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Gecko mug (update info)!!

Pages: 1 2 62 replies

Iuka Grogg posted on 01/24/2004

Aloha, Gecko!

That is one nice mug! He's gonna look nice next to The Maikai Gents tiki you carved. I can't wait! Mahalo for being so creative, hey!

-Iuka G.

cheeky half posted on 01/24/2004

Gecko, that is absolutely sweet.

GECKO posted on 01/25/2004

I forgot to tell you da story behind da tiki which transfers into the mug.

I carved the orignal Exotica Tiki for the honorable Mr. Martin Denny and his daughter whom I love for giving me the oppertunity to carve him this challange.....yes challange because I was thinking about the master and what a challange it was to brain storm for an idea. I actually put it off for sometime because I was honostly nervous! So, one day I threw on my exotica cd and just started drawing a image on the log because it was time to stop waisting time. I had the song on repeat the whole time I carved it for inspiration and I fanally came out with a concept.

So, here is the story,
I wanted to include all of his band members somehow in this tiki because I feel they were a BIG part of making the honorable Mr. Denny the master of exotica and the living legend that he is today. So I included the band members on the bottom which are the small tikis around the base holding Mr. Denny up which is the main tiki on top. so there is 5 tikis around the base to honor Arthur Lyman, August Colon, Harvey Ragsdale, and Julius Wechter....Soooo, whos the 5th tiki on the base? ME. I carved it common! I wanted to hold up MR. Denny to! No just kidding, actually it represents the state of Havaii and US his fans! Yes you all here at TC are a part of that mug to because of your dedication to tiki. OHANA right? So this is no ordinary mug to me, it really means a lot, its a very special peice and I hope who ever gets it cherishes this mug as I will.

That is the true story behind the carving for you to know too now. Mr.Denny already knows it. So go and spread da word!

Live Aloha

Selector Lopaka posted on 01/25/2004

Yo Gecko,
That story is so great, it gave me the chills. I was imagining the picture of you with Martin Denny presenting the tiki when I read it. We are lucky to have someone like you in our midst, and to think we all can share in your creation with a mug. Mahalo is an understatement.

Okole Maluna, Bruddah!

hula hula posted on 01/25/2004

feakin guy, always get da best kine style , da best carving , ho man I gon steal yourmana someday then I gon be da man!!!!!!!

eh brah , on da web page da picta of you carving da mug shrine is dat wun mine?looks like to me yeh?

hula hula posted on 01/25/2004

o yeh btw dats one cherry ass mug

Tiki Royale posted on 01/25/2004

Yeah, what Hula Hula said...
Really Gecko, you da man, I can feel the vibe all the way over here in Cali.

divychic posted on 01/25/2004

Way to go GECKO! Awesome job...Let us know when he's available.

bongofury posted on 01/25/2004

Very nice Gecko.....looks like you already have 300 takers......me too!

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/25/2004

I'm in, baby.

Raffertiki posted on 01/25/2004

If you decide to take pre-orders let me know. My new mission in life is to score one of those babies.

GECKO posted on 01/25/2004

Sorry no preorders on this but I'm happy to see like it. I got an email last night saying we are looking at 6 weeks for them to go on sale so hopefully you guys will be just as excited in 6 weeks as you are now. Mahalo to everyone again for your nice coments. It has encouraged me to come out with more of my designs that I have not seen on the market and I know you'll love them as much as you do this one. I'll try to get that fire burning just a little more for you guys that collect newer mugs.

Again, mahalo!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 01/26/2004

Hey Gecko, I don't collect smugs but I gotta have that one.

GECKO posted on 01/27/2004

disregard this info. I started the new one at the top of page 1. MAHALOZ.

More info!

OK, I'm going to put a pre-ordering post out for this mug sometime on the 27th of Jan. PLEASE do not email me until the "pre-order" thread starts here in the collecting forum. Maybe just type "I want one or sold" It's going to be first come first serve on the 300 mugs and 1 mug per customer/address.

I will keep the names in da order I get them. My ohana here gets to pre-order first then about 3 weeks befor the mug sells Holden will email the rest of the world.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-27 02:07 ]

SES posted on 01/27/2004

Bumping this one to the top!
Read the first post of the thread if you want a Gecko Mug!

Pages: 1 2 62 replies