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eBay: The Art of Doug Horne * Ebay auctions End Tonight, Monday March 2nd

Pages: 1 5 replies

Swamp Fire posted on 02/26/2015

Hi All,

I have a new limited edition print, one Swamp Fire Lounge mug and one Forbidden Island menu plus lots more!

Just a taste of what I'm offering below.

Auctions end this Monday night.

"The collector"
Edition of 50.

Swamp Fire Lounge mug in blue #91
The is the last blue mug I will be making.

"Krakens forbidden cocktail"
Limited edition print

"Kitten in a mug"
Limited edition print

To see the auctions go to...


The Art of Doug Horne

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2015-02-26 09:11 ]

[ Edited by: Swamp Fire 2015-03-02 11:55 ]

IDoVoodoo posted on 02/26/2015

Nice stuff! I'm going to have to bid on a limited print!

Swamp Fire posted on 03/01/2015

Thanks IDoVoodoo!

Auctions end tomorrow night, Monday, March 2nd.

More of what I have up for bids...

"Swamp Fire Maiden"
Limited edition print

"The Tiki Ti, Building a Better Tomorrow"
Limited Edition print

"Carolyn Jones is Tiki Cool"
Limited Edition print"

To see the auctions go to...


Swamp Fire posted on 03/02/2015

Auctions ending tonight, Monday, March 2nd.

Some more of what I have up for bid...

"Deep Sea Delights"
Limited Edition print

"Exotic Marqusean"
Limited Edition Print.

"Cheers to the Hina Rapa"
Limited Edition Print

Go Now!!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/03/2015

I'm getting me one.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/03/2015

And I got it, I want Doug to deliver it himself....in a tux & top hat

Pages: 1 5 replies