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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 03/09/2015

this is going to be fun to watch

TikiAno posted on 03/09/2015

Once again, I miss a few days, but then I get to catch up on a WHOLE lotta stuff.

First off, belated Happy Birthday Dan!!!!! Look forward to seeing photos of the celebration(s). Dan, I think you look fine- great, even- so please ignore Wendy's callous post here. Though perhaps I misread it... :wink:

Sorry to miss all the posts, been busy getting ready for the San Diego Home Bar Crawl (we were the first stop). I neglected to take any photos (oops) since I was running around getting everything ready for a few days- hopefully someone took a photo of Tiki Ari in his cabana set- if not, we'll post a photo of him in it- it was a gift from folks in the SD Ohana. You'll enjoy seeing him in it.

The new projects are fantastic- all the details are blowing me away. The hands, the feet, the paving stones.... love it.

Do you have any tricks for digging out holes when the clay is so dry? It looked (to me) like the lamp was pretty dry and that it would crack if you tried cutting into it... ?

IDoVoodoo posted on 03/09/2015

It's amazing!

kingstiedye posted on 03/10/2015

just got home from san diego 2 hours ago. worn out.
once again you have far exceeded my expectations. franken fink is better than I ever imagined. lemme know when it's time to pick some glazes. mahalo!

danlovestikis posted on 03/10/2015

hang10tiki that's my goal every single time. It's so good to know you think so.

TikiAno when we are open during the crawl there is so much to do. The tour covers all but our master bedroom which is Egyptian.

I do want to see Tiki Ari in his outfit. I just saw the photo of him looking at the dog whose ears are perked up.
There is a set of tools for carving wet and dry areas of clay. By the end of the week I'll try to have a photo of the tools for you. You could almost do it with a screw driver if you go slowly and gently. The tools come in different sizes.

IDoVoodoo by the end you may wish that parts were done differently. So we'll go over it area by area in case you want changes. My goal is to have very happy wishers.

kingstiedye get some rest. It will be weeks from now before all the projects have dried. If nothing cracks then they'll all be fired together and then it will be time for glazing. I'm glad you are home safe and that your project is in Buzzy's capable hands. I'm so glad you are happy with Franken Fink, guess I've been spellin the thang wrong.


Wish List #5 Progress Report

IDoVooDoo's Tattoo Coconut mug.

Now I've started making the tentacles for the octopus. The tattoo has waves that I didn't add so the match is not perfect.
Not the shot glass which is full of slip. When you use it as glue it helps push out any air that could cause an explosion in the kiln.

I keep checking back and forth using the picture.

Dan stopped to look and took a photo so I could prove I made this mug.

Tentacles are done and they wrap around half of this huge coconut mug.

They just keep going and


Now it was time to let the octopus rest and firm up and to start to add the flower around the skull. I can already tell I didn't leave enough room for the Tiki Torture to go over the flower. Also the skull has very long teeth. That will be fixed when the mug is dry and sanded.

I started with the back petals and keep

working forward one layer at a time.

I stopped with the petals so I could add some bones to the bottom and leaves around the flower.

More petals and

more petals.

See how big this mug is, Dan's hanging out inside of it.

All the petals have been added and

I'm not sure the skull is as recessed as IDoVooDoo wanted it.

Whoa that was a lot of photos. I hope they help you see how I build the designs that are flat photos to begin with.
I'm doing my interpretation and it may or may not be what it right. I'm always fine with starting over.

I loved getting so many messages and I look forward to tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 03/10/2015

Dan-0 in the Octo-nut mug
I don't think he will ever come out

TikiAno posted on 03/10/2015

Mouth. on. floor. again. Amazing. sculpt. build. wow.

danlovestikis posted on 03/11/2015

hang10tiki I think Dan was having a good time until I spun the mug on my turntable.

TikiAno ahhhh, thank you.


Wish List #5 sculpting maybe finished but it depends on whether or not IDoVooDoo likes the sculpt the way I have done it.

Here comes all my trials and tribulations with this mug. Basically it was the TORTURE that was hard.

First I sculpted the word TIKI and attached it to the coconut mug.

Then I started the word TORTURE and noticed that it was too large and wasn't going to fit.

So I made it smaller but then I noticed it wasn't the right distance from the flower.

So I moved it over. Now I saw the the E wasn't going to show up well enough so

I removed all the letters again! TORTURE.

I took a TORTURE break and added some leaves to the TIKI word.

I took a look at the flower and then

I started again. I didn't put the word in one straight line and I added more leaves. This way the whole word shows.
If I were carving in the letters it would have been easy but these letters are going to be made to look like bamboo when they firm up.

Now it was time to detail the octopus to make it look more like the tattoo.

At the bottom is Bamboo Bar.

Next I turned the rest of the mug into a coconut texture and the lettering into bamboo.

But first I left the mug to rest overnight.

The rest is done and ready for inspection. IDoVooDoo how did I Do? Please let me know if you want any parts changed and I'll get back to work.

I'm ready to be TORTURED again! Wendy

uncle trav posted on 03/11/2015

Astoundingly beautiful

hang10tiki posted on 03/11/2015

Wow, over the top way kool........

Woodtiki posted on 03/11/2015

Everything is amazing as always Wendy. I like the little bucket mug with 5 faces. Always look forward to seeing what you are working on here!

bamalamalu posted on 03/11/2015

Trav said it - my exact thought while scrolling through the latest pictures was "It's astounding what you do!"

IDoVoodoo posted on 03/11/2015


First, Dan, Happy Belated Birthday!

Second, no changes, my Mug is amazing, I cannot believe how rad it is; I may be biased, but the Octo-Nut is the coolest Mug ever produced. In History. Period.

Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!Thank You!

Tyber Tiki posted on 03/11/2015

Wow Wendy! The tattoo coconut mug with its insanely detailed octopus is just incredible. Such astounding work all around on Wish List #5. Thanks!

RVICTOR posted on 03/11/2015

Wendy - I think you are on a real tear...all your mugs are turning out so great! You have mad skills.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/11/2015

That octopus is amazing as is the rest of the tiki torture coconut mug! Way to keep working until you got it just right. Impressive!!!

danlovestikis posted on 03/12/2015

First off I'll respond to all my fun messages.

uncle trav with your eye to detail I really appreciate your words.

hang10tiki just like you!

Woodtiki thanks for noticing the bucket mug. It's hard not to fool around with clay. That was a quickie!

bamalamalu ahhh.

IDoVoodoo wow that was fun. You came up with a special design and I was happy to try doing it. I'm glad you like the 3D effect of your personal tattoos. When the time comes we'll discuss glazing choices. Finger crossed that it doesn't blow up in the kiln, that was a lot of added on clay. PS you are welcome.

Tyber Tiki I do the Wish Lists so that I'll be challenged and you and everyone else put me to work. I've had a blast bringing all of your ideas to life.

RVICTOR isn't it such fun. You too. I love your thread.

LoriLovesTiki a Tiki Torture mug without tikis! It was fun to try out doing an octopus.


If anyone noticed I didn't post yesterday. Dan and I were on the road for 12 hours. We were both heading home and searching for tikis, what else.

We went to Tiki Marketplace in Long Beach and then we went to Las Vegas. During these trips we were able to see friends and to find tikis for Dan's collection.

Once again I'm, horrors, going to share the best of our trip photos. It will take a few days and then I'll have tiki clay projects to show again.

Thank you all for sticking around each day and making each of them fun for Dan and I. You are all appreciated for your comments and your views and on facebook for your likes. I live for them. Without you I might just hang up the clay.

Here goes...

Our first night away from home was in Valencia. We had dinner out and then went to shops were we could act silly and play.

The next day we went to the home of HB Tiki. He makes terrific frames and wood projects.

His tiki room is filled with quality items to view.

He and his wife Margie took us out to Woody's for a great lunch and then he gave Dan an over the top present.

The next day was Tiki Marketplace. This is our favorite event. So many friends and artists in this Don the Beachcombers during this day that it is a true hug feast.

Dan and I.

Max of Taboo Cove. Dan scored another mug from Max.

Bullet in his wild bright shirt is having fun, I just caught him at the wrong second. He's in tiki thought!

Tiki Roots Rocka had the most amazing art on display.

Jama and Joanne, dear friends who come to the Sacramento Crawl clear from Southern California.

I was so happy to meet TikiMan. He recently acquired two of my Zombie Torch mugs. It was fun to hear that he was happy with them.

Sven and I. The author of The Book of Tiki and Tiki Modern and many more.

Tiki Tony ducked at the wrong moment but I still got his lovely wife in the photo and in the background is Crazy Al with Bullet.

CHiPpy was there to help with HB Tiki's booth.

HB Tiki and his wife Margie. They have been at all the Marketplaces. Check out his frames, they make any art look good.

Crazy Al is hiding a handsome face under that "persona".

Because we were celebrating Dan's birthday we left the Marketplace long enough for me to take Dan to Duke's so

he could have a birthday piece of Hula Pie.

So many friends and such a bad memory for names. This is ? (I really do know him) and Scootiki whose carvings are in our home.

Soccer Tiki in the center.

Buzzy, who remembered to bring me another pinup for the Buzzy Bedroom in our home.

The master artist Dough Horne.

I can never have too many photos of Sven. He started so many of us along the tiki road with his book. Otto's small magazine Tiki News was the very first thing that grabbed Dan and then we found Sven's book. Life changing events for us.

The last moment at Marketplace was spent with Big Toe the famous artist!!!

Tomorrow we head to Las Vegas to see hang10tiki and to search for tikis in the wild.

Thank you all for the visits and messages. Now it's time to get Dan working on the laundry and to cast a mug. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-12 11:02 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/13/2015

Great photos....

Vegas next!!!!!!!


JenTiki posted on 03/13/2015

On 2015-03-12 10:12, danlovestikis wrote:
So many friends and such a bad memory for names. This is ? (I really do know him) and Scootiki whose carvings are in our home.

That's Jay. Isn't it?

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2015-03-13 07:25 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/13/2015

JenTiki I think you are right, that rings that bell! Thank you.

hang10tiki Las Vegas Here We Come!

I think this solar facility is fascinating. While we were there the newspaper said it supplies electricity to 75,000 homes. It takes a lot of space so this is a perfect city to have one.

We had a good offer from the Wynn so this is where we stayed.

One morning we walked out of the Wynn past this waterfall and headed on to the Mirage for breakfast.

We passed Venice, I mean the Venetian on the way.

The Mirage is very tropical and fun to walk by.

Every once in a while I share a bathroom photo. The Mirage has a very pretty one.

After breakfast we were off to the antique stores. This altered tiki from United Airlines was on sale at 40% off so it went home with us. I'm going to alter it some more.

Next we drove to the Ethyl M chocolate factory and

wandered through their cactus garden.

We drove past Frankie's but didn't stop this trip.

We went to the antique store where our friend Tiki Lee has a booth.

This is it. Dan bought a green Crazy Al mug from him.

We saw a very old tiki in the window.

It is disintegrating.

NOW FOR THE BEST PART OF OUR TRIP. WE VISITED hang10tiki and SewTiki at their home.

I delivered her Cheer's shot glass prize and

his honu necklace prize. Sorry Tyber Tiki and LoriLovesTiki yours will be mailed with your Wishes!

While we were there Jon showed us a gift from his wife.

When we got home we found that we had the matching hula girl. Jon found us a Buy it now on Ebay for the Man and we bought it. Now we will have the set. Anyone have the hula girl and are you willing to part with it?

Jon has a corner for all of my ceramics in his collection. It's fun for me to know I've made this many that he liked.

The opposite corner is for Gecko'z ceramics. We spent some time talking about the SPAM musabi mug.

Imagine my surprise when back at the hotel I began to read my used book from 2001 and there was this related page!

Jon and Janelle had a surprise for Dan. They led us to their kitchen.

and lit a birthday cake for Dan.

They brought out a whole load of presents for Dan. My husband was in ecstasy. For awhile he forgot we were there as he looked at all the records and tiki bowl and mug.

The visit was more fun than could be imagined. The last photo is a beard evaluation. It's the first time for both these men to have beards. I think they grow them quite well.

After leaving our friends we went to the Bellagio. We watched the fountain show for a bit and

then walked to the atrium. This time it was decorated for the Chinese New Year.

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We walked from there to Cesar's forum shops and then back to our car.
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The next morning we were up very early for the drive home. 12 hours later we were relaxing at home in front of the TV.
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It's always good to get home and back to the clay. I worked on a mug yesterday. I will do a few while the Wish List projects slowly dry to prevent cracking.

I'll be back to posting clay work tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-14 09:11 ]

kingstiedye posted on 03/13/2015

great pics, wendy! nice collection, hang10!

JenTiki posted on 03/13/2015

I love Ethel M! I've been to the factory once, and always stop at their store at the airport on my way out of town for Lemon Cremes! They're the best!

Tyber Tiki posted on 03/13/2015

Thanks Wendy for sharing your trip photos, it was great to follow along. Looks like you two had a real blast. Hang10tiki and SewTiki most excellent gifts for Dan!

hang10tiki posted on 03/14/2015

Thanks guys

Dan-0 and Wendy- it was great to see you
Thanks for fitting us into your trip
We had a blast

Thanks for the great gifts

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Glad you came for another visit

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Hope to see you again soon...

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Sunset Mike posted on 03/14/2015

Whez yuh Sunset Mike Tiki enywez?

TikiAno posted on 03/14/2015

Great trip photos! Wow, sorry I missed you guys at the Marketplace, but it coincided with the San Diego Home Bar Crawl. Looks like you guys had a great trip, found some great stuff, spent time with some great people.

Wow, the Tiki Torture piece is OVER THE TOP. Wendy, your work continues to improve. Mine, not so much. Please stop getting so good. Jeez.

Okay, just kidding, keep on posting so we all keep on smilin'!

Hope to see you guys soon.

danlovestikis posted on 03/14/2015

kingstiedye I sure am looking forward to Buzzy finishing your wall panel. Your Fink is drying!

JenTiki in the past when we would go to the Ethyl M factory I would beg Dan for a box of dark chocolate covered Macadamia nuts. Then once when we were there they had started selling Dove ice cream bars. I asked about that and was told it's because the chocolate that is used is Dove chocolate. So I didn't get a box of chocolates there and when we got home I bought some Dove Chocolate and some Mac nuts and made my own for a forth of the price. We still visit because the cactus garden is outstanding.

Tyber Tiki we had an epic birthday celebration at hang10tiki and SewTiki's home. They need to visit us at birthday time.
I carved #1 on the bottom of your lamp. I just need a few more pieces to dry before I can fire.

hang10tiki we had the best time of all at your home. The strip is nowhere as fun as your home. Dan is still working to get all of the presents displayed. We will hand the La Mariana menu on the wall too. Thank you for posting these photos.

Come for a visit as soon as you can for a fun time. The Buzzy Bedroom is ready. Gecko'z slept there!

Sunset Mike I looked for you in the parking lot and you were not found.

TikiAno I may not have seen you at Marketplace but I'm enjoying seeing Tiki Ari on facebook. That's your best creation so far!


Thank you all for the messages. A great way to start a Saturday.


ebTiki always asks to see what tiki loot we hauled home from our trips so here it is Eric.

All three of these were made by HB Tiki. We couldn't resist them. HB Tiki also makes frames for Dough Horne and on request.
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The back row were all found in Las Vegas
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the rest were found at Marketplace at Don the Beachcomber's.
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Dan loves variations on classic bowls. He was given the bowl and Dough Horne autographed mug by hang10tiki and the Sam's mug by HB Tiki.
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As soon as we were home the two bowls were put together for comparison. Lot's of differences.
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Dan is still dumbstruck by all the gifts from tiki buddies. Beachbumz too. Thank you all over and over again.


Tiki Ano you asked how I drill holes into dry clay. These tools come in sets. You just have to press gently and turn the tool very slowly. If you don't follow these rules the clay will pop off in chunks. Start with the pointed end and then switch to the rounded end as the area gets larger.

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I didn't have a chance to take my own photo but when we were staying at the Wynn we ran into Steve Wynn and his wife coming down a hallway. He had three body guards. It was fun to just look eye to eye with his wife.

Our last trip to Las Vegas we ran into Gene Simmons in his Kiss Outfit at the Mandalay Bay resort. He only had one body guard but he was a large one.

We love Las Vegas. Tikis, Buffets, famous people just walking around and hang10tiki and SewTiki. Who could ask for more.

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I hope to post more later. Depends on my work day. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-14 09:12 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/15/2015

Great photos
Dan-0 had lots of good finds
Glad you guys had fun
Hope to see you soon...

LoriLovesTiki posted on 03/16/2015

Thanks for the Marketplace and Vegas pics! Dan really scored between his birthday and the shopping you did. I am beyond jealous!

Good job with the celebration and presents Hang 10 and SewTiki!

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johnnyvelvet posted on 03/16/2015

Wendy and Dan, you are both very lucky in so many ways. Isn't it nice to have somebody on your wavelength; who doesn't think you're crazy, but instead is crazy about you? It is that to which I aspire. Wendy, I'd love to have any one of your Tiki Bob variations some day...

E Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9872472a5f9b86ecd7b5d2d625fbb73?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ebtiki posted on 03/16/2015

Love the loot!!

danlovestikis posted on 03/16/2015

hang10tiki PM your birthdate to me please. Tiki Birthdays are so fun we don't want to miss yours.

LoriLovesTiki I know how you feel. I always go to look at what we have missed. At least last year we saw the Mai Kai and it was over the top tiki cool.

johnnyvelvet we see this so often that only the wife or husband is tiki crazy and it's a situation that is hard on both of them. We are so totally tiki together that every day is fun. We also have a social life that is with tiki friends. They have given us so much joy.

I loved your comment. I'm ready to make you a Tiki Bob variation when you are ready. On page 406 I have some already done just waiting for a home but your own design maybe what you desire. It's all just fun. Thank you very much.

ebtiki I see your loot on facebook. I'm glad I do both now.


Hi Everyone. Yesterday was a hard day. I had been putting off breaking molds for a long time but I've run out of storage room so it had to be done. Molds are so much work that breaking them hurts.

I started off by removing my name from some bottoms.
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I lay out the first set to destroy. These were the Tiki Crate mugs for Forbidden Islands 5th anniversary. Their 10th isn't that far off.
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I whacked them with an Italine supunie or Ameican pick ax.
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Next came the 2013 Sacramento Coral Reef Crawl mug molds.
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It is fun to use this tool.
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Then I found another mold for the FI along with a mold I used to make only two bowls.
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Psycho Tiki D and Dan each have a bowl and no other will be made.
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I have more molds to break up but we were afraid the bottom would break out of the garbage can so we stopped there.
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This was fun like whacking gofers at the fun park.


I had one last Wish List project requested and since I could do it in one day I whipped it out. If it passes inspection then there will be another member of Professor G's Brotherhood of the Blue Bob's.

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Here are the drying Wish List projects. One left to dry and then it will be time to sand and fire.
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I've been working every day and I have lots to show you. It's so much fun here. Thank you all, Wendy

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TikiHula posted on 03/16/2015

Wow! Looks like a great trip - tiki scores, visits with everyone and adventure, adventure, adventure. Glad to see you guys had such a good time :D

Man it's hard to see you breaking molds, but it must be done...

"But why is the rum gone?!" -Capn. Jack Sparrow

[ Edited by: TikiHula 2015-03-16 13:04 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/16/2015

Smashin da molds :(
Sad day

The table of your latest creations looks awesome...

Can't wait for more pics

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/81d963818beb9da1aa48a2833d057235?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki501 posted on 03/17/2015
Tiki Central - Exception

Oh no.

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