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EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 03/15/2015

This past week, I had to travel to the tiny town of Altona, Manitoba, Canada for the funeral of an in-law. While there, my wife took me to the big Mennonite charity thrift store where I found a couple items. Amidst the German Gospel records were a couple Exotica selections, and I found a little ceramic barrel mug that isn't from any Tiki company but I liked well enough anyways for 40 cents. There was also a Hawaiian shirt that was too small for me, and a $15 thrift store painting of an island scene that was too big to fit in the car for the trip back to Calgary (or in our Enchanted Tiki Kitchen back home... alas). It kinda' makes me wonder who it was in the town that was into this sorta' stuff.

Bail Tekey posted on 03/15/2015

Very Scarce Islander Salt and Pepper Shakers

Big Kahuna posted on 03/15/2015

Whoa! Great score on those S&Ps.

Big Kahuna posted on 03/15/2015

Nui, thanks for the info.

[ Edited by: Big Kahuna 2015-03-15 17:31 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/15/2015

Some more stuff from this week:

24" club. My guess is: "It's from Fiji"

Single salt or pepper OMC Mr Bali Hai:

This one has toothpicks in it

Tahitian Back to Back double Tiki Mug

Marked Tahiti 1960

Can't find any reference to this one anywhere. Anyone out there seen, have, or know anything about this mug?

Buzzy Out!

Tattoo posted on 03/16/2015

Bail Tekey:

Awesome S&P shakers from the Islander!!!

On 2015-03-15 12:57, Bail Tekey wrote:
Very Scarce Islander Salt and Pepper Shakers

ErichTroudt posted on 03/16/2015

Buzzy that tahiti mug is awesome.... I dig it.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/16/2015

Buzzman, let me know if you ever plan on bringing that mug to the ITMP. Btw, that club is actually a gym paddle from my high school on Guam.

hang10tiki posted on 03/17/2015

Great finds guys

TheBigT posted on 03/17/2015

hang10: It's funny how those surfing girl mugs say "made exclusively for" and you find them labeled for many different restaurants! I have some from Skipper Kents!

lancelink posted on 03/17/2015

Here's a Latour Hawaii Ku Volcano Bowl. I've read the other Latour posts and checked Ooga Mooga. Found the Ku Scorpion Bowl but not this one. Thought it deserved a mention. The massive volcano almost takes up the whole bowl.

mike and marie posted on 03/18/2015

Nice volcano! ETB, we also noticed that finds come in streaks like that. Sometimes a thrift will have all kinds of things at once...

This big guy was a fountain - there's a hole for a plastic tube into the open leaf he's holding, but it doesn't appear to have ever been used.

We thought this was a tiki find -- from 20 feet away it sure looked like it, at least!

hang10tiki posted on 03/18/2015

Frankie's goodwill score

Kahiki Kai Mug Yellow

Bombora's Blast Mug (1st edition)

Thurston Howl Mug

Lava Letch 2 Mug Green (version 1)

And a Trader Dick's Peanut Lined Face non OMC Mug

Not bad for $8.95 total

Teadoir posted on 03/19/2015

Super jealous that. I never find stuff as good as that around here. I don't think I've ever paid less than 20 bucks for a Frankie's mug… Good on Ya!

Fugu posted on 03/19/2015

Picked up these guys at an antique store today. They are ceramic and about a foot tall. They seem to just be statues and the back tag says "Luana of Hawaii"

mike and marie posted on 03/25/2015

1965 Kahiki tiki and cup from The Top, Bill Sapp's first restaurant

And a Tavana's mug ...

Knew this looked familiar, recently also found the LP:

Phillip Roberts posted on 03/26/2015

On 2015-03-25 16:32, mike and marie wrote:
And a Tavana's mug ...

Is there a mark on the bottom? Does it say "Daga?"

mike and marie posted on 03/26/2015

Is there a mark on the bottom? Does it say "Daga?"

Phillip, there's no marks at all...

[ Edited by: mike and marie 2015-03-25 18:36 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/26/2015

Quick Portland trip

danlovestikis posted on 03/29/2015

Good trip with good finds. Congratulations hang10tiki.

CongoPete posted on 03/29/2015

I picked up this Abelam Mug at a local thrift store for $12. It does not have the Mai Kai
logo on the bottom. Did i get a good deal ?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/30/2015

This week's stuff:

A HIP and a Coco Joe's tiki:

A pair of Coco Joe's Kieles:

Didn't have that one yet!

A little Tahitian tiki maybe playing a tiki head drum:

Philipino Ku mask:

Mini Fiji? club:

A couple of old Hawaiian Hula ensembles. They have tags by Joseph & Hazel Hula Supplies in Honolulu. They both have neat hand sewn shell patterns on them:

Buzzy Out!

swizzle posted on 03/30/2015

Pretty exciting finding something here in Aus. that isn't maori tourist stuff. Found at an antique store in Queensland when i went up there for a few days to visit friends. Appears to be a hobbyist's version as there are no markings at all.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 03/30/2015

On 2015-03-29 15:50, CongoPete wrote:
I picked up this Abelam Mug at a local thrift store for $12. It does not have the Mai Kai
logo on the bottom. Did i get a good deal ?

Pete- you got a good deal! I wish I had that one in my collection!

TheBigT posted on 03/30/2015

On 2015-03-30 03:31, Bongo Bungalow wrote:

On 2015-03-29 15:50, CongoPete wrote:
I picked up this Abelam Mug at a local thrift store for $12. It does not have the Mai Kai
logo on the bottom. Did i get a good deal ?

Pete- you got a good deal! I wish I had that one in my collection!

so i thought the DW stuff was new, or still in production? What do you think is a general price for this one? I usually pass up DW stuff, especially the Benihana's style of mugs. thoughts?

ukutiki posted on 03/30/2015

Not tiki in the strictest sense but a decanter in the form of an Aztec God with Bird Headdress. No indication if it was ever sold with liquor in it.

[ Edited by: ukutiki 2015-03-30 11:45 ]

ukutiki posted on 03/30/2015

Pics did not load on previous email. Hit "View this reply" to see pics.

hang10tiki posted on 03/30/2015


Shape is Beauce pottery
But never seen this glaZe

Lone short Paul Mashall Products style peanut Salt OR pepper
(Leave no Tiki behind)


danlovestikis posted on 04/01/2015

hang10tiki Dan is so impressed with your "finds". He had never seen this Ima Sumac record and the PMP shaker (2 holes are for pepper) is nothing like the PMP set we have here. Just look at the hands placement. Yours has a belly! We have never seen your version before. Major find!!! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/01/2015


Here are both

That's funny that Dan-0 noticed the hands
That was the first thing I thought
So I had to look it up on ooga

And the Yma record was a new one for me too
Sounds great, not a scratch


Ps- thanks for the pepper vs salt tip, never noticed that

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-04-01 08:41 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/01/2015

On 2015-03-31 21:18, danlovestikis wrote:
He had never seen this Ima Sumac record

Those were from Spain in the early 80's. There was a whole series of them featuring artists like Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Lena Horne, Josephine Baker, etc.

Buzzy Out!

hang10tiki posted on 04/01/2015

Da Buzz is da man

Teadoir posted on 04/05/2015

So I've been having a little luck of late with estate sales and Goodwills of late, these are my trawl for the last few weeks.

These I scored from the estate of a lady who was a world traveler and diver. I assume they're vintage but I don't know anything about where they're from or when. I also got about a quart of loose cowrie shells so I'm going to try my hand at making my own. I really scored since I came in on Sunday and got everything half price.

I found these the next weekend and took them for half price as well. There were some other pieces, including two nice kukui nut necklaces, but I couldn't afford the prices they were asking full price. Sadly, the wooden tiki I went there to look at was already gone by the time I got there.

Then I picked these up at Goodwill for next to nothing.

Been finding TONS of stuff at Goodwill as a matter of fact...

Treasure Craft knock off...

And this guy has a vaguely Treasure Craft kinda look, though not quite the same quality and it has no marks. Any one have any ideas?

These were from today's two estate sales. The tiny Maori piece was what brought me to that sale, but turned out to be tiny. I almost missed the Trader vics pick, but fortunately I got chatty with the cashier while paying and she led me back over to it. I don't know much about the Vic's menehune. Any one have any idea how old these are?

Now if I could just start finding some decent mugs...

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/05/2015

On 2015-04-04 20:52, Teadoir wrote:

And this guy has a vaguely Treasure Craft kinda look, though not quite the same quality and it has no marks. Any one have any ideas?

Quon-Quon Aloha Hawaii Handled Tiki Mug

Buzzy out!

Teadoir posted on 04/05/2015

Thanks! I meant the clam shell, since I figured the mug was a treasure craft knock off and wouldn't have info. Nice to see I was wrong! Still learning here...

hang10tiki posted on 04/06/2015

hang10tiki posted on 04/07/2015

Found quite a few old black n white photographs

Only the 1st one has writing on the back

Enjoy :)

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-04-07 16:33 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/08/2015

Those are so impressive. The last one was so sad. I'm glad they are in your care. Wendy

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/08/2015

Last week's stuff:

19" Tahitian/Marquesan dagger thingy

Art survey book with some color Polynesian stuff in it

I bought this coconut Hula doll because it has so much going on in such a small area

Buzzy Out!

kohalacharms posted on 04/10/2015

Picked-up a set of large S/P shakers recently but could not positively identify the tiki although I know I've seen it somewhere before. It sort of a hybrid between the Ren Clark and Tropic Isle (Culver City) logo tikis. Any insight into the shakers or the blue fish "Tiki Bar" mug made in Catalina would be appreciated.

[ Edited by: kohalacharms 2015-04-09 22:55 ]

Tikiwahini posted on 04/10/2015

Kohalacharms, I have the matching mug to your salt and pepper shakers (in storage)! I've never seen another! It's a relatively small mug, about 7" tall and 2" in diameter. Completely unmarked. But it looks like the image in the center a Hawaiian Supplies glass ashtray. I'm going to try to attach a photo of the ashtray (never tried it before), but if I'm not successful you can search it here on Tiki Central too.

kohalacharms posted on 04/10/2015


That's it! Thanks for the assist.

hang10tiki posted on 04/11/2015


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-04-10 19:32 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/12/2015

This week's stuff:

Palau Storyboard:

The guy who sold it to me said he had another one like it he sold yesterday. I went by his booth 4-5 times over the course of 2 hours yesterday and he didn't have them out. All I saw were the stupid Mexican plaster piggy banks that he always has. Timing.
Anyway, out in the field, I thought it looked like it was carved by the same guy that carved my giant storyboard:

So I bought it and came home to see...

Lancelink told me a way to tell who carved it was checking the borders. It's kind of like a signature

Bam! looks like a match!
Second test to be 100% sure is I check for style or design clues that look similarly carved:

Made it easy with pretty much the exact same hut carved in both pieces.

A pair of Tahitian slit drums.

Mauna Kea Beach hotel art book with a few pages of PNG:

Castaways ashtray:

Hoped it was the restaurant MaddogMikes pop carved the tikis for, but it's a non tiki hotel

Now it looks like the type of hotel that tweakers on welfare live in month to month.

Lidless concave stickered OMC Bali Hai mug

Damn! I sold my spare lid!

Buzzy Out!

hang10tiki posted on 04/13/2015

My first "club" in the wild

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-04-20 06:30 ]

tikicoma posted on 04/14/2015

I don't usually post in finds but I found a little stuff in the last month that I find interesting.

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Vintage Trader Vic's Rum Barrel.

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Told myself years ago I wasn't going to buy another monkeypox bowl but then I saw this, 15"x13"x2.5" and I did.

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Koa bookends and a Fritz and Floyd nautilus.

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Unmarked Conch shell bowl but it's identical to the Trader Vic's bowl.

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Six Trader Vic's real bamboo mugs, Phillip Roberts suggested these may be from the Ward Street Trader Vic's. Only one on Ooga Mooga, any other ideas?

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These aren't on Ooga they may be hobbyist but looking around I saw this...
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pineapple mug from the Trader Vic's Old Plantation restaurant in Honolulu (on Ward street), it looks very similar aside from the different coloring on the rim.

Nothing for more than five bucks (plus tax).

aloha, tikicoma

Bongo Bungalow posted on 04/14/2015

Found this little guy last week. 2 1/2" tall.


UT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e131b7d31a0a549810a7484586413b27?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
uncle trav posted on 04/14/2015

On 2015-04-14 06:51, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
Found this little guy last week. 2 1/2" tall.


Good to see you back again Bongo but I can't see any of your pics.

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