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Tiki Central / California Events

The Boss Martians and Jason Lee and the R.I.P. tides San Diego Aug 8th

Pages: 1 8 replies

JasonLeeSurf posted on 07/23/2014

We've worked hard to put this show together for San Diego !
Doors at 9pm. The First time The Boss Martians have played San Diego. AND right before TIKI OASIS- WoW

Any questions please post on here !

See you there

bigtikidude posted on 07/23/2014

Thanks so much for setting that up for them Jason!

Jeff btd

bigtikidude posted on 07/27/2014

Plus the Black Cat club is very cool venue,
especially when the real cat comes walking around and thru your legs.


arriano posted on 07/28/2014

On 2014-07-27 10:37, bigtikidude wrote:
Plus the Black Cat club is very cool venue,
especially when the real cat comes walking around and thru your legs.


Sorry to inform you Jeff, but the cat has passed on.

bigtikidude posted on 07/28/2014

Oh no! :-/
They need to get another.

JasonLeeSurf posted on 08/02/2014

Less than a week away! Your only chance to see Boss Martians in San Diego !

JasonLeeSurf posted on 08/06/2014

2 more days way !

If you are in San Diego or So-Cal you don't wanna miss this kind of match up with The Boss Martians !

See you all soon !

Sofa King posted on 08/10/2014

I cannot put into words how BUMMED I am it was impossible for me make it to this show and the SG101 convention.

When I was in college the Boss Martians along with Man or Astro Man and The Untamed Youth open my eyes to the most phenomenal music being made at that time. Being on the right coast at that time I concluded I’d never see them live in the form that helped to mold much of my musical taste.

Missing these shows is going to sting for a while.

bigtikidude posted on 08/11/2014

Did anybody go?
Wondering how turnout was?

Jeff btd

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