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Professor Cocktail's Rum Reviews

Pages: 1 15 replies

djmont posted on 07/23/2014

I hope you'll forgive the somewhat self-indulgent nature of this thread. But I thought some folks might find it useful.

I'll keep it updated with the rums I review. I hope you'll share your thoughts. (And I hope I've learned something along the way.)

9/4/2014: Ron Zacapa Centenario 23
7/23/2014: Papa’s Pilar Dark Rum
1/30/2014: Damoiseau Rhum VSOP
1/22/2014: Brugal 1888 Ron Gran Reserva Familiar
11/14/2013: Cockspur 130 Overproof Rum
11/4/2013: Diplomático Reserva
7/15/2013: Spiced Rum Taste Test (Coruba, Sailor Jerry, Captain Morgan Sherry Oak Finish, Shellback, Bacardi Oakheart, Cruzan 9)
1/24/2013: Shellback Silver Rum
5/17/2012: Denizen Aged White Rum
5/4/2012: Cockspur Fine Rum and Cockspur 12 Rum
12/12/2011: 10 Cane Rum
9/20/2011: Appleton Estate V/X Rum

David J. Montgomery
Professor Cocktail

[ Edited by: djmont 2014-09-04 09:13 ]

AceExplorer posted on 07/23/2014

David, great idea, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your reviews. We TC'ers can't go out and buy up "one of everything" so these reviews are really helpful.

djmont posted on 07/23/2014

Thanks, Ace. I need to make an effort to review more rum on the site. I cover all spirits, so I have to divide my time... But still. It's rum! :)

AceExplorer posted on 07/23/2014

Yer welcome. We are all in awe of your liver! Keep up the fine work!

Kill Devil posted on 07/24/2014

Thanks for the reviews, got you bookmarked!

djmont posted on 09/04/2014

Here's the latest:

Ron Zacapa Centenario 23

AdOrAdam posted on 09/04/2014

I must have missed your first post highlighting you did reviews but agree with your comments about Damoiseau Rhum VSOP - I only tried a taster last week & your review of it neat is spot on (which makes me wish I'd tried it out mixing it).

Also, I agree Ron Zacapa 23 is an unexpected good addition to a mai tai!

Cheers :)

djmont posted on 09/04/2014

Thanks A!

I put this stuff out there, but I sometimes wonder if anyone agrees or if I'm just full of it. :)

LostIsland posted on 09/04/2014

Nice job!

The Island is Calling......

[ Edited by: LostIsland 2014-09-04 16:58 ]

mikehooker posted on 09/05/2014

Agree it works wonderfully in a Mai Tai. And is excellent neat. Think I'll experiment with it a little more tonight.

Oxybeles posted on 09/05/2014

Speaking of books on The Zombie...

You really should share...

Zombie Horde

djmont posted on 09/05/2014

Thanks, Oxy. As I recall, you write a very nice review of the book on Amazon. Much appreciated!

Longboard posted on 09/09/2014

Mr Professor ,

Nice review on the Rums.

I found that the Papa’s Pilar Dark Rum was way underwhelming and a ripoff at the price I paid for it.

Also too, spiced rum, I cringe every time I see a bottle of the stuff, strictly for Squares.


[ Edited by: Longboard 2014-09-09 13:17 ]

djmont posted on 09/09/2014


I never drink spiced rum. Don't really seem the point. But if people enjoy it, more power to 'em.

thePorpoise posted on 09/09/2014

you can't beat spiced rum for the Christmas eggnog.

and some of them compliment the vanilla-centric flavors of coca-cola in a Cuba Libre.

but other than that, ugghh...

djmont posted on 09/10/2014

Good point -- egg nog. I never drink it 'cause it's pure poison. But it tastes good. :)

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