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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

6ft palm TIKI on ebay ends Sat.

Pages: 1 2 replies

tikitony posted on 08/30/2002

aUction eNds sAturday night. bUy this guy aNd help tiki tOny pAy for school!
thAnks, tiki tOny


KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 08/30/2002

So how much would it cost a Tiki Centralite to just buy this same Pole from you without the ebay crap.

tikitony posted on 08/30/2002

I'm working on my website, so you'll be able to view a gallery of tiki's for sale soon. I'll keep tiki central posted on completion.
thanks tiki tOny

Pages: 1 2 replies