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Nautical Rope Questions....

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8FT Tiki posted on 01/30/2004

Aloha all. I am trying to use my imagination to see through the snow covering my small yard today. And with another big snow storm heading our way this weekend, I decided to spend some time planning the changes we will make to the yard starting in Spring. Somewhere along the line I hope to incorporate the classic post & rope divider you see at amusement parks and some themed restaurants etc. You know, where they cut telephone poles to various lengths and then use the thick "nautical" rope to connect them and make a sort of rope fence?

Has anyone on TC done that sort of a project before? How about some of you who have pools like Traderpup or backyards that are completed? Got any tips or advice that can save me time, money or frustration? Like what is the best tool to use to cut the rope? Best way to attach the rope to the poles...

I have searched for earlier threads on the topic but didn't find too much. I also looked into the carving threads about carving on telephone poles because I have a source for those. I envisioned the posts as 2-3 foot tikis instead of the usual plain poles. I figured I would try to make them myself, but it seems that the knowledgeable carvers are very cautionary about using those poles for carving due to the chemicals used in their making. I still would like to have a 'tiki' type rope fence if possible. Any thoughts? THANKS!!

Save the Tikis!

[ Edited by: 8FT Tiki on 2004-01-30 14:12 ]

[ Edited by: 8FT Tiki on 2004-01-30 14:14 ]

Traderpup posted on 01/30/2004

We were lucky enough to acquire an authentic 50s tropical back yard when we bouught our house.

The yard is currently undergoing major rehab, preserving and enhancing the 50s tropical feel.... still not sure what finishing touches will be added. I'll post some pics of how things turn out.

As far as working with thick rope, I use a utility knife, and either wrap tape or tie twine around each side of the cut before I make the cut, as the thick rope can quickly start to untwine. If you buy new natural fiber rope, be sure to soak in water and let dry before working with it, as it will shrink quite a bit.

Keep us posted on your project progress!

Lake Surfer posted on 01/30/2004

Please, everyone... STAY AWAY FROM THE TELEPHONE/POWER LINE POLES! Do not sand them or carve them... your health is in danger...

Benzart just posted about the life threatening exposure he had to the pole chemicals...

"This last one was Almost my last one forever. It was from a 50 ft Stadium Light Pole that was Treated with Arsenic among other chemicals. I found this out after getting Very Ill from carving it, then tracking down the source. Too bad too, it was Beautiful wood. "

ErichTroudt posted on 01/30/2004

When cutting the thick rope, I tightly wrapped Bailing wire on both sides of the cut to keep it from unraveling. Then I took a hacksaw and cut the rope.

To mount it to the poles, I used a large 1/2 inch metal staple, like the horseshoe shaped ones used to keep romex wire to boards. I just beat it around the rope into the pole. I left the bailing wire on to keep it from ever unraveling. I wrapped the rope around the pole a few times to cover the staple and the wire.


Benzart posted on 01/31/2004

For sure DO NOT Carve or sand the Telephone Poles. They are not All treated with the same chemicals but Most Used to be full of Arsenic. LakeSurfer beat me here but it is important enough to repeat. Don't carve the treated poles.
I used to use Lots of rope for my Pelican carvings and it's best to try to get Used rope. It Looks so much better. Bailing wire works great as ErichTroud stated, tape will come off in a week or two. I used to just use nails to hold the rope. Use regular steel nails that will rust(more effects).

8FT Tiki posted on 02/02/2004

Anyone else have photos of this kind of rope and poles installed?? Would like to see them!

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/02/2004

I've only ever used 1-2" manila rope. Looks old and is flexible and not prickly like jute. Lasts practically forever when used for static display, 10-12 years at least.

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