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Location of 1960's Tiki in Oahu

Pages: 1 8 replies

daemongray posted on 04/24/2014

Hello all, my boss has a picture of a tiki from 1960's Oahu. I was hoping someone could please tell us what location this came from.

[ Edited by: daemongray 2014-04-23 20:19 ]

Dustycajun posted on 04/24/2014

Nice photo. Reminds me of the Tikis from the Waikiki Shopping District on Kalakaua
Ave, but it is not a Fernwood Tiki.

Looks like a job for Phillip Roberts.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/24/2014

On 2014-04-23 20:19, daemongray wrote:

I wonder if that's the original source reference carving for this one's face:

Looks like it to me...

Buzzy Out!

Gibbo posted on 04/24/2014

Hi there,
I understand this was from the International Marketplace according to a photo I saw recently of the same tiki.

Dustycajun posted on 04/24/2014

On 2014-04-24 02:24, Gibbo wrote:
Hi there,
I understand this was from the International Marketplace according to a photo I saw recently of the same tiki.


I think you are right! I found this image on a 1950s Hawaiian shirt that depicted scenes from the International Marketplace that loos like the Tiki holding up the roof to the store entrance.

It also looks to be this same Tiki from this IMP brochure.

Wonder what store it was in front of?


SandraDee posted on 04/24/2014

Man you guys are good!

I like that original blurry vintage photo. Great looking tiki and good eye Buzzy!

Phillip Roberts posted on 04/25/2014

Oh, you beat me too it! :).

Wonder what store it was in front of?

Woods of Hawaii Shop!

Waikiki Tiki; Art, History, and Photographs.
Available now from Bess Press Hawaii.

[ Edited by: Phillip Roberts 2014-04-24 17:51 ]

[ Edited by: Phillip roberts 2014-04-24 18:16 ]

Dustycajun posted on 05/10/2014


Now I can make out the writing on the shirt, Woods of Hawaii it is!

Here is another photo of the IMP Tiki that I saw on the Tiki Erotica thread.

Have not heard back from the original poster for whom we solved this mystery.


martian-tiki posted on 05/11/2014

likewise this is the other image of the international market place Tiki. from page 21 of the above mentioned thread.

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