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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Still at it.

Pages: 1 4 replies

GO TIKI posted on 04/11/2015

I read a post that I wasn't making ceramics anymore, Not true. I just haven't been on here for awile. Ceramics that I have made lately:

Shrunken Head Lidded Mug

Mark V. Diving Helmet Mug

Retro Pin-Up Hula Girl Ashtray

Suffering Bastard Shot Glass and Pendent

Some Tangs mugs for sure

And of coarse Tiki Torches mugs

And Wine glasses too!

Cheers All! Gogo

4WDtiki posted on 04/11/2015

Damn, those Tang's are so great! 8)

danlovestikis posted on 04/11/2015

I'm so glad you are back to posting here. The shrunken head is scary. Great stuff. Don't stop now. How about some work in progress photos.

We sure do love seeing you at Marketplace. Wendy

0utl1n3 posted on 04/11/2015

I deffenatly need a shrunkenhead for my head hunters lounge

hang10tiki posted on 04/11/2015

See u at Caliente..

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