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Weird Request for Travel Partner from San Diego to Tonga Hut L.A. & Possibly Trader Sam's

Pages: 1 5 replies

Kiwi Steve posted on 08/31/2014

Hello Everyone,

I know many of you, but I don't have contact info for you, so I'm posting here...

I have to pick up a Crazy Al tiki at the Tonga Hut (L.A.) tonight (I'm leaving San Diego just after 5pm).

On the way back, I may stop at Trader Sam's.

Anyone want to head up also?


[ Edited by: Kiwi Steve 2014-08-31 11:16 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/31/2014

Too bad you couldn't arrange for the pickup to be at Don's
tomorrow for TC Monday, where many of us are meeting up around 6pm
Crazy Al is usually in attendance.

Kiwi Steve posted on 08/31/2014

Actually, they did offer to meet me there, but I've been wanting to go to Tonga Hut again for a while now. One of these times, I have to make it to Dons for a TC night though! It's been too long since I've seen you & a ton of other cool people, especially since I missed Tiki Oasis this year...

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/01/2014

Have Fun!

Beachbumz posted on 09/01/2014

I'm down Steve but you gotta come get me brada okay.. :D :P

Kiwi Steve posted on 09/01/2014

ATP, it was fun! I met a couple of fellow tikiphiles from England at Tonga Hut and a fun drunk couple at Trader Sam's!

Beachbumz... I'm hopping on my jet... I'll be there in 5 1/2 hours!

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