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moai decanter~ online & in stock

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dogbytes posted on 08/02/2002

$19.99 YAY! i just ordered mine by phone. the company is in costa mesa, and even has HOME delivery to orange county..

eek i was too excited to ask for actual shipping charges, but their website shows a CASE rate of 18 bucks.. so ONE bottles gotta be cheaper!

item #162897

now, where did i see that recipe for EasterIsland Ice Tea?...

BONBONVIC posted on 08/02/2002

Just called myself. 3 in-stock now 2. Hurry up and get yours.

Doctor Z posted on 08/02/2002

Just picked up the last one... sorry! But Earl at Hi Time Wines says they should be getting more within the next week or two...

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 08/02/2002

Man that sucks! I been hunting this stuff today and come up with your web site and I call and they are out of stock! However, I did go ahead and purchase two in advance!!! The guy freaked when I called! He said people had been calling like mad. Well, I just got to wait longer than yall.

tikimug posted on 08/02/2002

Ok Listen, I live in a "liquor controlled" state and I can't get out-of-state booze shipped in. But I believe "collectables" can be shipped in. If anyone would want to obtain an extra one and ship this very collectable piece to me (a collector) I would be willing to pay a premium price. You could email me off-list (unless I can find one in a liquor store in the neighboring state.) :wink:

[ Edited by: tikimug on 2002-08-02 16:52 ]

Trader Woody posted on 08/03/2002

International Tiki-philes should be excited by the fact that they seem to ship outside the US, though they seem a little worried that us foreigners might start wars or something.

Anyone want to get together from Europe & get a couple of bottles?

Trader Woody

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 08/03/2002

Hey Tiki Mug, I got two on the way. What happens if I am caught sending one to you? Are there fines, prison terms, death penalty? I think these are the coolest! I was going to keep a full one and empty one of them. What is your premium price. Send me a private message.

inkylouise posted on 08/03/2002

i was in chili a few years back and i drank alot of that stuff...they make this yummy drinks called "pisco sour" with that stuff, some limes and egg white, love to get a reciepe if someone knows it, and a bottle too... count me in!

tikimug posted on 08/05/2002


You've got mail...


KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 08/05/2002

TIki mug, I didnt get any mail. try again. my email is drobertson@grinerdrillingservice.com. thanks

BONBONVIC posted on 08/06/2002

I got my Moai decanter from Hi Time liquor. Very nice. Someone wanted a recipe for a Pisco Sour. On the bottle is a recipe card with a blurb on Easter Island.

Pisco Sour
3 part Pisco
1 part lemon juice
Sugar to taste
Add ice and shake in
a cocktail mixer

dogbytes posted on 08/07/2002

YAY mine arrived today!!
but it looks so lonly compared to aquarj's THREE...

moai envy!

Doctor Z posted on 08/07/2002

Since it seems that I was the only one to pick one of these up in person, let me tell you: I've never been asked so many questions about a liquor purchase since I was 18 & trying to buy 'california coolers' to take to the drive in!! Apparently, Hi Time had a (very small) stock of these that sat idle for months - then sold out completely in about 1/2 hour last Friday, and they wanted ME to explain why! They even had guys coming out of the back rooms to see what all the fuss/phone-orders/e-mails were all about. I briefly explained about the guy in Chile, Dogbytes posting on Tiki Central, yada yada, and they responded with little interest/enthusiasm ("Um.. oh, ok...") However, I assured them that if they got more in stock (the sooner the better) they would probably do some steady business with these. Well, until we all have one at least.
But this leaves me with a few questions:
1). From Aquarj's pix, it looks like there's a green and a yellow version of the bottle - how can I get a yellow one? I called the folks at Hi Time again, and they didn't really know what I was talking about: "I dunno - from the box, they all look the same to me"...
2). Is anybody actually opening & drinking theirs? I know nothing about pisco, and I don't know if I want to open the bottle, only to find I don't like it and then have an open bottle rather than a sealed one.

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2002-08-07 01:49 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 08/07/2002

Took a long lunch today to stop by Hi Time Cellar and pick up my Pisco Moai Bottle. Man-oh-man, I've been looking for this bottle for the past 3 years with no success. Walked-in and there they were - 3 on the shelf! And this about 4 miles away from where I work --- all this time!!!!

Thanks for the tip dogbytes!

stentiki posted on 08/08/2002


I too, picked up my Moai decanter yesterday after work. Very cool! I also had a similar experience with the Hi Time people there. They were very curious about the interest in the decanter and said something about "some artist" who buys them out every time they get a shipment in. So my mind started wandering...could it be the guy with the address from Chile selling on Ebay? Or perhaps Shag has a secret collection? Or could it be Dr. Evil himself in his quest for world domination?!?


Uncle Arty

PolynesianPop posted on 08/08/2002

They were very curious about the interest in the decanter and said something about "some artist" who buys them out every time they get a shipment in.

Actually, one of the guys there told me the same thing. He said that some lady comes in and buys them all to make lamps out of them. Hmmmm....I've yet to see one on eBay. I wonder what she's doing with them???

tikimug posted on 08/08/2002

And more importantly...

What is she doing with all that Pisco! :wink:

PolynesianPop posted on 08/08/2002

And more importantly...

What is she doing with all that Pisco!

Forgot to write about that one. Actually, the guy that told me all this said she just dumps it out all the Pisco becuase she just wants the bottles.

johntiki posted on 08/08/2002

How dare that woman!! - she ought to be locked up!! :)


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 08/10/2002

UPDATE: 7 more on the shelf as of last night (8/10/02). $21.54 tax included.

dogbytes posted on 08/11/2002

On 2002-08-10 16:58, sugarcaddydaddy wrote:
UPDATE: 7 more on the shelf as of last night (8/10/02). $21.54 tax included.

mega moai envy!

[ Edited by: dogbytes on 2002-08-10 17:40 ]

Double Crown posted on 08/11/2002

I ordered two bottles on Wednesday. It's funny, when I ordered he said they had received about 50 calls about it and I read here that there were only 4 bottles on the shelf when a bottle was purchased in person. With all that demand I really didn't expect him to fill my order right away and was expecting to place a pre-order for when their new shipment arrived. I said I wanted two and he said that he would pack 'em up and mail them that day UPS ground! I don't know if I jumped ahead in the queue or if the 50 people that called before were just asking questions and not ordering. In any case, I hope to receive them sometime this week.

A question though - is this stuff any good? I fully plan on drinking it, then may turn one of them into a lamp (what a great idea!)

dogbytes posted on 08/11/2002

On 2002-08-07 19:53, PolynesianPop wrote:
some lady comes in and buys them all to make lamps out of them. Hmmmm....I've yet to see one on eBay. I wonder what she's doing with them??

possibly i saw one at La Luz de Jesus last summer..that place was so cool, it was overwhelming!..

stentiki posted on 08/12/2002

*On 2002-08-07 01:43, Doctor Z wrote:*2). Is anybody actually opening & drinking theirs? I know nothing about pisco, and I don't know if I want to open the bottle, only to find I don't like it and then have an open bottle rather than a sealed one.

We opened our decanter today and sampled the Pisco Sour today as per the drink recipe on the bottle. I think it's safe to say that this will not be one our favorite drinks! Does anyone out there have a better way to drink Pisco?!?


Uncle Arty

Double Crown posted on 08/13/2002

I just received my delivery of two bottles of Pisco in the Moai bottles. Shipping was only $9.90 to Washington and no tax, so the total for 2 bottles including shipping was just under $50.00! They arrived in perfect condition. I can't wait to crack open a bottle tonight and sampling the goods (although reports here are less than enthusiastic about the actual liquid inside the bottles).


KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 08/13/2002

My two will be here today. TikiMug gets one of them. It cost me 12.00 to get them to me in Mississippi. Hope they are cool.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/14/2002
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