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Attn: AZ Tikiphiles - Sept get-together

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vwtikigirl posted on 01/08/2004

All of these California events are depressing. We need something going on in AZ. Who's in?

[ Edited by: vwtikigirl on 2004-09-05 11:58 ]

tikitucson posted on 01/08/2004

I'm interested (and I'll go ahead and speak for a few others I know in Tucson). Where in AZ are you?

vwtikigirl posted on 01/08/2004

I'm in mesa, but tucson isn't too far of a drive. It's much better than driving all the way to LA. I still haven't been to Kon-Tiki. Maybe we could switch off between tucson and phoenix if we get some more people up here.

weirduncletiki posted on 01/08/2004

Aloha, Arizona! As a frequent visitor to your fine state, it'd be swell to hear about tiki gatherings and discoveries in the desert. Any new reports on Drift?

-Weird Unc

Hina posted on 01/08/2004

Sign me up for any tiki related events in AZ. Kon Tiki is great, the Drift is great...we could hold our breath for the Trader Vic's that we're supposed to get next year...

Since I'm pretty new here, I just don't know how many AZ folks are on here. Let's get something together soon!


martiki posted on 01/09/2004

There was just a great show on the Travel Channel last night about the Shady Dell Trailer Park in Bisbee, AZ - I'm sure everyone has heard of it. They have a converted yacht you can stay in with loads of nautical knick knacks and a pair of big tikis out front. That would be a killer place to get together for drinks.

Jungle Trader posted on 01/09/2004

Yup, wasn't that the same show with the Teardrop trailers, those are very cool.

swillypuddy posted on 01/09/2004

I'm in, but only for Phoenix events. Tuscon is too far for me.

vwtikigirl posted on 01/13/2004

Since swilypuddy can't make tucson events, maybe we should try the first one in Phoenix. I saw thinking maybe a saturday afternoon to make it easier for those that have to drive from other cities. How does Jan 24th sound? If that's too soon, we could try February some time.

Cultjam posted on 01/13/2004

Of course, I can't make the 24th. It just figures.

vwtikigirl posted on 01/14/2004

cultjam ... I haven't heard from anyone else regarding the 24th ... so let's plan another day.

Any suggestions from anyone?

swillypuddy posted on 01/14/2004

I can't make it the 24th either. I'll be at Disneyland :)
Feb may work, though not the weekend of the Palm Springs Modernism show.


vwtikigirl posted on 01/15/2004

Well it's official. The 24th is out. Any weekend except Valentine's weekend works for me. Pick a date and I'm there.

thegarz posted on 01/15/2004

Hey, this may sound crazee, but I am 60 miles west of Yuma. I would be interested in joining you guys on a Saturday (or Friday nite) in Phoenix--why not??--it would be like a 4 hr drive for me one way....LMK...

tikilab posted on 01/16/2004

I am in Phoenix too (South Phoenix to be vaguely exact). Count me in!

vwtikigirl posted on 01/18/2004

Let's try this date thing again...

How is saturday february 7th\at the Drift Lounge in scottsdale?

Cultjam posted on 01/21/2004

I'm in for the 7th!

Not terribly important but Drift just scored a perfect 100 on it's last health inspection.

On the downside, the Evil Bastard drink is now being served in the U Bastard mug, which I'm sure saves money but doesn't have the magnificent stern demeanor of Evil Bastard. I doubt most of their original stock of Bastards wound up broken though, they should have offered them for sale, it's Scottsdale after all.

Cousin Dave posted on 01/21/2004

Hey fellow tiki heads,
Just found this AZ. based forum and am also definitely excited about trying to get something going in the Phoenix area. Just recently arrived out here from Detroit area. Has anyone heard of or been to the Bikini Lounge on Grand Ave. near downtown? It's very cool-actually now lays claim as being the oldest tiki bar in metro Phoenix. It has become a hot spot for the artsy urban dwellers, especially on the first Friday evening of each month(First Friday art gallery open houses in downtown.) Also, is anyone planning on road tripping to the Tiki Convention in Palm Springs on the weekend of May 7-9? Also, if anyone is interested in a great weekend music festival-The Coachella Festival is happening in Indio, Ca. the weekend prior(May 1-2.)with Radiohead being one of the headlining bands. Hope to hear some feedback from you all soon.

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-01-21 13:03 ]

DebAloha posted on 01/22/2004

Aloha to you all. I will be looking forward to meeting you guys on feb. 7th at the Drift and also in palm springs in may.

[ Edited by: debaloha on 2004-01-22 11:11 ]

cheeky half posted on 01/23/2004

Mr cheeky half and I will try and make it. What time are we talking?

vwtikigirl posted on 01/23/2004

Timewise, I was thinking 2 or 3. That way we could beat the college crowd that will probably show up later in the evening. What do you guys think?

Cousin Dave posted on 01/23/2004

Aloha all,

I just contacted the Drift Lounge and found out that it doesn't open for business until 5:00 p.m. So, we'll have to make plans based on that-Looking forward to it!~~Cousin Dave

vwtikigirl posted on 01/23/2004

CousinDave - thanks for looking into that. I didn't even consider the fact that they wouldn't be open until then. So let's plan on 5pm.

weirduncletiki posted on 01/24/2004

Aloha, Arizona! Have a blast at Drift. I hope you have such a good time that you'll want to do it all again about 10 days later when I'm in town! I'll post again when my schedule is finalized, but as of now, it looks as if I'll be in The Valley of The Sun around the 17th of February. It sure would be swell to hook up with y'all at Drift, Bikini Lounge or other AZ hot spot. Hope to see you soon.

-Weird Uncle Tiki

Cultjam posted on 01/25/2004

VWTG, you get started EARLY. Ok, 5 it is.

swillypuddy posted on 01/29/2004

I MIGHT be in Phx at that time. I'm still working it out.

vwtikigirl posted on 01/29/2004

Weird Uncle Tiki - the 17th is my husband's b-day, so that's a no-go for me, but if it's another day let me know.

SwillyPuddy - Hopefully you can make it, the more the merrier.

Tiki Tucson - any word from the tucson gang?

weirduncletiki posted on 01/29/2004

On 2004-01-29 11:16, vwtikigirl wrote:
Weird Uncle Tiki - the 17th is my husband's b-day, so that's a no-go for me, but if it's another day let me know.

I'll be in town for a few days and will post again as it gets closer and I know my schedule for sure. Mahalo!

-Weird Unc

vwtikigirl posted on 02/02/2004

Hey AZ folks! The 7th is quickly approaching. Let's get a roll call, who's in for Drify Lounge at 5pm?

I'll be bringing myself and Mr. vwtikigirl or we can just call him vwtikiboy.

Cultjam posted on 02/02/2004

Will be there with my boyfriend or we can call him oldfordpickup guy.

cheeky half posted on 02/04/2004

I don't thing that Mr cheeky half and I will be able to make it. Hopefully we can get together the next time around.

MustDangSally posted on 02/05/2004

I'm in Ahwatukee (Phoenix). We gotta get together. We've lost Volcano Grill.
I'm interested in finding AZ tki bars and meeting up to give them our business too. Let me in on it!



MustDangSally posted on 02/05/2004

Well, I should have read the whole thread before I posted! I'll be at the Drift Feb 7th then, but I won't be able to get there until after 6:30pm

vwtikigirl posted on 02/05/2004

I used to live in Ahwatukee and went to Volcano Grill almost weekly. A few months back we were in the area and stopped by only to find it closed. It may not have been tiki, but had a nice tropical feel. Sorry to see it close.

MustDangSally posted on 02/05/2004

Yeah, it wasn't quite a Lounge, but still had some good jerk and patio seating with Tiki pole.

[ Edited by: mustdangsally on 2004-02-06 20:36 ]

cheeky tiki lady posted on 02/05/2004

Hi there. Hey I just stumbled across all you folks in Arizona talking about a Tiki event.
My husband and I would love to join you at the Drift Saturday, February 7th. He and I have gone there a few times by ourselves but it would be much more fun with tiki folk.

vwtikigirl posted on 02/05/2004

cool ... looks like our numbers are growing! I'm excited to meet everyone.

I plan on grabbing a table under the name Tiki Central, so when you arrive just ask for us. Hope to see you all there.

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It was great to meet the AZ Tikifiles at Drift tonight. What a sweet bunch of people. And good looking too!
Looking forward to next meetup.

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I certainly second that emotion!-MustDang Sally. I had a great time-Thanks again to a really cool group of people for showing up this evening and lighting the AZ tiki torch. Look forward to seeing everyone again soon~~Cousin Dave

[ Edited by: Cousin Dave on 2004-02-07 22:43 ]

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Just got home. I also want to say I had a great time! I look forward to our next venture. We're well on our way to getting the AZ scene up and running.

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I'd love to see the pictures too (even if they're blurry)

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It was great meeting everyone last night! Can't wait to do this again.

Ok, will post the pics a little later. Maybe it was the candle light, maybe I should learn how to use the camera!!

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The pix looked OK in the view finder to me. Feel free to email them, if you would rather.
I think I'll copy the VW's and start a collection of Tiki pix from every visit.

BTW; Those interested in exotica might want to stop by Hollywood Alley Feb 26th to see my pal Scott Wexton perform voodoo organ and theramin. I plan to reserve a table for RAB AZ.

[ Edited by: mustdangsally on 2004-02-08 16:27 ]

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AFYI-the band that I mentioned at the TC get together last night at Drift, "Major Lingo"(good party band which attracts a lot of bohemian type hippie-dippies)will also have an upcoming show at the Hollywood Alley on Sat, Feb. 21st. If anyone is interested, give me a hollar in the interim~~Cousin Dave

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Hi there everyone. I am really bummed that I missed the Drift Saturday night. We are in the process of moving and we just had too much to do.Which bums me out because I could have used a really big drink.
I am definately interested in more Tiki Events. Hopefully my back yard will be up for hosting some of them in the near future.

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Arizona Tikiphiles are an elusive group. Witness here the group picture blurred to protect the identities of the guilty.

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From left: MustDangSally, Cousin Dave, VWTikigirl and VWTikiboy and their tiki friends who have yet to be snared into the venerable universe that is Tiki Central.

If you look closely, Shecky #118 is standing proud next to the red U Bastard mug on the table. Shecky had to retreat to the side, the staff kept trying to clear him off the table!

Lika Lika

[ Edited by: Cultjam on 2004-02-09 23:19 ]

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Thanks Cultjam. That picture is pretty funny. Sure am glad we begged for that. haha. Oh well, we'll try again next time, which for all you AZ folks who missed the last one is going to be March 6th after Art Detour, we still need to decide on the details.

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