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Gecko mug (update info)!!

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GECKO posted on 01/23/2004

Here's a another update:

I will start a pre-order thread on the 28th of Jan in the collecting forum. These mugs will come signed and numbered to 300. They are $35ea.

This is the info I will need from everyone.
shippin' address (no po boxes), tel nr (daytime) & email address. 1 mug per address.
Holden will then get that info and contact everyone for the creditcard numbers etc...

Please do not type "I want one or sold" just email me as soon as I start the preorder post not befor hand please. I will post my email address link on the post or here it is now: dakai1995@aol.com

first come first serve. Your emails will be kept in order. I will stop taking emails the last day of Feb because I will be off island almost all of march on buisness.

Like I said these mugs are on pre-order to the ohana here on TC first and the rest of the world in a few weeks. 45 to 60 days is when the production should be ready according to braddah Holden.

Mahaloz Plenny to you all!

Live Aloha!!

Aloha firends and collectors, here is my first mug available threw Tiki Farm SOON!

I've been known for my drum design tikis and wanted to put it into my mug designz as well. This is the only one on the market like it...... until someone from china probubly copyies my design and bypasses my copywrite.

If you go to my website you can see me carving the actuall tiki on the top right of the page. http://www.geckotiki.com

anyways, this is my first mug out on the market and not the last. Watch out for more gecko drum style mugs comming summer of 2004.

Alohaz to braddah Holden of "Da Farm" and my man Squid! yu braddahz did a great job!

I forgot to tell you da story behind da tiki which transfers into the mug.

I carved the orignal Exotica Tiki for the honorable Mr. Martin Denny and his daughter whom I love for giving me the oppertunity to carve him this challange.....yes challange because I was thinking about the master and what a challange it was to brain storm for an idea. I actually put it off for sometime because I was honostly nervous! So, one day I threw on my exotica cd and just started drawing a image on the log because it was time to stop waisting time. I had the song on repeat the whole time I carved it for inspiration and I fanally came out with a concept.

So, here is the story,
I wanted to include all of his band members somehow in this tiki because I feel they were a BIG part of making the honorable Mr. Denny the master of exotica and the living legend that he is today. So I included the band members on the bottom which are the small tikis around the base holding Mr. Denny up which is the main tiki on top. so there is 5 tikis around the base to honor Arthur Lyman, August Colon, Harvey Ragsdale, and Julius Wechter....Soooo, whos the 5th tiki on the base? ME. I carved it common! I wanted to hold up MR. Denny to! No just kidding, actually it represents the state of Havaii and US his fans! Yes you all here at TC are a part of that mug to because of your dedication to tiki. OHANA right? So this is no ordinary mug to me, it really means a lot, its a very special peice and I hope who ever gets it cherishes this mug as I will.

That is the true story behind the carving for you to know too now. Mr.Denny already knows it. So go and spread da word!

Live Aloha

oh ya go buy Mr.Dennys Baked Alaska cd. You can here him talk story when he was younger man.

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-24 18:36 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-27 02:05 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-27 09:22 ]

[ Edited by: GECKO on 2004-01-27 09:24 ]

tikichic posted on 01/23/2004

Hey Gecko! Very nice. I like, I like. Are those open cut outs on the base? Do you know what the retail will be yet?

Great work.


emspace posted on 01/23/2004

Oh man Gecko, that is so NICE! And I really like that new Flash slideshow thing on your site, really jazzes up the page, very cool.

I am signed up for the Tiki Farm mailing list and will watch for your mugs to come up, and then I'm good for one - or all of 'em maybe!

aloha, em

OceaOtica posted on 01/23/2004

gecko, brother, that is a great mug, will definitely be picking one of those up.

thanks for the pics

keigs20 posted on 01/23/2004

Sweeeet! mug Gecko

TikiGardener posted on 01/23/2004


Awesome design!!!

Vintage schmintage!

Gotta make more room in the cabinets. Heck Gotta make new cabinets!


Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/23/2004

Congrats Gecko! and mahaloz to da Farm. I'll be pickin' dat up brah, no bulai!

Trader Woody posted on 01/23/2004

Gecko, that is a superb mug! I've been wanting a Gecko carving for years, but the crippling postage costs to Europe have made it impossible. Now I can can get the next best thing - one of the finest new mugs for years.

What's particularly cool is that it came about through your posts on Tiki Central.
Well done Smogbreather too for recognising a rare talent & coming up with a damn fine finished product.

Trader Woody

Unga Bunga posted on 01/23/2004

Congratulations my bruddah!!
How many of us here only dream that we can have a tiki mug in our “image”.
Only one, of your many ventures to come.
Only the best to our man Gecko!!

Phillip Roberts posted on 01/23/2004

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-10 13:45 ]

SES posted on 01/23/2004

Wow! One styling tiki!

Kon-Hemsby posted on 01/23/2004

when are they up for sale? I gotta have one!!!

Benzart posted on 01/23/2004

Oh Man,,,,
I Reallly Hate you now...
I'm gonna have to start collectin Mugs now, Dammit
Too awesome.

Rain posted on 01/23/2004

very very cool, gecko!

PolynesianPop posted on 01/23/2004

Good Stuff Braddah G!

Make sure to post here when it becomes available. Gotta get me one.

rustbeltcat posted on 01/23/2004

Man oh man!!!!
I gotta get one of them, That is so sharp looking, Might have to create a drink for that one!!!! (Hmmm could also use it for a VERY narrow Fondue pot, Ya know put a tea light in the space at the bottom!! LOL)
Really cool!

SallyandJay posted on 01/23/2004

Definetly need to purchase that mug!! It is great - good job Gecko!!!

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Basement Kahuna posted on 01/23/2004

I can't believe I just noticed this...That's one killer mug you've got there, Gecko...superb. I will say (at risk of sounding old-lady persnickety) I like that more than any other mug Tiki Farm has put out lately. Has that old style creativity and mana. If that doesn't sell out in short order nothing will. Congrats, braddah!

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Jeff Central posted on 01/23/2004

Hey Gecko,

Congratulations on a most beautiful mug. Must get one of these when they become available. Keep up the good work. Kind of reminds me of the Tiki you carved for Martin Denny!! AWESOME!!!!!

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Alnshely posted on 01/23/2004

Awesome, totaly awesome.

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Primo Kimo posted on 01/23/2004


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bamzeno posted on 01/23/2004

Wow Gecko, that is VERY cool! Great job and congratulations.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 01/23/2004

must... have...

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Tiki Royale posted on 01/23/2004

Ono Gecko!!

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FLOUNDERart posted on 01/23/2004

Superbadass!!! brah

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Tikitronic posted on 01/23/2004

That rules!

So - is this a tiki farm artist specific mug in the limited edition sense, or something we'll all be able to buy multiples of?

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Tiki_Bong posted on 01/23/2004


That has to be only the coolest, most original mugs I've seen! You always did have a unique style with your tikis; it just stands to reason it would follow through to anything else you did.

Good job!

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Tikiwahine posted on 01/23/2004


I'll be purchasing at least one of those as soon as they become available!

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8FT Tiki posted on 01/23/2004


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Tiki Diablo posted on 01/23/2004

That's the one!

GECKO posted on 01/23/2004

Alohaz from my beautiful islands to yours!

I'm glad you guys like my design. I wanted to come out with a little bang. I also thought about when and if our children collent mugs I wanted them to persue this mug like we do the suffering bastard or the Ren Clark mugs. Just wanted it to be different.

It is a replica of the design I did for Mr. Denny. Being that my Exotica tiki is my exsclusive peice and expensive only 2 peopo own that tiki and you already know one of the owners.
I wanted to shrink it down to a mug so everyone may have a chance to own one at a much cheaper price.

Yes, this is a Tiki Farm limited artist edition of 300 mugs. So, you might want to keep and eye out in case they do sell out?

I'm so pleased with this one my mind is ready for my next crazy mug. I will try my best to come out with stuff you guys have never seen and keep you coming back.

Once again, mahalo for you kind words and aloha.


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badmojo posted on 01/23/2004

Kool & The Gang!

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Bamboo Bob posted on 01/23/2004

I look forward to adding one of those to my collection. That is one cool mug. Congratulations Gecko.

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Humuhumu posted on 01/23/2004

Wow, great job Gecko, Squid & Holden. This a really neat design -- you're keeping tiki fresh and interesting without setting aside all that makes it great!

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Tiki Bird posted on 01/23/2004

Great job Gecko! Holden, when are these babies hitting the market?

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Kanaka posted on 01/23/2004

Great job Gecko! Your Website looks great too!


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Geeky Tiki posted on 01/23/2004



Someday I will drink from one.

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Andrew posted on 01/23/2004

Wow! That's one great looking mug. I've never seen one with cutouts like that. I'll definitely be getting one.

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tikimug posted on 01/24/2004

eh, I've seen better...

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tikimug posted on 01/24/2004

I'm just keeeeeeding!!!!!!!!!!

That mug rocks bruddah!

GECKO posted on 01/24/2004

On 2004-01-23 16:04, tikimug wrote:
eh, I've seen better...

Eh you havent seen anyting yet! wait untill you see my bowls and other mugz i plan on doing.

Just taking my time right now. With Shag, Franco and the Pizz coming out with new stuff I don't want to flood da market.
I want to see how this mug does first.

Me and Chiki talked last night about doing a box set with 2 mugs in it, one his and da udda mine. I'll really be looking to do that sometime this year. So watch out fo tiki dis year! we're gonna pound you guys with some awesome collectibles!


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martiki posted on 01/24/2004

I'm all over that mug like white on rice!

Two scoops of rice, in fact!

And a burger patty!

And a fried egg!

And gravy!


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Slacks Ferret posted on 01/24/2004

I gotta say (and I know others have already said it) this is one of the nicest mugs I've seen by "Da farm". It's full frontal!


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TikiBud posted on 01/24/2004

GECKO, that is one awsome mug!

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OnaTiki posted on 01/24/2004

Great mug. Good luck. Can't wait to buy many of them.

TikiGardener posted on 01/24/2004

Any idea of prcie on this beauty?

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UtopianDreem posted on 01/24/2004

Gecko, you are truly an inspired artist. Thank you for the preview!

I am looking forward to seeing that mug in person--even though it looks gorgeous, I'm sure the picture doesn't do it justice!

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TikiPug posted on 01/24/2004

Excellent work Gecko. I have already made a space on my mug shelf for yours. Can't wait.

Pages: 1 2 62 replies