuttings of either this weekend.

tobunga posted on 03/22/2014

This just in:

The awesome art of OceaOtica and Bongofury will be joining the art show!

I am SO excited about this event, it's gonna be great!

tobunga posted on 03/22/2014

Aloha everybody!

Here are some more pieces I'll have at the event:

This TIki Bob is based on another vintage menu... I love the look of this Bob, so cartoony and two dimensional... which was a challenge trying to render it as a 3D object!
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The tapa design on the menu was the inspiration for the design on the event art. Here is the original cut paper art, which will be in the art show!
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The Tonga Hut logo was a separate element that I added in later. This original piece will be available at my booth!
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Here is some other new pieces... Two platters based on Solomon Islands paddle designs!
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Really excited about this event, it's going to be so much fun!

See everybody on Sunday!

GROG posted on 03/22/2014

Everybody's stuff is looking good. GROG just finish glazing GROG' butt off, and now stuff is in the kiln cooking. We'll see how much crap came out well enough to bring to the show tomorrow when GROG can open the kiln. Had 3 main pieces that GROG wanted to do for the show, that GROG was unable to get done.

The aftermath of the glazing table in the kitchen:

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bigtikidude posted on 03/23/2014

On 2014-03-22 16:43, GROG wrote:
Had 3 main pieces that GROG wanted to do for the show, that GROG was unable to get done.

Yes we know.

Jeff btd

GROG posted on 03/23/2014

GROG looking forward to seeing everybody tomorrow, even bigtikidud.

GROG posted on 03/23/2014

Oops! Forgot the E . That was supposed to say, "even bigtikidude."

tobunga posted on 03/23/2014

Are you sure that was a typo Grog? heh heh...

Looking forward to a great event!

See everyone tomorrow at the Hut!

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bigbrotiki posted on 03/23/2014

Wish I wus there!

But I am stuck hereā€¦

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GROG posted on 03/23/2014

We'll miss you bigbro.

Cracked the kiln lid open, but haven't opened it all the way yet. It's still cooling. Here's what I do have so far that I'm bringing.

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GROG posted on 03/23/2014

And the rest I'm bringing.

A couple of other Bob Bowls
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May not sale the Moai Bowl, want to do some glazing on it. but I'm bringing it.
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The middle mug is Kirby Bob by Kirby done for the 1st Tiki Bob show made from a Tiki Bob blank (basic Bob shaped mug with no detail) that I had. He had some glaze issues, so I reglazed him. He'll be in the art show. You'll have to talk to Kirby if you want to buy him. The one on the right is Faux Bob also made from a Tiki Bob blank.
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S&P's and some more shots.
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Fez Moai posted on 03/23/2014

Those look great, Grog!

tobunga posted on 03/24/2014

Well everyone can rest assured that Grog had a complete sell out of his awesome art (or almost... I think there was one piece left?)



What a great event!!!

Mucho Mahalos to every one who participated!

Thank you to all the INCREDIBLE vendors who came out to sell their spectacular tiki wares and the artists who contributed work to the art show... CONGRATS to Scott Mabbutt for the win in the art show...

Thank you to Marie King and the TERRIFIC Tonga Hut Crew who kept everyone content and cocktailed-up!
Thank you to the INCREDIBLE Tonga Tom and Sherriyaki for keeping everything on track and flowing smoothly in the vending/art show space!
Thank you to The New Caledonians for rocking the Hut with your MESMERIZING music!
Thank you to all the AMAZING amount of people who came out to support the event!
Thank you to Amy and everyone behind the scenes at Tonga Hut for keeping the OLDEST TIKI ESTABLISHMENT IN THE EPICENTER OF TIKI CULTURE GOING STRONG FOR 55+ YEARS!!!

And a special MAHALO to Manuel for helping to keep me from going completely insane (I only went partially insane)!

[ Edited by: tobunga 2014-03-24 12:10 ]

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Joe Banks posted on 03/24/2014

Thanks Eric! Thanks all the Tonga Hut ohana! It was a blast!
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Chippy posted on 03/24/2014

The show was great.

I was able to get a few great Bob mugs and say hello to almost all the wonderful artists.

Thank you to Eric and the Tonga Hut staff for putting this show on and helping me to expand my Tiki Bob collection.

And, congrats to Joe Banks who took home the ribbon for best in show. Your piece was great and a well deserved win.

Thanks again to all.

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forgotten tikiman posted on 03/24/2014

Great event! Had a blast over the weekend. Good to see some friendly faces. Scored myself some cool stuff too. :D

GROG posted on 03/24/2014

Thanks Tobunga and the whole Tonga Hut crew for an awesome event. It was great getting to see everybody and meeting new people like Chippy. Thanks everybody who bought GROG' crap. It was much appreciated, especially since GROG not working right now. The new Tiki Magazine and More looks great. Congrats Amy and the rest on doing a swell job putting the magazine together. I'll try and keep the momentum going and do more ceramics, so keep your eyes out for more GROG' Crap.

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