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Brady Bunch Revisits Hawaii

Pages: 1 17 replies

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/18/2005

On now on the Travel Channel, the cast of the Brady Bunch is in Hawaii talking about their famous episodes...

Just thought I'd give a heads up


mrs. pineapple posted on 03/18/2005

doo doo dooooo....
are there tarantula's in Hawaii?

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/18/2005

Where can I find that sound byte- the one you here when the tiki idol is shown? My husband had a button recorder and had that on it. When someone would order the Forbidden Tiki drink at our bar, he'd hit that button and you'd hear the sound bite. It got messed up, thrown in the pool one too many times.

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/18/2005

Found it. At BradyBunchShrine.com. Tabu tiki theme in episode #72.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/18/2005

On 2005-03-18 12:36, Hau 'oli Tiki wrote:
Found it. At BradyBunchShrine.com. Tabu tiki theme in episode #72.


mrs. pineapple posted on 03/18/2005

I love the internet!

when we were little kids, my brother and I would try to guess which episode it was, by the tempo of the theme song, and the camera angle of the opening shot.

When my best friend and I moved from Philly to SF, we sent our friends postcards from the Grand Canyon, and recounted the whole GC episode as if it happened to us...our friends were bewildered that Mr. Magoo locked us in an ghost town jailhouse...

and then when Mr. Pineapple and I went to Hawaii, we sent Otto and Baby Doe a postcard about this tiki idol we found, but then Mr. P. wiped out surfing , and I got a tarantula in my beach bag...

and the BEST Brady story, on the AIDS Lifecyle last year, one of the Pit Crews did a Brady theme, and they all dressed up like the Bradys, and they had the architectural drawing of the house (with NO toilets!)

I love the Brady Bunch!

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/19/2005

On 2005-03-18 15:16, mrs. pineapple wrote:

when we were little kids, my brother and I would try to guess which episode it was, by the tempo of the theme song, and the camera angle of the opening shot.

I still do that :roll: and sadly, a friend once asked me a bunch of Brady trivia questions from a book. I got all 150 correct. how sad indeed.

the episode I posted about last night was pretty lame. I was hoping for a bit about the tiki segment but I didn't see one (though I did miss 10 min. worth) The only highlight was Don Ho.


Dimethios posted on 03/19/2005

Well, I missed the first 10 mins the first time too. Then it re-ran later that night and in the first 10 minutes, Barry Williams had his Tiki idol on and went surfing. That and Don Ho, were the only tikiish things about the show.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/19/2005

What a shame...while the last episode of the original Brady Tiki trilogy is an example of the most Tiki-rich TV, with Vincent Price as crazed archeologist conversing with his fave Tiki "Oliver", and the kids all tied to various Tikis in the cave!

tikitortured posted on 03/20/2005

Barry Williams?? Get with the program Dimethios, his name is Greg Brady (aka Johnny Bravo).

devondevereaux posted on 07/31/2014

Official Vincent Price Tiki print set

We have added a new tropical reward: The Cursed Tiki. This reward comes with a limited edition 13" x 19" giclee print of "Vincent Price in the Tiki Caves" officially licensed by the Vincent Price estate and the Creepy Tiki T-shirt (S/M/L/XL/XXL) along with the signed comic and the download.

martian-tiki posted on 07/31/2014

on the subject of Vincent Price this shrunken head kit turned up in a search for Vincent price Tiki.


exquisitecorpse posted on 08/01/2014

On 2014-07-31 14:11, martian-tiki wrote:
on the subject of Vincent Price this shrunken head kit turned up in a search for Vincent price Tiki.


i have the shrunken head kit, but i've never tried it out yet.
the guy who wrote x-entertainment has a new blog called dinosaur dracula.

TikiGoddess posted on 08/01/2014

The tiki cave episode of the Brady Bunch is the reason why I, as a rural Pennsylvania child nerd, became obsessed with tiki culture. It was so far removed from my day to day existence, I couldn't believe something that cool existed. To this day I credit my obsession to the Brady Bunch. I have also pretty much memorized the dialogue of every episode. I am a Pennsylvania adult nerd.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/01/2014

Are you spamming non related threads, devondevereaux?
we don't take kindly to that.

martian-tiki posted on 08/01/2014

On 2014-07-31 19:20, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Are you spamming non related threads, devondevereaux?
we don't take kindly to that.

it's clearly related to the Brady bunch episode. however I couldn't find you in a list of moderators doing a quick search. promoting a print in a thread about the episode it is from doesn't seem much worse than book promotion.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/01/2014

He is promoting his kickstarter campaign on a nine year old "Brady Bunch in Hawaii thread"
Which has already been posted in four or five other threads.
That is what the marketplace thread is for, which has already been pointed out to him.

Do you want to see everyone hocking their wares in any damn thread, they feel like?
I don't!

[ Edited by: Atomic Tiki Punk 2014-07-31 20:32 ]

Bora Boris posted on 08/01/2014

Atomic Tiki Punk makes a good point, please ease up on the spam-ish posts and keep them in their own original thread.

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