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I'm in: I'll order a Bob holding a lil Coconut Mug :) I'll pm colors when I figure it out [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-11-28 14:22 ] |
Thank you hang10tiki. Dan's having a relaxing time while I carve Tiki Bobs for fun. Here are a couple more. =========================================================== These are Tribal PNG snakes faces. The first one has it on his chin and the second one has the snake heads on his upper lip. ======================================================= Thank you for the visit, Wendy |
Hey Wendy, I want a Bob holding a little coconut mug for my husband (to sort of match my Bob, we'll have a set). He isn't on Tiki Cental so he'll be surprised. Can you make the carving of the words say "Jeff loves Lori?" Make the carving different from mine. Maybe tapa-like? And for the color dark blue. Mahalo! :) [ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2014-11-29 20:11 ] |
Wendy- more great Mugs Lori- cute I'm down 27 lbs so far Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-11-30 06:37 ] |
LoriLovesTiki small tiki bob statue like your last one...without the ?, Good one hang10tiki. hang10tiki congratulations. I bet all your tattoos are smaller. Beautiful photos. ============================================== Thanksgiving is now in the past. I've gone to work on Christmas. We saw a fellow on a bicycle hauling a Christmas Tree! The Rocketship tree I built for our porch last year didn't work out. It crash landed. So I bought a green tree at the Cancer Society Discovery Shop. I managed to untangle the lights from this metal frame. Dan wound them around newspaper. There were many and it took a long time. We got this frame when a nursery closed down. Now we will send it elsewhere. I put on as many lights as the little tree would hold and put it in the living room. I added what was left to those in the front yard. All done and ready for Christmas. =========================================================== There are going to be some fun things made when the Wish List #5 starts. Meanwhile I'm still playing with Tiki Bob. I enjoyed putting on arms for the Peanut mug version that I thought I'd do it again. I used this dictionary to choose the words for the mug. It says Happy Drink. Happy Holidays, Wendy and Dan [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-11-30 10:08 ] |
The question mark belongs to the QUESTION, not the mug! How sad would THAT be though..... Does he love me??? And I want this Bob to hold a coconut mug, not a Bob mug. Sorry if I was unclear. Thanks Wendy! The house is looking good. All I've accomplished is getting stuff out of the attic! I need to get to work. |
LoriLovesTiki nope you were clear. What I was referring to is that you want the small Tiki Bob statue holding the coconut mug and now a full size drinking vessel Tiki Bob. Did you want Jeff Loves Lori on the back of the statue or on the very tiny coconut mug? Get to work the attic is calling you! Wendy |
Hi Friends, Dan and I will not be attending Don the Beachcomber's Marketplace on December 6th. We hope to see many of you next year. Wendy |
Another cyber shopping day for some. We finished last month by mailing out money. It's so easy and the kids love money. I spent yesterday working on the MadDogMike Swap painting. Inspired by a favorite Hawaiian Shirt. I'm just turning the print into a painting. Copying has it's flaws, well no, I have flaws. Here's how it's been going so far. Shirt is on the left, my painting is on the right. I go back and add black to make it match better at the coast. I got this far when I noticed I was missing an entire palm tree. Time to use some water to erase what I'd done. The start of the tiki was in the wrong place too. It took a couple of hours to paint erase and paint again. I'll have to concentrate harder the next time. ====================================================== In one of my books I found this design. I thought a bolder carving size on Tiki Bob would look good so that's what I did. All done and posing. I'm looking forward to doing designs and add on's to the new Fogcutter mugs I've cast. But first I'll finish playing with Bob and doing the Wish List #5 projects along with the Swap painting. No wonder I'm not traveling south this month. Cheers, it's good to be busy, Wendy |
Dig that painting Another great lookin Bob |
Dan-0 |
Diggin' the painting Wendy! |
hang10tiki it is heavily raining today. Finally we have some water in the creeks. We may stay home all day and I'll get more done on the painting. I'm really enjoying doing this one because I like the shirt so much. I am addicted to carving Tiki Bob mugs. I hate to watch TV doing nothing so here come more Bobs! hang10tiki my favorite are Maori tribal around the biceps. Have you looked at the tattoo thread on TC? I posted lots of photos of Michael Fry's whole body! TikiHula I like to think of it as an "not for profit" imperfect forgery. ====================================================== Let's see what Tiki Bob's I can pull up today. ======================================================= Talking about forgeries I decided to make an obviously FAKE Elvis Bob. I will write something silly on the side when I glaze it. Around 16 years ago I found this mug in Springfield Oregon. Dan had just started collecting tiki mugs and he wasn't convinced it was a tiki. I told him I had seen these and that it was a tiki mug. So I forced him to spend the $18 on this mug and to add it to his collection. It was the best bargain we have ever gotten. This Tiki Bob is different from most. He is longer from the chin down and his chin swoops out more. To start I got clay to add to the bottom to match the mug. First I made the side where my funny writing will go. Then I began to build up the base. I keep cutting pieces of clay and adding them on. I'm always careful not to trap an air bubble which would expload in the kiln. I smooth the pieces with a wet finger. I added more clay to the bottom to match the original shape. Now to carve all the small rings. Backside. I smoothed the rings with more water. I thought I was done. I checked him over and compared him to the original but the chin was not right. shaped his chin. Now he's done and ready to relax and dry. Leaving my name and 2014 on the bottom will also show that this mug is not the original. ======================================================= I looked through the tattoo book again and found these designs. I re-use clay that I have cut off of casts. I do have to be careful to remove any plaster that is stuck on it. I cut ears from these pieces and attached them. After Bob sat overnight to firm up I started carving. All done and posing. Should he be called The better to hear you Bob? ====================================================== LAST DAY TO ORDER PROJECTS ON WISH LIST #5. PROJECTS WON'T BE COMPLETED FOR MONTHS ALL TIKI BOB'S I'M MAKING ARE FOR SALE ON A FIRST COME BASIS. THEY START ON PAGE 375. ======================================================= Thank you for the visit. Now it's time to get to work. Cheers, Wendy |
Elvis Bob, 18.00 |
Got my Peanut carve all glossy |
Very nice hang10tiki, I'm looking forward to visiting your home town in 2015. I want to see all your backyard creations and also your wife. =================================== WISH LIST #5 IS OFFICIALLY CLOSED. ONCE I HAVE POSTED ALL THE PROJECTS THAT ARE ALREADY COMPLETED I WILL START SHOWING THE STEP BY STEPS ON THESE ORDERS AND ON THE SACRAMENTO CRAWL MUG. FIRST I NEED TO FINISH THE SWAP PAINTING. =================================== Dan and I went to the Dicken's Fair in Old Town Elk Grove Our Old Town was started in the 1800's. Santa was there but Dan didn't sit in his lap. See the reason below. Dan sat outside this antique shop while I went in. He missed out on the spiced apple cider and when he stood up the wet bench has left it's mark on his behind. When we got home we saw our neighbors house had the same markings. Imagine that! ======================================== ======================================== I call this one Tahitian Tiki Bob because of the style of carving. Stylized. Again I sand with a wet brush. Done and posing. This is a second Tapa Bob. First I carved all the boxes and then I carved designs into each one. Done and posing. ====================================== Thank you all for the fun Wish List orders. I'll keep in touch and post step by step photos as I progress towards completion. Cheers, Wendy |
Dan-0 :lol: Wendy- more great Bobs |
Nice work as always, Wendy! We will miss you at the Markeplace this weekend. Next year you are going to go to everything since you missed out this year? :wink: |
hang10tiki now I know if you are naughty or nice. lunavideogames so many fun tiki excursions and so little time. I need to finish this swap painting and to work on the Wish List #5. I will plan to see you all during 2015. ======================================== Sorry for posting in two places but I keep my whole art life on this thread. My painting for the MadDogMike Hawaiian Shirt Swap had more colors than I realized. mixed them with each other and white to get them right. I still need to tweak the flower down a notch. Next steps 12/4/14 I used a silver pen to outline the next part. Somehow I got the first palm tree higher than it should be so from now on I'm doing a very similar painting to the shirt and not a perfect painting. Got a good start. I left off here for the day. ========================================================= Whenever I have looked at Tiki Bob I would think about how little it would take to turn him "more tiki". So I did that. I started with the area below his upper lip. I added eyelids. Using a wet brush I sealed them and smoothed them to Bob's face. I started carving out and shaping the mouth. With the features finished I outlined the face. I used a vegetable peeler to carve in deep lines like a Witco Tiki. Then a wire brush to add more fine lines. All done and posing. ====================================== Off to work, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-12-05 13:32 ] |
Wendy, RV |
RVICTOR do you want a Tiki Bob that I have already made or do you have a specific idea? I'll sneak you onto the Wish List since you posted here. Wendy |
Rvictor- you will love it Wendy- Like the new TIKI Bob |
Waiting to see all the new Bobs bisqued and glazed..... sigh. Wendy, are you and Dan still heading down to the Tiki Marketplace this weekend? Unfortunately I'm not being able to make it- though if you decide to keep driving south a bit further would love to see you guys! :) |
hang10tiki thank you, I took a bow! TikiAno we are so sad to miss Marketplace and seeing all of our friends. We have traveled more this year than at any time in our lives so we had to stop and take a break. I would have loved to have held Tiki Ari. I listened and here are the photos of the first batch of Tiki Bob's. Not glazed but fired. =============================================== The first batch of Tiki Bob's had dried and now it was time to prep them for the bisque fire. I had barely started sanding when Dan called me to see how he was doing with cleaning out some garage shelves. This photo shows that dust particles were already reaching his work space. So he put on his face mask. I started with the three new designs of Fogcutter mugs. These will be used to make molds. This one has 1 rim. Two rims. No rims. I use water and paper towels to wipe up the mess. I try to keep the dust from the air. Horrors. My selfie looks like a Mad Housewife on the loose. I got them all sanded and into the shed to wait for Dan. A few Days later he got out the compressor and dusted them all off as I put them into the kiln one by one. The top shelf is loaded. Not a full load but close enough. Bisque fire completed and they all turned white. Bottom shelf was actually loaded first. Here shows once again the aftermath of the bisque fire which took 23.5 hours. I did a 10 hour preheat to make sure they really were dry. Unloaded in the kiln room. The three Fogcutter mugs. All my glaze test strips and the two feet that Tiki Bob lost. ============================================ There will be another batch like this one. I'm not giving these a bath and glazing until the Wish List is underway. One step at a time. Cheers, Wendy |
Good Saturday Morning Tiki Friends. I've been working on the Swap Painting today. Here's my progress. I guess I'm not trying hard enough, all my photos are washed out with light. Oh well. I finished off the flowers and blocked in the tiki with blue paint. Drew him with silver and then started layering in the paint. I stared adding more colors to the head and eyes. Next came yellow, gray and beige. My work space. Stopping here for awhile. Closer up. ======================================== It was fun to log onto facebook and have one of the banks I sculpted be an "inspiration". Ha Ha. It was fun to have it be there. Last night I tried to take a photo of the moon but it was so bright that you couldn't see it. I just remembered what to do, a Tiki Hula tip, but now it's too late. ======================================== I got out my Moko book to look up some more designs for Tiki Bob. This one is spears and fish scales. I started by carving in some rows for the designs. All the way around. Spears. Fish scales. I finished off filling all the rows and then I choose a design for the rest of the mug. All done and posing. A photo without the flash shows the carving is deep. ======================================== That's all for my Saturday posting. Now it's time to do the laundry! Cheers, Wendy |
that selfie was awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... missed you guys at Frankie's last night Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-12-07 05:08 ] |
hang10tiki I really debated on posting that selfie. I don't want to scare anyone away from my thread. Oh, an anniversary party at Frankie's. That's fun. Did you meet anyone there? ====================================== I'm still working every day on the MadDogMike Hawaiian Shirt Swap painting. I worked a lot before I remembered to take photos. Close up. Tree top, more clouds and I've blocked in the last tiki. ======================================================= Once again I went through my tattoo books until I found something to carve on Tiki Bob. I started with the center of the body so that I wouldn't have him to high or too low on the mug. I then added the head and then the tail. I added waves to the rest of the mug. Time for him to pose. =================================== Thank you for the visits, Wendy |
Wendy, I'm considering modifying my hubby's Bob a little bit. Let me know before you start it please. I'm still thinking on it.... it will still have a little coconut mug but I might want to change the carving and his nickname. I'll let you know. |
Hi W- Ran into this guy :) They had 3 mugs to choose from Have a great day By the way |
The WISH LIST #5 begins! LoriLovesTiki I have started yours and then put it away until you got back to me. The first one in the group photo has the coconut in the best position for the most writing. I made one with the coconut on the other side in case you liked that better but it drooped a bit so writing on the coconut wouldn't show quite as well. We poured four because that is more productive than just doing one. Here he is emptying the excess slip. I worked on the right hand and then attached it and added the coconut. Then I started another one with the addition of a left hand. Here's where I left off with the mugs in plastic until the next step. I can leave them like this until you get back to me. I'm ready when you are. I have a batch of Tiki Bob's to fire and I would like to get yours in with them. ================================================== Here's what's on my Wish List. Meet James AKA Pocketiki and Sian. Recently Pocketiki wrote on facebook about how in the past I would bid against him on eBay all the time taking what he most wanted. This was sometimes true but because of those bids we became good friends. He once called me from England for a chat and then put Dan and I in his Pocketiki Magazine. We just made a transatlantic trade so that he and Dan will have something they both wanted on Christmas day. There is however the one he says got away. I won the auction and he and I split a set of mugs. However he still lusts after those I kept. Here they are in Dan's collection. Dan won't part with them. The one you see best on the left has Dan's on the side. These were hobbyists mugs. My best one with Dan on it arrives fractured but I glued it back together. What James wants are the teal and orange mugs. What I want from James is one of his Duncan mugs made for the Tiki Mug book signing in England. So here is what I decided to try. James I'm forging two of these mugs to see if we can make a trade. I even filled in the bottom of my mug to match theirs. So James you could have these two with James on one and Sian on the other. No pressure at all because if you don't want to make this trade, then I'll make them for Dan and toss his broken mug. Let me know. If you do want them what colors do you want them to be? ===================================================== I love clay. So many options and so much fun. I know that Tiki Ano is addicted too. Time to paint on the swap mug. Cheers, Wendy |
hang10tiki I just posted and went to check it out and WOW found your post. Thank you so much for the photos. I'm going to have to use the one of Dan. You sure live in a fun town. Cheers, Wendy I'm still working every day on the MadDogMike Hawaiian Shirt Swap painting. I worked a lot before I remembered to take photos. Close up. Tree top, more clouds and I've blocked in the last tiki. [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2014-12-08 19:56 ] |
:) When did you get all those hobbyists mugs? |
Only a fool would decline such an offer I guess, but those who really know me well know that I am a fool, so on this occasion I will have to say...Too Bloody right Wendy!!! I know a killer deal when I get offered one...not too often and certainly not often enough!! I still hanker after the vintage DIY teal mug but at least I know it is loved where it is, and probably belongs...I suppose (does sulky pouty face). I have put aside a 'TIKI MUGS Book launch mug' for you guys because I knew we would be able to sort something out and this is...well...quite SOMETHING!! Thank you for your gracious offer which I am more than happy to accept...oh yeah...and Sian would have killed me if I hadn't gotten her a 'Wendy Bob' - Tiki Bob is her favourite of all the mugs!!! I know for a fact that she will want a red (Coca Cola/British Post Box red) and I would like a...wait for it...Teal mug! Teal is actually the corporate colour of the local council that I work for, Rushmoor Borough Council, and I was the one who introduced it many years ago, before it seemed to be a 'trendy' colour! Loved the build up you gave in the posts above by the way. Makes me feel that I should post more on TC again! I dropped off when some crappy stuff was flying about disrespecting people who were actually contributing and not just standing on the byline and shouting the odds...I didn't want that spoiling my enjoyment of all things Tiki, so thought it best to bow out! Maybe things have moved on...I'll come dip my toe in the water again. I'm so glad this is going to happen Wendy!! I'll contact you to sort out any details...Loves and kisses to you both from the folks at Tiki Towers! XXXXXX |
Hi Wendy. Haven't checked in on the thread for awhile. Your painting is looking amazing! I'm really diggin it. I'll give you a ring soon. |
Wendy - Sorry about the delay in responding...things have been bury with the holiday. Thanks for letting me sneak on the list. I haven't looked over all the tiki bobs...but the ones I have seen are all really good. I will try to come up with an idea. Whatever it is, I would like your personal interpretation of the idea of course. How soon will you need me to make a decision? Thanks, Robert |
Wendy - An idea already popped into my head. Can you do a modernist bob? My wife mentioned that she liked Bosko's Modern Bob tiki mug. It would be really cool to see what you could do with the modernist idea. I'm not sure if you have posted one like that or not? Thanks, Robert |
SORRY!!!!!! Ok Wendy, I'm ready. I've been super busy at work with this Computer science education week thing called "The Hour of Code." Every student in my school is doing an hour of computer programming. It's not hard but been keeping busy. That, combined with Christmas decorating and shopping has kept me off TC! Enough excuses. I'd like the one on the right - the Bob that is technically left handed so when they're lined up they will mirror each other. But actually they'll be wrong since I'm left handed and my Bob is right handed and my husband (Jeff) is right handed but his Bob will be left handed! (I should have planned better!) I want him to be a dark blue carved up with a tapa-like pattern unless you have something else in mind. I don't want the carving to necessarily match mine. You can put the "Jeff loves Lori" anywhere it suits you although I love how you carved Jon's on the back of the mug! I don't want it on the coconut mug and yes, I want the coconut mug to be brown & white. Did I answer all your questions? edited to add my sketch of an idea for the name on the back: Again, I apologize for the delay! :) [ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2014-12-09 16:42 ] [ Edited by: LoriLovesTiki 2014-12-09 16:43 ] |
hang10tiki tell Janelle aka SewTiki it's about time she joined in. Welcome SewTiki. POCKETIKI yippy I'm so happy. Dan will really enjoy the mug. Since I did such a good write up can I get a job writing for Pocketiki. You know we are waiting for the next issue to appear. I've copied you instructions and I'm sending you hugs and kisses back. We look forward to your return to TC. OH! you are already back by posting here. Good. TikiHula I'm relieved that the painting is turning out. When I started I was shocked I hadn't noticed how many colors there were in the picture. I'm almost done, see below. Call when you can. RVICTOR (: your brain my hands. RVICTOR is that the Tiki Bob with the pin head and skewed eyes? Nope I haven't done one like that. I would need your ideas. LoriLovesTiki Dan and I are not computer savvy. That gives me nightmares of being back in school. I made the second one just in case you wanted a way to have them stand closer to each other. It's funny that you are a right and left handed couple. Your drawing and instructions are perfect and you've made it all easier for me to do. Time to work. ==================================================== It's Christmas time. This year I sent Dan out to shop. First I caught him gazing at palm trees hoping his present will be a trip to Hawaii. When he finally started to shop he got this cart and said when it's full I'm done! ================================================== I tried to finish the MadDogMike Swap painting today but I didn't get it done. Close though. I drew in the next part. I started with the foliage. Painted the torch and plants. Hopefully I will finish the Tiki and Touchups tomorrow.
================================================ Last Sunday I took Dan and a tiki roadtrip. We started first with brunch at Claim Jumpers. The food is outstanding. For an additional $2.99 you get all the drinks including refils that you want. Champagne too! That's the only alcohol I like so I have a glass and it's fun. We next went next door to the Antique Trove, Roseville. I told Dan I knew the best booth in the 25,000 sq. foot store. We went right there and found not only tikis for him a Kouroc tray for me! Time to check out. Then it was on to Midway Antiques where Dan found this tiki. Bach home Dan put the little tikis on this top shelf and was so happy to find he had one other royal drum playing minahunie to make a set of three with his "finds". ============================================ Thank you for the visit. Cheers, Wendy |
Love the Island of Dan-0 photo
And this one reminded of something I've seen before
now I remember
I'm so glad that we're all set, Wendy! :) Those photoshopped babies are the best ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
hang10tiki you continue to make my thread fun and entertaining. Thank you so much. By the way I loved the ride! LoriLovesTikis there is a storm about to hit here. We are staying inside, maybe for three days. There should be progress made on the Wish List #5. =================================== The MadDogMike Hawaiian Shirt inspired swap. The whole story. I took my favorite of Dan's Hawaiian shirts to use as inspiration for a painting. The art is really by this person. I am just copying his work. This is the section of the shirt I choose. My painting is all done and ready to swap. I added a few twinkling stars to the sky. Close up. ====================================== If we have electricity tomorrow I'll be back to posting. Thank you everyone for running my numbers past the 1,500,000 mark. This is another fun moment for us. Cheers, Wendy |
These were posted on the Swap thread. Since they made my day I decided to save them here. Thank you mean so much. Will carve Joined: Apr 06, 2011 Cha-ching, View Profile of Will carve Send a personal message to Will carve Edit/Delete This Post Reply with quote Joined: May 07, 2012 Wendy, Very nice! Or I guess I should have said: "Nâ mea ho'onani." [ Edited by: MaukaHale 2014-12-11 07:17 ] View Profile of MaukaHale Send a personal message to MaukaHale Email MaukaHale Edit/Delete This Post Reply with quote Joined: Jul 18, 2010 Wendy- awesome Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! View Profile of hang10tiki Send a personal message to hang10tiki Edit/Delete This Post Reply with quote Joined: Mar 10, 2011 That is going to look so good in my bar, thanks Wendy! View Profile of cy Send a personal message to cy Goto the website of cy Edit/Delete This Post Reply with quote |
Wendy - OK...the wish list ideas for RVICTOR: Idea #1 (Wife's favorite) - Bosko Modern Bob takeoff Idea #2 (My idea) - Sven K. Tribute Mug, "TIKI MODERN" Bob
RVictor, WOW I love that Tiki Modern mug. I need to make it. Then we'll torture my friend Sven with it. Excellent design and idea. I'm excited with everything that's that's been propsed for the Wish List #5. Yours is right up there with the best. Very cool. =========================================== Here's what I've been working on for Lloyd Alohahaha, Muscat and Dale (Tiki Tonies husband). These guys all joined the Sacramento Ohana but were not around the first year. They each wanted to add a Zombie Hut/Coral Reef mug to there Sacramento Crawl collection. So I dug out the mold and I'm making them each one in Brown. I got out my mug to make sure as I cleaned off these mold lines that I restored the detail to match the original run.
All three done and drying. =============================================== Dan and I were in Old Sacramento and stopped by the only antique store they have. It was fun to see this $10 tiki but we didn't pick him up. Maybe someone will soon.
================================================ Look what Tiki Ano did with a Maori mask I made and the shirt for the Swap. Thank you TA. ================================================ I'm running my computer on batteries. The wind is so strong that I'm sure we are going to have power outages. I'm not going to recharge until Saturday. I hope it lasts. Signing off, Wendy |
Wendy-you got it. I'm glad you like the design idea. it's going to be fun watching you make it when you get to that point. |
Return of the Zombie mug Another good view today on our walk
Have a great day |
RVICTOR it's fun for me to make Wish come true. I like that even the glazing will be a challenge. hang10tiki so many beautiful colors in your photo. Two beautiful people taking the walk. Where's the selfie with that in the background? I want to see it. ===================================== The Wish List #5 is now in Progress. LoriLovesTiki I have finished sculpting your small Tiki Bob statue. I will fine tune the Loves Lori when it has dried more. Tiny carvings are hard to make crisp at the beginning. If you have any concerns let me know ASAP. Step by step.
All done and posing.
==================== What I like best about the Wish List is going down the list to choose what to work on each day. ==================== Friday and the storm here is quiet. Thunder storms due to start in 10 minutes. I'm shutting down and unplugging the computer |
Great lookin piece of art for Lori But what's the name of this drink?
Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2014-12-12 11:26 ] |
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