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Best area to stay in Hawaii?

Pages: 1 5 replies

Kon-Hemsby posted on 01/30/2004

I've read through previous threads and I can't find the answer to this:
What is the best area to stay in when I'm in Hawaii (Big Island)?
I've sorted Maui and Oahu, now I just need the best area to stay in, when I'm in hawaii for 10 days. Help I need to book somewhere for New Years.


[ Edited by: Kon-Hemsby on 2004-01-29 17:17 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 01/30/2004

when we went to the big island, we did a road trip (yes, it's really that big). we started in the kailua-kona area, then went to the volcano area, then to hilo, then to waipio. if i had to do it again i wouldn't stay in hilo (but i do highly recommend visiting hilo)

here's where we stayed in the waipio area:

you can get more advance from my friend michael:


please let him know that chris & emilia recommended him to you.

have fun,

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-01-29 17:48 ]

thejab posted on 01/30/2004

I highly recommend the small 2-story Tiki Hotel just south of Kailua Kona. It's not fancy but the rooms all face the ocean (the first floor rooms have small patios) and have kitchens, tikis on the doors, and there's a lava rock pool area. I figure when your in paradise who needs a fancy room. It's not on a beach - it's a rocky coastline but it was heaven falling asleep listening to the crash of waves.

They have inexpensive rates. I can give you their number later when I can look it up.

I liked the 60s look of the Royal Kona close to town and they light their tiki torches nightly.

There are many fancy hotels north of Kona if you want to shell out big bucks.

I can give you tips for the volcano area and Hilo also as we stayed there too.

laney posted on 01/30/2004

We stayed at the King Kamehameha in Kona. There are actually tikis there. It's right at the end of Alii Dr. so you can walk to the farmers market, shops, bars, etc. They also have a sand beach and a great dive shop where we booked our Manta night dive (amazing!!!!) We could watch the triathletes go by from our balcony and their luau was fun. Prices are reasonable.
The second best sandwich in the world is right across the street! I forget the name of the place something..."almost by the sea" Wierd unc knows the name. You'll take several drives around the island but Kona is the perfect home base.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/30/2004

Hey Kon, Kona is the place your looking for. Check out Parker Ranch and Puuhonua o Honaunua National Park.

[ Edited by: Shipwreckjoey on 2004-01-30 01:43 ]

weirduncletiki posted on 01/31/2004

For the tiki experience, it may be tough to beat http://www.konavillage.com It was written about in this thread http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic-new.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=216&forum=1&start=0

There's so much information on Hawaiian Vacations in that "Hawaiian Vacation Tips" thread that I encourage all to look through it and post your questions and comments there. Let's keep the info streamlined and easy to find! Have a super trip, Kon-Hemsby and please pass along your experiences to us in the HVT thread. Enjoy!

-Weird Unc

p.s. Those of you who responded with some very helpful hints, why not post them again in the above-mentioned thread? It'd keep all this valuable info in one place. Mahalo.

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki on 2004-01-30 16:33 ]

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