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Taking Tiki Holidays

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tikifish posted on 08/21/2002

When Tiki Motu suggested Samoa for a vacation in another thread, it reminded me that I had wanted to start a whole thread for Tiki Vacations. Besides Hawaii, where are some great places to go for a South Seas experience? Who has been where, and what do you reccomend? Links to hotels? Attractions? Things to avoid?

All this stuff would be great to sheare with the group.

bambooh posted on 08/21/2002

I have been to Tahiti twice in two years
honeymoon and one year annaversary...

It was the best time I'v ever had we litteraly cryed when we left......
Tikis all over, the water beautiful, the
people super cool....paradise what more could i say.. we stayed at club med on Morea and it ran us 1250.00 each all included, food , flight, boarding
it was a blast and were going back for
our fifth annaversary
highly suggest it!!!!


Tiki Chris posted on 08/21/2002


Trader Woody posted on 08/21/2002

I was actually wondering if Spain had more Tiki Bars per head of population than the US.....it seems that way. The locals aren't particularly conscious of Tiki Bars, though, as even the smallest of towns seems to have dozens of bars that you could use every evening for the rest of your life. (Or at least that's how it feels on vacation there!)

Trader Woody

TikiMel posted on 08/23/2002

I saw someone mention Guam in another thread. Anyone know if there's any tiki to be had over there?


Trader Woody posted on 08/23/2002

I mentioned Guam MI in a post about mugs. MI is Minnisota, right?
Are you going to the REAL Guam?

Trader Woody

johntiki posted on 08/24/2002

It looks to me like San Diego is the place to go for that "South Seas" experience - and it looks like its affordable and only 3 thousand miles away instead of 10...


atomictonytiki posted on 08/25/2002

Where about in spain? all over or just by the beaches, the wife fancies a holiday to make febuary bareable and you get good deals then.

Trader Woody posted on 08/30/2002

Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao all have Tiki Bars, but it seems that any decent sized coastal resort has them as well. (See other threads for more details). Spain is such a bar culture that there are hundreds of little bars in each town of any size, all trying to be a little different. Any Tiki bar lover would really enjoy the non-Tiki bars as well, so just go for it!

Trader Woody

Tiki Chris posted on 08/30/2002

On 2002-08-24 18:34, atomictonytiki wrote:
Where about in spain? all over or just by the beaches, the wife fancies a holiday to make febuary bareable and you get good deals then.

here's a cool site about 3 bars in barcelona:


here's something i wrote about andalucia:


here's a link to woody's site w/ info about spain including my review of bar in bilbao:


Tiki Chris posted on 08/30/2002

here's a pic of a hand painted sign outside the Waikiki bar in Palma del Rio (about halfway between Sevilla & Cordoba).

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2002-08-30 09:17 ]

[ Edited by: tiki chris on 2002-09-13 11:55 ]

Trader Woody posted on 08/30/2002

I took TikiChris'and my own advice and booked flights to Barcelona a couple of hours ago! £40 (That's $60 to you, sir) for return air tickets. 3 Tiki bars (at least...I'm hoping for more), here I come!

Trader Woody

Tiki Chris posted on 08/30/2002

Awesome! When are you going? Em & I are booked for the first weekend of November.

We don't have a room yet though. Suggestions?

I'm way stoked to be going to BarTHa...er I mean...BarCelona.

Tiki Chris

GECKO posted on 08/30/2002

Lived in Yigo Guam for 3 years...no Tiki's. There Hotel row is much like Waikiki but smaller. I haven't been there in 5 years so I don't know if anything has changed? Rapa Nui! Is great for pictures!

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