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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Up for Grabs - Idea for Tiki Painting

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johnnyvelvet posted on 03/14/2015

I just had an idea for a spoof of the painting of The Last Supper. As in the famous painting, we look at a horizontal table with a Ku mug in the center. He is flanked by several mugs on either side, as the Apostles The Tiki Bob smiles, but the Headhunter is just bemused. The TV Suffering Bastard is troubled, as is the Moai. One mug has to be Judas, who clutches the small bag of silver. Maybe El Bastardo...? I can't paint, draw or sculpt, so I throw this out there for anyone to create.

MadDogMike posted on 03/14/2015

I can't paint, draw or sculpt, so I throw this out there for anyone to create.

It's not too late! Inspiration is halfway there. Grab up some inexpensive supplies, get a book or video, take and adult class. Post the results here :D

0utl1n3 posted on 04/11/2015

Yeah that sounds way cool you should give it a shot or post more ideas

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