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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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TikiAno posted on 11/06/2014

I love upside down Bob!

Wendy, thanks so very much. Ari received a wonderful gift box today from Wendy and Dan. Wow, is he lucky, Not only did he receive his first tiki but also a great batch of stuffed animals a bank, and so much love. Here are a few pictures (I'm not sure how, but Tiki Bob snuck in there)!

The wide shot:

Going in for a close up (looks like E.T. hiding in the closet in the movie):

Ari posing with his first Wendy Cevola piece (please don't take his expression as a critical one, he's only 6 days old). He was only attempting to match the tiki's expression....

Wendy and Dan, thanks so much again! Okay, back to tiki stuff.....

RVICTOR posted on 11/06/2014

Wendy-I'm new to Tiki Central and love reading your posts. I just started making my making my own tiki mugs and seeing all your notes and information is really great. Just thought I would say thanks and keep up all the great work.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/06/2014

Wendy, the Frankoma bowl is spectacular!

danlovestikis posted on 11/06/2014

RVICTOR welcome. When I started out I had lots of questions answered by artists from this section. I try to share everything I learn because there can never be too much tiki art in the world and I don't want anyone to be discouraged. I started doing tiki ceramics in August of 2010 and its now a passion. But most of all I like meeting people here and watching what they create. I hope you will start a thread and post photos as you work. I put all of my finished art on Gallery so that you can look at it by just scrolling down the page. You may ask me questions here on send me a Personal Message and I'll do my best to help. If you are in Southern California Marketplace at Don the Beachcomber's is a wonderful monthly event.

Tiki Ano, I love love love those photos of Tiki Ari. He's art all on his own. Your greatest masterpiece has been made. I hope the animals and Tiki's don't scare him and that he'll grow up loving tikis like all your friends. Hug him for us.

Atomic Tiki Punk thank you very much. These volcano bowls can easily blow up in the kiln so I'm drying it very slowly.

Hi Friends, remember how I've had "chain of events" affect what I doing? I'm in a chain right now. I bought glaze and found I was out of my fired test strips. So I made a bunch but I didn't want to fire the kiln when only a small pile is in there so I started making Tiki Bob's and also bowls for Dan. So once I have enough to fill the kiln then I will open the Wish List.

This is Maori Bob number three. The left side has just been carved and the right side has been smoothed with a brush and water.

All done.


Here is a group photo with the PNG Bob and Maori Bob I and Maori Bob II. I do love to hand carve and alter Tiki Bob's.

With a flash.


Dan and I decided to go to Red Rock Casio for their buffet lunch. But when we got there the KOTO restaurant had changed into
Mexican American food which sounded like a win. So we went here for lunch.

This is the view towards Tahoe from KOTO's.

After lunch I lost $20 and so we left and headed for Hangtown aka Placerville to antique shop for tikis.

Dan is always searching for records to add to his collection.

We saw these menus but we have a set. By the end we left without any tikis, however there were many starter tikis in the shops.

Now back home it's time to continue carving Tiki Bob's until Dan's volcano bowl dries.

Thank you all for the visit. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/07/2014

As always, love your Bobs
Quick trip looks fun
Did Dan-0 find any records?

Ps- we walked 23 miles in 3 days
Better drop more weight soon
Stuck at 220 lbs

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-11-06 16:17 ]

TikiHula posted on 11/07/2014

Congrats on the new baby Tikiano. Loved the photos of him with Wendy's Bob mug and all the stuffed animals they sent along with it.

Wendy, lovin' the Frankoma volcano bowl - and the best part is there's no Bob in sight :wink: Glad to see you guys getting outside and having fun!

danlovestikis posted on 11/08/2014

hang10tiki wow you are doing great. I've had so many physical therapy appointments and so many exercises to do each day that we've been missing our walks. We'll start again tomorrow. I bet you already look wonderful.

Dan didn't find any records but today he found a CD of someone playing bowls. He put it on in the car until I asked him to change back to the bird noises. He's excited to do a mixed CD. Maybe one with forks and spoons!

I'm glad that I'm not boring everyone with the endless Bob's. as soon as the volcano and the bowl I show today are dry I'll stop the Bob's and fire.

TikiHula the Tiki Bob was one he bought from me a couple of years ago. It was fun to see it with the baby. Oh no you are sick of Bob's what will I do? See below.

Thank you for the nice comment on the volcano bowl. I need to keep my man happy.


Another Frankoma bowl for Dan.

I cast and cleaned a coconut bowl.

Cast and cleaned three Frankoma salt shakers.

Cut off part of the butt so that it was angled to attach to the bowl. Also the sticky clay will enter the tiki and make a better connection.

I pressed the tiki into place and cleaned off the excess with a wet brush.

All three are now attached.

I scratched in the words so that I knew how they fit and

then I carved them into the clay.

I finished off by carving the coconut texture. All done.


Dan found a nose pencil sharpener and glued it to his happy face bowl.

He also found this sign that reminded him of a favorite childhood show Rawhide. I think he hung it in the perfect spot in his garage man cave.


We went on a tiki hunt at an estate sale. No luck but in the garage I found this tin can.

Inside were metal drips. Silver treasure? The whole thing cost ten cents.

I took it to a shop and they put one in a machine. Copper and Zink. Now I wonder what it's used for.


I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/08/2014

The Trader Dan-0 bowl is great

And this photo is good too

tikiskip posted on 11/09/2014

"I took it to a shop and they put one in a machine. Copper and Zink. Now I wonder what it's used for."


danlovestikis posted on 11/09/2014

hang10tiki thank you, Dan loves bowls best.

tikiskip you are a wonderful detective. What a fun discovery. My brother-in-law bakes pies so I'll pass them on to him. Excellent.


Anyone have this Washington D.C. mug for sale? I would like to get one for Dan even if the red cold paint in missing.


I was looking around on the Gallery page today and looked at the Timber Cove tikis. It was fun to find one that Looked similar to my first black velvet painting.


I did a Doodles Bob. I just had fun doing fish, a turtle and some designs.

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I have been doing the best I can to slow dry Dan's two bowls. Wrapped, unwrapped, partially wrapped. All so they won't crack.
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Today one of the 6 tikis separated from the bowl. I'll just continue as I have been doing and then use the MadDogMike remedy of Magic Mend to stick it back on.
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In case you missed it on facebook Maui Rob is in a magazine. How cool is that photo?

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Saturday night and time to chill, after all winter is here. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/09/2014

Again, a mug I've never seen in person
His carvings are great
I was glad I got to see your painting at Oasis
Doodle Bob is cute

From today's walk

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This was so awesome
I hope u don't mind if I post it here too

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/10/2014

Wendy, those mug shots of you and Nick Nolte are HYSTERICAL!!!!! Seriously!

danlovestikis posted on 11/10/2014

hang10tiki I trust you when it comes to posting on my thread. Thank you so much for the composite. How fun for me to own that shirt made famous by a celebrity!

LoriLovesTikis thank you and hang10 for mentioning it. I had fun. I just wish the hair dryer wasn't showing in my photo.


I'm doing the MadDogMike Swap based on Hawaiian shirts.
I picked this one and
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bought my canvas.
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I carved all day and my head, back and hands are so tired that I'm going to bed to read. But first here'ssssssssss another Bob!

A few years ago I bought a set of leather punch tools at an estate sale. I decided to do this Bob with them. It took more than a day.

I started with these tools and made flowers.
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I covered Bob with them.
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Then I changed to another tool and started adding this tiny design.
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I stopped with this tool to add vines and leaves.
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Then back at it again.
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Close up.
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All done.
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Now to rest. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/10/2014

Leather punch Bob, your creativity never ends...

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/11/2014

You are amazingly clever, Wendy!

Btw, I hadn't noticed the blow dryer until you mentioned it and I went back to look.

danlovestikis posted on 11/11/2014

hang10tiki that's what I say about all your backyard carvings. I've only done wood once and you can't make a mistake, I can and it's easy to fix. Thank you.

LoriLovesTiki I asked Dan to not get it in the photo, oh well in the end it's kind of funny to show my trick. Nick did it without one.

We went to the Sacramento Antique Fair that happens once a month. We were looking for all our tiki friends who go. We didn't see a single one nor did we find a tiki to buy.
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Dan found 3 records.
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Then on to Tower Café for breakfast.
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We had to wait outside for them to open at 8 am.
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At Cal Expo in Sacramento they are setting up for a Christmas show. These are in it!
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The bowls are just starting to show signs of drying. The volcano and coconut are very thick so it's taking a long time.
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Meanwhile I just continue to carve Tiki Bobs.

I don't have tattoos on my body but I love watching Ink Master and Tattoo Nightmares on TV.
I also collect tattoo books to use in my art.

Here's the latest Tiki Bob.
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I once won on EBay a couple of 2 foot tall, carved wooden tikis from a fellow on Marquesas Island. The tikis arrived at my home before I had even sent the International money order. When I told him he shouldn't ship until he is paid he said not to worry there is no crime on Marquesas Island. Yes but there is on my land!!! I did pay him.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-11-11 08:35 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/11/2014

Love that 1

TikiHula posted on 11/12/2014

LOVE the photo of you and Nick - in fact the first time I met you I thought you looked like a celebrity, but I just couldn't put my finger on which one.... :wink:

Why are they putting up giant moai for a Christmas show?

danlovestikis posted on 11/12/2014

hang10tiki the 1 thanks you from the bottom of his Bob heart.

Tiki Hula I'll never live that photo down, it will be the one everyone remembers me by, especially when I wear that shirt!
The Cal Expo theme is close to "Around the World" but not quite. It just happened the news showed Easter Island and I had my camera because I was carving.


Looking for inspiration I pulled out another tattoo book.

I found some designs that I thought would fit well on Bob.
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All done.
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This is Polynesian Tiki Bob. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2014

Looks like its time for a Tiki Bob Tattoo book

danlovestikis posted on 11/14/2014

hang10tiki I think it would be fun to see every Bob I've ever done all together.


Oh No, I wasn't careful and I bumped HandStand Bob's fingers on the table and he had an amputation.
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Si I just chopped them all off and re-carved them.
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He's so talented he does handstands on his finger tips!
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Here is PNG Tiki Bob, the third I've done on this run.

I carved the rings and then added texture downward.
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Then I carve from the bottom up.
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Did his chin first.
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All done and posing.
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The three PNG's together.

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Thank you all for the visit, Cheers, Wendy

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SandraFremgen posted on 11/14/2014

I love all the pattern details you put into your mugs, Wendy. They are so intricate but not overwhelming.


TikiAno posted on 11/14/2014

Bob's mouth matches mine as I watch the new sculpts/ carves. Wide open.

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I know, I know, poor graphics work. It's past my bedtime.... :)

hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2014


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hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2014

Sorry if I missed any

TikiHula posted on 11/14/2014

Holy Crap! I knew if anyone could pull that off it would be you Hang10 :D

hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2014


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LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/15/2014

Wow Jon, that was quite the Bob retrospective! My mug made the cut!!!! Although I'd venture to say most of Wendy's Bobs were included! Well done.

TikiAno posted on 11/15/2014

"So many Bobs. So little time."

Jon, thanks for posting (all of) those!

danlovestikis posted on 11/15/2014

hang10tiki I made a wish and you fulfilled it to the max. I would like to make you a Tiki Bob or Bob conversion. Think something up and I will gift you a Wish as number one on the upcoming Wish List #5. I will do this with much pleasure. Are you able to Jpeg this to me via email? We want to print them. Thank you so very much. You are a sweetheart.

TikiHula are those photos going to give you Tiki Bob nightmares?

hang10tiki I'm still working to carve a Tiki Bob each day or two. But soon I'll be working on new projects.

LoriLovesTiki I have had such fun with Tiki Bob that Dan would think I was having an affair except that we are together 24/7.

TikiAno so many joys in raising a baby but before long he'll be into the toddler stage...look out!


Seeing all those Tiki Bob's make me think I've been at this longer than August of 2010 but I haven't!

I just love to play with clay.

The bowls are still not dry enough to fire but they are getting closer. So I'm still carving Tiki Bob's.

Here's the next one I've finished.

Awhile back I showed you all the huge painting/print that we found in Pleasanton, CA. I was looking for inspiration for my next Tiki Bob and it was right in front of me.
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I used the painting as a reference but Tiki Bob is not an exact copy.
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Next I carved out the background so the the foliage would stand out.
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Lastly I went back and added texture to the background. All done.
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So many Bob's and so little time...or what Tiki Ano said! Cheers, Wendy

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 11/15/2014

I like to imagine what Bob Bryant (the original Tiki Bob) and Alec Yuill-Thornton (Tiki Bob's designer) would say if they would still be around.


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Never in the world could they have imagined Wendy's (and Grog's and Bosko's) seemingly infinite versions of their creation, they would surely have their minds blown :)

I would like to see two more "mugs":
One based on the original "Primitive art" inspiration for Bob's face, the African Fang mask:

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…and one inspired by George Jetson, whose cartoony style Tiki Bob always reminded me of:

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hang10tiki posted on 11/15/2014

Wendy you are the bomb
Thank you
I'll email you the pictures now
You made my day, week, month :)

hang10tiki posted on 11/15/2014

Wendy- I think I gave you and Dan-0 that mug a few years ago :)

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mikehooker posted on 11/15/2014

That collage of Bobs is quite possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen posted on TC. OK, maybe that's a stretch since there is so much greatness abound, but that was seriously wonderful! I really need a suffering Bob or a Bob holding a baby Bob, or a Bob bowl or a Bob lamp.... So many amazing new Bobs!

danlovestikis posted on 11/16/2014

bigbrotiki thank you for the Tiki Bob history. Having it on the same page as hang10tiki's collage of my Tiki Bobs made it all the more special. I'll have to try to make a couple of Tiki Bob's that reflect your posted images.

Eric October

Can anyone think of more artists who do Tiki Bob's?

hang10tiki you are so welcome. You've done so much to make this thread special. I appreciate you very much.

hang10tiki yes you did. It's fun to see it associated with Sven's posted history.

mikehooker thank you. He did a wonderful job. I have all of my tiki art on the Gallery page but the Tiki Bob's were spread out all over that thread. Now they are together. I'm making a whole bunch again so I'll be begging him for help in the future.

When I open the Wish List #5 near the end of this month I take orders and I make anything. Some orders were not even tiki as you can see on the Gallery page.

Thanks for the visit and joining in on the fun we all have here. Come back any time. Wendy


Misc. junk. We need to stop making tikis and to fertilize. Our yard is filling up with poisonous mushrooms.
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Every time we see a tiki on TC I jump up and photograph it. There is a thread on TC for posting these photos.
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At lunch Dan got this in his cookie. He said it was very true even though I work him hard with tiki ceramics.
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Having been in highschool in the 1960's we were the first group (that I know of) to use the Peace cymbal. So why not have Tiki Bob who was alive back then wear it with honor.
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Without the flash you can see how deeply this is carved.
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I used these little cutters so that I could keep the circles round.
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All done and posing.
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Without the flash.
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Saturday night, I hope you are all out having fun or settled in for a relaxing evening. I think I'll go carve a Tiki Bob.
Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-11-15 16:25 ]

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 11/16/2014

Cass (Oceaotica)
Mike Sbicca did a Moai Bob, too.
MaddDogMike did Bob Kong.

GROG posted examples in the first page of the thread for the first Tonga Hut Tiki Bob art show.

Sorry Swizz. GROG forgot about Bobonut.

Also,lots of carvers have carved Bobs, so GROG only listed ceramic Bobs.

[ Edited by: grog 2014-11-16 10:49 ]

[ Edited by: GROG 2014-11-16 10:50 ]

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swizzle posted on 11/16/2014


hang10tiki posted on 11/16/2014

Da Swizz


danlovestikis posted on 11/16/2014

Keeping up to date the Tiki Bob artists list!

Wendy Cevola
Cass (Oceaotica)
Mike Sbicca did a Moai Bob, too.
MaddDogMike did Bob Kong.
hang10tiki wooden carved Bobs.
GoTiki (Gary and Dani Brockway)
Jerk Kustoms (Jan Kaegi)
Johnnie Velour (Johnnie Gibson)
Mulder142 (John Mulder)
Munktiki (Paul and Miles Nielsen
Notch (Ignacio Gonzales)

GROG posted examples in the first page of the thread for the first Tonga Hut Tiki Bob art show.

If you have a Tiki Bob by someone else let me know so I can update this list. hang10tiki look what you started!



Time for a contest. We have three old cars. To jazz them up I've added tiki stickers to each one. I just took photos of each of the stickers. So how many total for the three cars?

Place your guess before Monday 11/17/14 midnight. I'll post the winner on Tuesday 11/18/14. First correct or closest wins.

The prize is this 1/1 in this color seashell necklace that I sculpted. Simple contest simple prize.

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Good Luck


Dan and I went on a tiki hunt. We didn't find any tikis but we saw this and

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Dan bought this book which he is reading now.

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That's it for now, we are heading out on another tiki hunt. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-11-17 08:58 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/16/2014

Nice book

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My guess is

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ebtiki posted on 11/17/2014

My guess: 17

TikiAno posted on 11/17/2014

6 is the magic number.

Or 7. But I'll go with 6.

Jon, good one on the Dan Tiki. :wink:

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GROG posted on 11/17/2014


UT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e131b7d31a0a549810a7484586413b27?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
uncle trav posted on 11/17/2014

I'll go with 14 :D

RVICTOR posted on 11/18/2014

I guess...4 across the back bumper...4 in each back window...2 more for good measure...34 seems high but considering the company I'll stick to it...yes, 34. No...24. No body could have that many. Maybe if they were greatful dead stickers.

danlovestikis posted on 11/19/2014

uncle trav
Tiki Socialite

Joined: Apr 27, 2005
Posts: 1814
From: Kalamazoo
Posted: Yesterday; 06:42 am Permalink

I'll go with 14


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THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING IN ANOTHER danlovestikis contest. I have fun doing these so there will be more in the future.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 11/19/2014

Congrads UnKa

That's a lot o stickers
I only have 5


danlovestikis posted on 11/19/2014

When I took the Tiki Diablo photo I was wearing my Halloween mask. Wendy

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