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El Dorado Single Barrel

Pages: 1 4 replies

Kill Devil posted on 09/17/2014

Has anybody tried this? Just sighted at Chicago Binny's location. Falls between ED15 and ED21, price-wise. I did pick up a bottle of El Dorado Coffee Cream, though, which was a decent, Baileys-like liqueur

djmont posted on 09/17/2014

There are 3 different ones, from 3 different stills. I haven't tried any of them, but I've heard they're good. Idiosyncratic, though, when compared to the blends. (As you might expect.)

tabuzak posted on 09/17/2014

I am very familiar with these rums and they are favorites.

They are not as accessible as the El Dorado blends. They have a lot of character and complexity and are all very different.

I find myself choosing this kind of rum over the mellower stuff these days - more interesting.

An oversimplified look at the series might be that the EHP is the mellowest, closest to an El Dorado blend, while the PM is the most challenging, with a character more like a navy or Jamaican rum. The ICBU is somewhere in between.

The PM (stands for Port Mourant still) is my favorite.

Wonderful sippers and great for cocktails.


Sunny&Rummy posted on 09/17/2014

Dang, I was just at a Binny's in Chicago two weeks ago and I did not see any of these. They sound like they are right up my alley.

Kill Devil posted on 09/23/2014

Thanks for the input guys - I didn't notice the abbreviations

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