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Paradise Isle 1937

Pages: 1 3 replies

Kaiwaza posted on 03/23/2015

Recently uploaded to Youtube, I ran across this film that has some wonderful music in it, although no tikis at all. Sam Koki & Lani McIntire provide the music, and the opening rendition of "Paradise Isle" is absolutely killer. Gave me chickenskin/goosebumps.


Thortiki posted on 03/23/2015

The female lead in this 1937 film Movita Castaneda was married to Marlon Brandon in 1960 & had two children by him. Movita dies LAST month at age 98!!!

Thortiki posted on 03/23/2015

SEE this news story on her life:


PS Since Tiki Ti bartender Ray Buhen worked at the bar Clark Gable had set up on the Catalina Island set for MGM's Mutiny on the Bounty, possible he served Movita!

bigbrotiki posted on 03/23/2015

Still, the article does not point out how STRANGE it was that Brando divorced one "Bounty native girl" and married another "Bounty Native" - how obsessed he must have been with the myth of Polynesia

I dedicated a whole chapter in TIKI POP to how Brando EMBODIED the mid-century American Polynesiac in doing that and, as one of the few who could afford to, bought himself and his new wife a Tahitian island!

Only to, in a supreme irony, see his earthly Eden fall under the curse of Pitcairn as his children self-destructed themselves…

Brando WAS Fletcher Christian, trying to grasp paradise but unable to shed his human faults.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2015-03-23 14:13 ]

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