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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 01/25/2015

Tyber Tiki it is fun to have made the largest mug out there. A lamp is still an option but there are many lamps this size. I'm glad you are happy so far.

hang10tiki the Maori and I thank you. I'm loving the countdown crawl photos. I wonder why?

SandraFremgen I would enjoy seeing your step by steps. You've done a super sweet painting for the swap. I've been paired with CY twice maybe that will happen with us.


The Tyber Tiki's tale of the HUGE Maori mug/lamp continues.
One step at a time. There sure are a lot of places to carve!

I hope this is acceptable but my guarantee is that if I don't fulfill the Wish then the person doesn't have to take it.

I'll have more done to post tomorrow.

Cheers, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/26/2015

Can't wait to see it all carved up!!

kingstiedye posted on 01/26/2015

acceptable? if tyber tikI doesn't want it, i'll fight dan for it. beautiful!

Tyber Tiki posted on 01/26/2015

Hi Wendy,

Your detailed work around the Maori's eyes is simply astonishing! Please know that I will eagerly accept this mug into my collection and am most grateful that you took on my wish list item. I just hope that I do not have to wrestle with Dan or Kingstiedye for this mug once completed :wink:.

Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki posted on 01/26/2015

Amazing detail
Kings- good 1
LOVE IT.......

danlovestikis posted on 01/26/2015

LoriLovesTiki wish granted. At least for the front of the mug.

kingstiedye with comments like that I'm super happy I made a mold. It's going to be fun doing carving variations in the future.

Tyber Tiki I'm so happy you like the carving. Check it out today! I'll make sure that the men don't snag it.

hang10tiki thank you so much.


These posted notes just made my day special.


Tyber Tiki's Wished for tiki has its carving finished. I will be carving the entire outside of the mug too.
Here's how it looks today.

First I carved the cheeks and started carving all the side doodads.

Next the chest.

Then the tummy and arms.

Time to add the tongue to this small mouth.

There it is. Legs and feet finished.

Of course I'll do fine tuning once this is dry but for now I've finished the front.


Tyber Tiki's your Wish will disappear from my daily posts for awhile while I post progress on other projects that
I'll be working on.

I thank all the Wishers for your patience while I tackled the most labor intensive project of all. It will reappear once I've finished the outside of the mug.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/26/2015



kingstiedye posted on 01/26/2015

so freakin' great! it's already got me dreaming stuff up for your next wishlist.

Tyber Tiki posted on 01/26/2015

Wow Wendy, I am totally blown away by your incredible carvings and how the Maori has shaped up...the details are amazing and far exceeds anything I could have ever imagined. I'm looking forward to following the other wish list items progress.


Tyber Tiki

swizzle posted on 01/26/2015

Looks great Wendy. I can see all the hours already put into that piece.

danlovestikis posted on 01/28/2015

hang10tiki I liked that.

kingstiedye you are so cute. Let's start today by showing the start up for your first of two mugs for this Wish List #5.

Tyber Tiki there is nothing better than fulfilling a Wish and yours was a BIG one! Thank you, I'm so happy.

swizzle but every hour was enjoyable. You and I have the love of clay and that is joyful all the time.


I will be carving on the backside of Tyber Tiki's HUGE Maori in the future but I'm taking a break and working on

kingstiedye aka Bullet two ordered Wishes and here's the first steps. He calls this the DEATH TIKI

He loves this character but he wants him to have a complete body.

This tiki has an arm set that is very similar. With a tweak of his hand shape and

a well rounded bottom kingstiedye designed a very doable new mug.

Dan got to enjoy his clean room for awhile but

now it's time to haul in the supplies.

I cast this mug as a base. It is one of three new fogcutter shapes I have available. I carved and molded them. One day I'll share how we did three molds at the same time.

I started with the backside.

Each piece is painted with slip before attaching. This helps to eliminate air bubbles that explode in the kiln.

I finished the rear end and then I

pinched in the waist to match the photo.

That's it for today.

LoriLovesTiki I'm glad you weren't in Boston!

Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 01/28/2015

Wow! I missed a few days and missed the grand reveal of the MASSIVE MAORI MUG MANIA! I didn't realize it was so big until Wendy sent over this selfie...

Wendy, your carving details are extraordinary, as always. Thanks for sharing.

Look forward to seeing the new mug progress- I bet it's going to be GOOD!

danlovestikis posted on 01/29/2015

Tiki Ano I wish Dan and I looked as good in our selfie as the tiki does. How about a Tiki Ari update?


Progress report and Step by Steps for kingstiedye designed Wish based on Dave Burke's art called DEATH TIKI.

This first photo is a sneak peek at kingstiedye other request and on the right is Munktiki's version of the David Burke mug that designed and I'm making for him now.

This is a side view of one of the legs.

I had built the tikis left knee and

here's the right one finished.

I started with the arms and

then enlarged the chest. The top of the head is started and I'll continue to add clay until it's just right.

Next the first piece of the head has added.

Side view.

Each time I added a slab of clay I had to add small connective pieces.

All the way around the top until

I had the head covered. If an air bubble is trapped under this flap this tiki is going to blow up in the kiln.

Now this one sits overnight to firm up. Right now the clay is limp.

I really enjoy the Wish List projects. Thank you all for using my hands. Idle hands get into trouble and we wouldn't want that!

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-01-30 09:59 ]

kingstiedye posted on 01/30/2015

can't wait to see what comes next. well, actually i know what comes next. thanks for taking on my projects, wendy!

TikiAno posted on 01/30/2015

This is going to be a good one...

(okay, ANOTHER good one). :)

Wendy, Maya took Tiki Ari for another photo shoot, and I was even able to convince her to bring one of his Aloha shirts... shocking, I know. He's getting big fast. I need to do a clay imprint of his hands and feet sooner than later...

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/30/2015

That Jon said!!!!

Wow is right! Excellent carving Wendy!!!

danlovestikis posted on 01/30/2015

Hi Friends, there has been a lesson to be learned from these Wish List requests. They sometimes involve material that has a copy write by another artist. When I started this project it was impersonal for me because I'd never seen the DEATH TIKI before nor did I know Dave Burke Art. After I started this project it became a bit unsettling when directed to his facebook page. He has been notified that I'm doing this 1 mug for a fan of his and that will end with just this one. He has posted since I wrote to him and he hasn't asked me to stop. I hope my mug will inspire him to have one made because his design is really creepy cool.

kingstiedye it's been interesting Bullet. I hope we don't have to take one for this project.

TikiAno not only is he Tiki Ari he's a tiki tot! What a beautiful boy. Love the shirt too. Are your ceramics made for him in his room?

LoriLovesTiki copying is harder than creating so I really appreciate the compliments posted here. The Wish List is always a challenge that I relish, sometimes with mustard and ketchup too.


kingstiedye came for a visit and got to watch me progress through the steps. The Dave Burke DEATH TIKI now has a face and the trim is started.

I shortened the head as I worked around to the backside.

More trim done.

kingstiedye aka Bullet is watching over my shoulder as I work. Tweak it here Wendy...not really.

I get this far and now the tiki

needs to rest and

to fir up.


Thank you all for your support and comments. Every one is special. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/30/2015

Me like...

Tyber Tiki posted on 01/30/2015

Wow Wendy, that is one cheeky tiki....sorry I couldn't help myself :) It really looks great!

IDoVoodoo posted on 01/31/2015


You're amazing.



hang10tiki posted on 01/31/2015

Ano- great photo of the lil tiki dude
Looking at that picture, I expect him to talk in full sentences

danlovestikis posted on 01/31/2015

hang10tiki kingstiedye will be very happy to hear that. No word from Dave Burke.

Tyber Tiki is does look kind of real.

IDoVoodoo I want to resemble that remark. I see Tonie is doing a wonderful job on project #3. I'll have to work hard on your other two wishes to keep up with her. I'm so happy that the referral worked out.

hang10tiki he does speak in full sentences. He said, "I love daddies tiki mugs."


The finishing touches to kingstiedye's Dave Burke/vintage bottom tiki mug for Wish List #5.

I always turn my mugs upside down once they start to firm up so that I can fine tune the rest of the carving.

Each section as smoothed and where thin more clay was added.

I carved the bottom of each face shingle to match the painting better.

Now I've added a bit of cracks to finish off the mug.

Now it will sit for a month to dry out extremely slowly because of the thick areas of clay. If it doesn't crack then the next hurdle will be the bisque fire. I'm not sure that there are no trapped air bubbles. We'll find out once more projects are completed and it's time to fire.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/01/2015

That came out great...............

RVICTOR posted on 02/01/2015

Your killing it Wendy...amazing work

IDoVoodoo posted on 02/01/2015

Oh good, you saw the Shrunken Monkey/Severed Hand set? I am glad!

And don't you worry, I have faith in your excellent skills and art; everything you sculpt is genius!

Cannot wait to see more!


TikiAno posted on 02/01/2015

Wow... spectacular sculpt.

Wendy, I'm hoping Tiki Ari likes them- someone has to!!! Ha. He does like to cuddle with the beanie babies, thanks once again1

danlovestikis posted on 02/01/2015

hang10tiki kingstiedye knows what he wants!

RVICTOR thank you. It's a fun design. I have my own coming up soon for the Sacramento Tiki Crawl 2015.

IDoVoodoo well thank you. I did a hand a while back...

but never a monkey. I was happy she took on the referral. You'll be even happier.
I have your projects just waiting their turn.

TikiAno you are such a beautiful family. I'm glad you taught Tiki Ari how to cuddle. Next up is when you teach him,
that is not a toy!


Progress Report on Wish List #5.

Some projects are dry and ready to sand. Since I need the room I'll sand them and then store them in the kiln ready to fire when the kiln is full.

First I suit up because

if I breath this I'll not live long.

First to sand is RVICTORS Tiki Modern. I sand everything upside down and right side up.and bottoms.

I also do this to flatten the tops

Pocketikis two vintage style Bobs.

Zombie Hut mugs for my Sacramento Ohana Tiki Tonie's husband Dale, Muskrat and Lloyd Alohahaha.

ebtikis altered Tiki Bob. I hope you are mending well Eric.

hang10tiki's supercarved Tiki Bob holding a coconut mug and

his prize Honu Hideway mug holding a small Tiki Bob mug.

The backside.

Tiki Vato's cactus body mug.

LoriLovesTiki's mug holding a coconut mug.

Group Photo 1.

Dan's wish was to have a bowl with 6 Frankoma tiki's on the outside. I knocked off 2.

One of the tikis left a hole. I filled it with paper clay as a repair. We'll see if that works out.

Next Dan wanted a Trader Dan's Tiki Bar bowl.


This is the first wave of sanding for all the Tiki Bob's that were Wished for or that I made before the Wish List opened.
I never run out of things to work on.


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-01 13:55 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/02/2015

Yeah, my mug (or rather my husband's) is one step closer to being finished. :)

Loved your ketchup & mustard joke Wendy!

Keep up the great work!!!!!

hang10tiki posted on 02/02/2015

Outstanding.........quite the line up

:) :) :)

Did I say outstanding............

IDoVoodoo posted on 02/02/2015

I gotta give you a hand.... errr, for the hand...

It's great!

hang10tiki posted on 02/02/2015

Mornin crew
Can't wait to see today's episode

danlovestikis posted on 02/02/2015

LoriLovesTiki I just let that one slip out. It's good to have it noticed. Step by step.

hang10tiki instead of the Rockettes they are the Tiki Bobettes.

IDoVoodoo and so is Tiki Tonies. Clay is fun, everyone should try it.

hang10tiki did you take that photo? I love your morning, out for a walk, photos. Keep on walking.


Progress Report for Wish List #5.

To be able to bisque fire the Wish mugs I need to be cost effective. I continued to sand more dry mugs. My Wish is to find buyers before or after these mugs are glazed. I'm showing more views because they are for sale.

This is a copy of the $500 Elvis convention mug. A fun Fake. I will write on the side something to that effect but hopefully it would briefly fool someone who sees it on a shelf.

Fun Fake. Sold to Kenneth G. M.

Fun Fake.

Fun Fake.

Super carved number 1.

#1. sold to jonnyvelvet


#2. Sold to WoodTiki




#3. Small peanut Bob (sold to Professor G) and #4 Large peanut Bob.

#4 Large peanut Bob's Back where a name can be written.

#4 Large peanut Bob's side to show ear along with #5 Big Ears Bob





#7. Upside Down Bob

#7. Upside Down Bob

#8 Arm Tattoo. Sold to Jen Tiki and one similar for Kenneth G. M.




I'm not done yet!!!

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-02 10:37 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-03 12:06 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-04 09:34 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-06 10:35 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-06 10:36 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-06 20:30 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-19 14:12 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/03/2015

Yep, took that this morning on our walk

Great Bob group...

hang10tiki posted on 02/03/2015


Philot posted on 02/03/2015

I'm really wanting to see what you do when you glaze this batch. There's a couple or three I think are going to turn out to be real eye-poppers. Trying hard to be patient.

danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2015

I am having some internet connection problems. If at some point I'm not here I'm in repair mode. I also pressed my on key and it broke in the ON position. Hopefully I can keep going. Posting here is my daily joy. Wendy

hang10tiki very nice. Buzzy does sunsets and you do sunrises or early walks in the dark. Both are really fun. Keep sharing please.

Philot when I describe what one of my Wish Lists is like I always use your Wish as an example. I'll do my best with all the glazes on these mugs. It's all fun to share.


danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2015

Here are more of my spec Tiki Bobs for sale. I was asked for prices. A carved Tiki Bob without any additional parts added is $85. Each part is $10 more. So for one with 2 arms and a coconut mug the price would be $115. Since all are hand carved there will not be two exactly alike.

Here comes some more.

I've put Dan to work using an air compressor to dust each mug before it enters the kiln. Dust can get on the elements and burn them out. So we dust all my sanded work and vacuum the inside of the kiln between firings too.

He not only has his mask on but he also has many layers on because...

It's cold outside.

I did all these extra Tiki Bob's so that as I do the Wish List I will be able to fire a full load.

#9 statue sold to Tyber Tiki #10 statue and #11 mug these three are all small Tiki Bobs. The size I've used for making bowls.

#12 the Honu mug with arms/flipper that also look like tiki faces. Sold to Vance K.
Note there is a lot of clay dust in the carving grooves. The detail will return with dusting.

[#14 full size Tiki Bob with two hands holding coconut mug.

#15 Arm Tattoo mug. Sold to Paul Grande

More tomorrow if my computer continues to work.
Thank you for looking.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-03 11:18 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-04 09:33 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-06 20:01 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-20 15:56 ]

Woodtiki posted on 02/03/2015

Wendy these are great! So if I'm reading correct, we can buy a 'wish list' Bob from you? I'm interested in one if so. #2, #6, and #8 are my favorites.

Love seeing the process shots, start to finish.

danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2015

Hi Wood Tiki, thank you for your interest. Here's the scoop.

I did these "out of my brain" Tiki Bob's to make along with the Wish List #5 projects to keep my kiln full. So they are available to purchase and I will work on them along with the Wish List. NO deadlines but whenever I work on one I will post photos so you can follow the progress.

Here's how the prices for these mugs works out.

2, 6 and 8 are all Super Carved mugs without additional clay.
If glazed in one color (your choice) with the white and black traditional face they are $85 each plus shipping.

If you want special glazing such as three tapa colors then it goes up to $105. I can customize the colors however you want.

Doing a special color on the inside of the mug is no extra charge. So you could have spotted interior with a plain outside and it would still be $85.

Let me know and I'll save them for you. Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 02/03/2015


Okay, that's one per Bob.

I just started wondering what a Tiki Robert would look like..? (a less abbreviated Bob? Hmmm)....

hang10tiki posted on 02/04/2015

Awesome my dear, simply awesome

Time for a pain killer

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-02-03 19:47 ]

lunavideogames posted on 02/04/2015

I like a lot of your mugs lately. I like the Bob's with hands, super cool! I like the Death Tiki a lot. He is going to look really nice after he is glazed. Keep up the amazing work!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/04/2015

I just love the Bob's with the hands! One is cuter than the next. I especially like the one with the hang loose hand and the tiki mug with the eyes popping out in his other hand! I can't wait to see him glazed. Actually, ?I can't wait to see all of them glazed, who am I kidding?

IDoVoodoo posted on 02/04/2015

I have got to STOP checking this thread three times a day; I know I am way down the list.

BUT, I love your stuff!

I WILL keep checking!



danlovestikis posted on 02/04/2015

Woodtiki I sent you a PM and also posted a reply to your request. I look forward to hearing back.

TikiAno I like that because a Tiki Robert is the Aka for my friend Tiki Bob (the live version). I'm going to post now to see if I earned any more Wow's. I live for those!

hang10tiki I hope you didn't really need a pain killer. It's always fun to see my stuff on your shelf, except for the two painkiller holder tikis.

lunavideogames its so good to hear from you. I still like Tiki Central best even though it takes me an hour to post compared to 2 minutes on facebook.

LoriLovesTiki glazing is a ways off but one day the time will come. I too love to open the kiln to see if they are all right. There's something fun about Bob with hands or feet. Didn't you start me doing that?

IDoVoodoo give me another couple of weeks and I'll have something to show you. It's fun to be super busy but I wish I could have something for each person each day. It just doesn't work that way. Keep on visiting your day will come. Meanwhile you lucky dog you've got Tiki Tonie devoted to your perfect mug.


Here are the last Tiki Bobs that I spent months making to fill the kiln during the Wish List. These too are for sale.


#17 PNG Snake

#18 Abalone and Rhinestones will go into the holes

The loading of the kiln continues.

  1. Swirls and Rhinestones.
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#21 Kind of A Maze ing
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#22 Tiki Bob loses his head!
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#23 Shark Tattoo
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#24 Coconut Bark
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/54d12323.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=5e98f9b44b36f0649ca46a561ca2fdb7

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If you see one you would like to own just post here or send me a PM.

Thank you also for all the comments they mean a lot to me. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-02-04 10:03 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/05/2015

I thought #18 was going to be Swiss Cheese Bob!!


I don't know if I started you on Bobs with hands but I'm pretty sure mine was the first holding a tiki mug. :)

IDoVoodoo posted on 02/05/2015

Wow, these last Bobs are the best I've ever seen!

TikiAno posted on 02/05/2015

Ditto what Lori said! (I'd love to see one of those one day.. ha!)

I absolutely love #22, which I believe I wrote when you first posted it. So excited to see how you move forward with it!

(Okay, that's two wows). :)

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