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Pulp-Adventure VFX Short

Pages: 1 3 replies

gstreicher posted on 07/20/2014

I am a huge lover of pulp and the adventure genre. So, just because I really wanted to, two years ago I started creating this little VFX short in the style of a trailer. It basically has everything I love about pulp. Jungles, plane crash, fist fights and Nazis. Going to try to make it a full length thing maybe in the future. Anyway, thought you guys might enjoy it!


MadDogMike posted on 08/04/2014

Nice! Good luck on your full length project.

hiltiki posted on 08/05/2014

Fun, thank you.

gstreicher posted on 09/09/2014

Thanks for checking it out! :) I just posted some tutorials on how I achieved the effects:

Cockpit Effect

Matte Painting Effect

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