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Eric October's insane tiki art. Update 04.14.13 Page 6. Ceramics, black paper drawings & nuttiness!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/18/2013

I agree... in humbled stunned awe...GREAT! GOOGLY! MOOGLY!

(Can we start an Eric October worshipping cult now?)

Tiki Shark Art posted on 04/18/2013

ALOHA fellow Eric October fans and Tiki Tribe!
I vote for THIS as my new favorite Tubunga work.

I totally think we are starting to create a sub catagory of "Tiki Art" called "Tiki Noir", or mayby "Poly-Pulp-Surrealism"?
I dig drawing dark tiki bars and mysterious looking compositions for a what could be a Noir-Pulp" story about a tiki culture, and now I'm excited to see Eric and some other artist also. RAWK on Tugunga! Wow, you can create anything!

GROG posted on 04/18/2013

Tobunga do SO MUCH awesome art, it hard for GROG to pick a favorite.

Or Got Rum? posted on 04/18/2013

Eric, Your work is amazing...I love the way you move into different mediums without skipping a beat. You (along w/ LLT and others) have inspired me to start painting again...TIKI style. OGR

tobunga posted on 04/19/2013

Aloha everybody!

Thanks for the kind words... the post only looks impressive because it's months and months of stuff I've been too busy creating to find the time to get up here on TC...

Mad Dog Mike - I was very pleased with the Islander mug... it's usually a crap shoot for me with ceramics, and it's nice when something works out OK!
Bummed we missed Mojave, hopefully we'll be at the next event!

Grog - there are a few pieces that were commissions or gifts, so they never made an appearance at any tiki events, and are being seen by a wider audience for the first time. Funny you want to get back to hand-built ceramics... I'm dying to get some molded stuff done! Thanks for the kind words, inspiration, and invaluable advise!!!

Philot... Thanks! The black paper drawings are similar in principle to velvet paintings, but the technique is much quicker... I dunnno if I'd have the patience to slowly build up the layers that velvet paintings require! Maybe GREAT! GOOGLY! MOOGLY! can be my catchphrase!

Hale Tiki - I'm having fun coming up with ideas for bowls... I have several in mind that still require figuring out the logistics of bring them to life... I seem to have a knack of coming up with ideas that are ridiculously difficult to execute.

Big Kahuna - Glad you like! I feel I'm less an art machine and more of a slave to my crazy brain that won't let me stop making things... help!

Tabu - Thanks! I know it's kind of an avalanche of a post, so I'm glad to hear that individual pieces stand out and it's not a mind-numbing blur!

Big Bro - a complement from you is praise on the highest order! I'm humbled!

Wendy - Thanks for getting ebTiki's mug off to him! I'm working on your cassowary bowl now... sculpted the legs and body, still have to do the neck and head, attach, and detail... see you at Caliente with cassowary in tow!

Brad - You are one of my tiki heroes... thanks for the inspiration! I like that concept... "Poly-Pulp-Surrealism"... you definitely have that style down!

Or Got Rum? - Thanks! I guess I just go with what ever medium works best for an idea! Is your work posted anywhere we can see?

Mahalos again everybody!
Yer Pal,
Eric October

Tiki Delights posted on 05/10/2013

Wow Eric! you've been very busy....so cool and varied. Love the Tiki Bob's mugs and anything Islander. the Tiki Noir pencil drawing is great...excellent views of all the old Tiki palaces.....congrats!

danlovestikis posted on 05/11/2013

Hi Eric, that's exciting to hear. See you in a few days, Wendy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/11/2013

By now TC knows I am honest about what I think of the art here, I am proud
to say we actually own several of the works posted here by Eric
and when I say this is the good stuff, I mean it.

danlovestikis posted on 05/14/2013

Hi Eric, we will be able to pick up VampiressRN's Islander bowl when you have it ready. I just looked at all of your art for inspiration for the TO13 art show. You are so incredibly talented. I just have to marvel at everything you do. Hugs, Wendy

Hale Tiki posted on 05/16/2013

All I know is that it's a damn shame I don't have any of your mugs/bowls in my collection.

Zombie Oasis posted on 08/06/2013

really like the colored pencil on black paper. great work!

SandraDee posted on 04/01/2014

Eric I am pretty sure its time for an update my friend!!

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