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Tanduay Silver Asian Rum

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howlinowl posted on 06/10/2014

Took a look 'round the site to see if there were any posts on this....the ones I found reference the Tanduay 1854 that's available in the Philippines. Visited my fiance, (now my wife) in Mindanao in 2004/2005, but I was more a beer drinker then (drank lots of San Mig, another....Gold Eagle or something?, Beer Na Beer), but never tried the Tanduay.

Anyway, was looking through the proof66.com site, clicked on their "Top Rated Best Rums" link to see what's what. Surprise! Found Tanduay Silver Asian Rum listed. Showed it to my wife and she's struttin' 'round the house with National Pride.


Anybody try the Silver yet? The posts I've found for the 1854 shows some positive reviews. Thinking about lookin' 'round locally and see if I can score some (got a local distributor who's gotten me San Mig and Red Horse).


thePorpoise posted on 06/10/2014

I've tried the 1854 15 y.o.; the 12 y.o.; and the ESQ dark (think its 5 y.o.). All excellent, all lugged over by friends in carry-on after purchasing for about $3 or $4 in the PI.

haven't yet tried the silver or gold imports; i'm just not used to paying over five bucks for Tanduay...

stormrider posted on 06/10/2014

I tried both at rum renaissance in Miami last month. They were both good mixers I wouldn't use either as sippers though. I did prefer the gold though.


AceExplorer posted on 09/10/2016

In a lazy mood last night, in a hurry to sit down with a drink and watch a movie at home. Tanduay Silver and diet coke was my choice. WOW, quite a surprise how good it was. Suprisingly tasty. If you have it, test it and see how you like it.

There are four Tanduay threads here on TC. Should I post this to all four and cover all bases? I think so! :)

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