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Is there a tiki god of money?

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Cole Jr posted on 12/14/2014

Hi all,

I'd love to get a tiki-related tattoo and was wondering whether there was a god of money/ wealth? This guy keeps popping up when I search for said god on google -


Is this a legitimate god? If so, could you give me some background for them? I think it kind of resembles Ku, who I'm not particularly keen on getting inked on me as he's the god of war and I'm pretty peaceful by nature.


tikiskip posted on 12/14/2014

On 2014-12-14 13:09, Cole Jr wrote:
Ku, who I'm not particularly keen on getting inked on me as he's the god of war and I'm pretty peaceful by nature.

It may be a Coco joes thing, not a real legitimate tiki god thing. (think Tourist gift)
Find him here....
http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=17776&forum=5&start=15&hilite=coco joes

So you don't get the war god but a tattoo of the god of money that starts wars.

Cole Jr posted on 12/15/2014

On 2014-12-14 14:36, tikiskip wrote:

On 2014-12-14 13:09, Cole Jr wrote:
Ku, who I'm not particularly keen on getting inked on me as he's the god of war and I'm pretty peaceful by nature.

It may be a Coco joes thing, not a real legitimate tiki god thing. (think Tourist gift)
Find him here....
http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=17776&forum=5&start=15&hilite=coco joes

So you don't get the war god but a tattoo of the god of money that starts wars.

Thanks for getting back to me.

I'm not keen on getting a tattoo that doesn't represent a legitimate tiki god.

If you were to see somebody sporting a tattoo of Ku, what would your initial thought of that person be? That they're violent? Or does Ku represent other things too?

tikiskip posted on 12/15/2014

I don't think many folks would know a Ku from doo doo.
So if you like that image get it.
Get a good artist as a Ku could be f$%^ed up if not done well.

I like the Easter Island Moai with the top knot better, then that's just
That is a pretty peaceful image/tiki.
Plus a group of them with some standing and some laying down would be cool.
But they pushed them over in acts of war so that maybe be too close to the
war thing for you.
But it's a good story to tell of your tat.

AND those tiki (Easter Island Moai)represented dead family members I think so that's not bad.

A Tattoo for me would need to have a deep meaning for me to slap it on, like getting it
in a far away land, or by a great tattoo artist, maybe to mark an event.
Every tat should have a cool story to it.

All this comes from a guy with no ink.
Good luck!

Easter Island Moai tattoo

Ku tiki tattoo

Cole Jr posted on 12/16/2014

On 2014-12-15 13:31, tikiskip wrote:
I don't think many folks would know a Ku from doo doo.
So if you like that image get it.
Get a good artist as a Ku could be f$%^ed up if not done well.

I like the Easter Island Moai with the top knot better, then that's just
That is a pretty peaceful image/tiki.
Plus a group of them with some standing and some laying down would be cool.
But they pushed them over in acts of war so that maybe be too close to the
war thing for you.
But it's a good story to tell of your tat.

AND those tiki (Easter Island Moai)represented dead family members I think so that's not bad.

A Tattoo for me would need to have a deep meaning for me to slap it on, like getting it
in a far away land, or by a great tattoo artist, maybe to mark an event.
Every tat should have a cool story to it.

All this comes from a guy with no ink.
Good luck!

Easter Island Moai tattoo

Ku tiki tattoo

I totally agree that tats should have meaning. I thought this tattoo looked quality -


But again, it's Ku and I can't really relate to that god.

tikiskip posted on 12/16/2014

At least he is a smiling war god.

“You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun.”
¯ Al Capone

Good luck and let us see it when you get it.

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/16/2014

On 2014-12-15 13:31, tikiskip wrote:
I don't think many folks would know a Ku from doo doo.

Just about the best thing I have read on TC in years!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/16/2014

On 2014-12-14 13:09, Cole Jr wrote:
Hi all,

I'd love to get a tiki-related tattoo and was wondering whether there was a god of money/ wealth? This guy keeps popping up when I search for said god on google -


Is this a legitimate god? If so, could you give me some background for them? I think it kind of resembles Ku, who I'm not particularly keen on getting inked on me as he's the god of war and I'm pretty peaceful by nature.


Here is the real god of money that would make a fine tattoo. He is even holding a uke.

tikiskip posted on 12/16/2014

Quote: “He did not subscribe to his family’s religion. Even at a young age he was too mathematical, too logical, to make the leap of faith. He adopted his father’s ethical underpinnings, but not his belief in an unseen divinity.” –from Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist

º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,:MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM TIKISKIP!!:º¤ø,¸¸ø¤ºº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º

pjc5150 posted on 12/18/2014

tikiskip posted on 12/18/2014

I did think of that too.

But on Going Tribal a TV show about day-to-day lives of tribal cultures around the world.
Going Tribal had one show where a family owed a debt to another family and this would be
paid in dog teeth or ornate shells that this family owned.
All of the families had these and this was their money, as well as maybe trading pigs or other things
people may need.
But they wanted the shells.
The government wanted these tribe people to stop using these things as money and use real paper money.
But the tribe folks did not want any of the worthless government paper money.

After all how can the government tax a sea shell?

Pittsburgh pauly posted on 01/05/2015

Does it have to be the "god of money"? Especially if that god goes against your non-warring nature?

What about Lono, god of peace and fertility (especially of cultivated food crops).
One could make the case that that would be more akin to the idea of abundance in material needs.
Which we use money to acquire in our culture.

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