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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving


Pages: 1 11 replies

pablus posted on 01/31/2004

This scan is from my vintage (and well-used) Trader Vic's Book of Food and Drink.

I've always been intrigued by this bowl and I want one. I've come into possession of several large palm logs that I've let sit for about 6 months now.
I think I can carve the basic design and then have chiki add the magical touches to it if possible.

What I want to know is - will it hold water/rum?
How can I assure that it holds water/rum? What tools should I use to get it to it's basic shape and hollowness?
Should I wait some more for the palm to cure?

Help me, experts... and I shall fill this bowl with laughter and good mana for all, not to mention a dozen bottles of rum.

And you shall all taste of it's nectars.
Except Flounder, who I fear.

[ Edited by: pablus on 2004-01-31 12:49 ]

Benzart posted on 01/31/2004

Well Pablus, A Palm Log will be much too porus to hold any liquid for very long. I'm no Expert, but I've carved a few palm logs. tThe Picture you have looks like a wide mouthed Slit Drum, Or a bowl modeled after one.It is best to use a Hardwood log and treat it with Non Toxic finish made specially for wood bowls and mugs. don't know where to find it tho.
You can (Carefully) use a chainsaw to get your rough shape and hollow out the Bowl, Or I bed Basement Kahuna could make one for yot.

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/01/2004

Pablus, I think the hardwood would be best. Palm have fungus and all that junk. A chainsaw is what I would use.

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/01/2004

They serve a similar drink at Bahooka in a slit drum shaped bowl, don't they?

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/01/2004

You didn't tell me you had some palm logs!!!

tikitony posted on 02/01/2004

chainsaw dude, Then use an angle grinder with a carbon fiber disk (usually the kind they come with, for grinding metal down after a sloppy weld) check here: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=03150 The angle grinder polishes the surface of the palm log, also sealing it. It leaves the surface like this: and for sealing the palm on top of that, use a childrens toys laquer, or wood bowl lacquer which a hardware store should be able to help you find the right one. Dude, go for it, if the thing sucks up the water, than you got yourself a cool planter, and the knowledge of how palm cuts. I suggest an electic cheap chainsaw from Home Depot or somewhere similar, should be around $40 or $50. Just draw a rectangle on top of the log and plunge straight down with the nose of the saw. Go about 2 inches deep in a line, then run the nose of the saw down the same line, only this time hold it at a 45 degree angle, so your cutting "v" shapes. Repeat that method, or just start cutting, you'll figure it out soon enough! I'd start toward the center of the "bowl" until you get more coordinated with the chainsaw. You don't want to eat up the edge and screw up the "bowl". The angle grinder also cuts away wood, although much slower, which could be good for the edges.
GoOd lUck, and just start, get pumped!

pablus posted on 02/01/2004

Thanks all.

BK - I've got 3 large palm logs.

Why don't you come down and visit (carve) and we'll talk (drink). We could make an East Coast Tiki Revival Party out of it.

Well - I'm going to do a smaller "bowl" first and see how it goes. I'll save the big logs for the real carvers.

Swanky posted on 02/01/2004

OA sells a canoe meant for serving, but food, not drink I think...

FLOUNDERart posted on 02/01/2004

On 2004-02-01 06:33, pablus wrote:
Thanks all.

BK - I've got 3 large palm logs.

Why don't you come down and visit (carve) and we'll talk (drink). We could make an East Coast Tiki Revival Party out of it.

Well - I'm going to do a smaller "bowl" first and see how it goes. I'll save the big logs for the real carvers.

I'm in.

DawnTiki posted on 02/01/2004

What about a clear, plastic, oblong, container or planter, placed inside the carved out space. This way it can hold any type of food or liquid and can be taken out for easy cleaning?

Benzart posted on 02/03/2004

Way to think Flounderart, It could be done easily with a thinwalled plastic pipe from a Plexiglasssupply. They could make a tank to any demensions you need.

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/03/2004

I'm in, too, but I call the big log!

Pages: 1 11 replies