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Chicago Tribune Tiki Reviews August 23rd

Pages: 1 5 replies

chefgrey2 posted on 08/31/2002

My buddy in Chicago just sent me a page of the Chicago Tribune, Dated August 23 with reviews of every tiki bar and restaurant in Chicago Tong's Tiki Hut, Hala Kahiki, Malahini Terrace, Traver Vic's. etc...and rates them on two scales...both drinks and tikiness! I tried to access the website for you guys, but they wanted a couple of bucks to download it...hell, I already have the article...but you guys who are going to visit soon would definitely be interested in this article...it is huge...with pics! Grey

Humuhumu posted on 08/31/2002

I just looked at the abstract available online -- it starts right off talking about JT's Tiki Bar Review Pages. Now we know why his traffic maxed out for the month!

midnite posted on 08/31/2002

I hope this works:


Excellent article, a good read.

Thanks for pointing us to it!

Ok, the article hot link is a strange one, not working. Try the search page, I found it that way:


[ Edited by: midnite_tiki on 2002-08-31 14:27 ]

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 08/31/2002
SlovakTiki posted on 09/01/2002

No go on that link, but thanks for trying.

tikibars posted on 09/23/2002

The guy who interviewed me for the article (which had a lot more of ME ME ME ha ha ha in the press version as opposed to the on-line version) was really nice, and was genuinely interested in what I had to say. The version that actually appeared in the newspaper was very respectful of us Tikiphiles, and managed to quote me a dozen times without ever MIS-quoting me. Very cool!



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