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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Vintage table

Pages: 1 4 replies

Atomicchick posted on 01/17/2004

I know this doesn't have anything to do with tiki, but it is around the tiki area. I'm looking for a tulip dining room table with chairs (4-6). Does anybody out there have one available for sale?

boutiki posted on 01/17/2004

We do, but I don't know if you want to pay the shipping all the way out to California.

Atomicchick posted on 01/18/2004

If you could send me an e-mail with the price and some pics. Do you know the approximate cost of shipping?

Kanaka posted on 01/21/2004

We've got a cool amber lucite and travertine one in the store. It's on eBay. The owner of the store said we could do 20% off. I know it's expensive but it's really cool.


Atomicchick posted on 01/21/2004

Yikes! $2500? There is one here that is black instead of brown for $900. Not really looking for the 70's disco type. Thank you though. :)

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