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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

The Honolulu in Mass. (?)

Pages: 1 3 replies

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/29/2002

I recently got a moai-style mug and on the back it reads:
Rt 9 Westboro
Rt 1 Norwood

Seems there were 2 of these restaurants/bars in MA at one time or another. Any info?

hang10tiki posted on 01/02/2015

pappythesailor posted on 01/05/2015

Both gone. The Westboro one went after the Norwood one and was still there ca. 1995. The site was bulldozed and a Bertuccis is in roughly the same spot.

[ Edited by: pappythesailor 2015-01-05 13:59 ]

Dustycajun posted on 01/05/2015

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