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Chilled Magazine Tiki Articles

Pages: 1 6 replies

Trader Tom posted on 10/10/2014

Apologies if anyone has already mentioned this issue. I did a search and didn't see anything.


This issue has a guy with a long beard on the front and doesn't scream Tiki, but it has several Tiki drink oriented articles. Page 94 features the Mai Kai and Hula's Modern. Page 76-77 profiles Cane & Table in New Orleans in an article called "Tiki and Tasting." I also like to read through and see the profiles on newly developed spirits and newly available rums. They have a nice article on Flor de Cana on page 80-81.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/10/2014

Tom, That's Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top!

As chance would have it, I have both rode (motorcycles)& drank (Whiskey mostly) with him
bit of a shy, but very nice fellow.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/10/2014

Sammy Hagar, The ZZ Top Guy, and Jimmy Buffet should start a Tiki themed Rock super group. Todd Rundgren could produce the album...

Buzzy Out!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/10/2014

Buzzy, you're exploding my brain cells (which you know I can't spare)
with your super group suggestion, but not in a good way. (Insert mandated smiley face here :lol: )
See ya tomorrow, buddy!

Trader Tom posted on 10/11/2014

That's cool! I didn't recognize who he was but I thought that he had a really cool ZZ Top beard. Makes sense now. (:

TikiHardBop posted on 10/13/2014

It also has a story on the Ice Plant in St. Augustine. Although not a tiki bar, he does have a tiki drink night and he really gets it:


RevBambooBen posted on 10/13/2014

Billy Gibbons has been seen hanging out at Frankie's Tiki Room here and there too.

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