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Coco Joes -VS- Hip MORE new pics!!

Pages: 1 2 3 113 replies

emspace posted on 01/21/2004

Lord have mercy, that IS a really...ah...artistically rendered...piece, there. Yes, thanx for sharing Randy.

I would LOVE to do a book, but don't have enough pieces to do enough photos. But you and Duke 'n' Amy, now, that's another story. I could maybe contribute a small chapter on how powerfully they impacted my life as a kid. Maybe that would be a cool format: People could do little anecdotes on their feelings about 'em, interspersed with photos of pieces in really interesting settings (against tapa, tropical plants, with the Iao Needle rearing in the background, whuddevah), plus history, as much stuff as could be dredged up anyway...just thinking out loud.

aloha, em.

boutiki posted on 01/21/2004

Wow Randy! Nice assortment of Tikis! Not only do you have several that we don't, but I'd never even seen a few of those designs. You should put together as much info as possible about Coco Joe's and other souvenir Tiki manufacturers. We were not able to find out much in the way of factual historical info, but we were working on our own. With the help of others (some like Gecko, close to the source) maybe you can find out more.

If you don't want to do an entire book by yourself (or don't think there is enough material for a book strictly about Coco Joe's and the like) maybe we could work together. We have had several inquiries about a Tiki Quest Volume 2 and have been excited at the possibility. However, we still have a lot of Tiki Quest to sell first. If we do manage to sell enough of the first one, and are confident there is enough interest to do a follow up, I'd love to work with you and include the pieces from your collection that are not in T.Q. We've spoken with other collectors about this same idea and have been met with very positive response. Our idea would be to work with others who have substantial collections and amass enough imagery to make a book of at least the same size as the first. That way, between the two volumes there would be a more comprehensive view of the world of collecting vintage Tiki.

Anyway, like I said, this might be a ways off. If you would be interested please let me know and we can talk more. In the meantime, we still need to sell Tiki Quest (or we will have pissed away our impending baby's college fund) so if you know of any Tiki fanatics who have yet to get a copy, be sure to remind them that they can still get the Tiki Central special, just go to the Taboo Tomes page. Any support from TC members would be greatly appreciated!


Slacks Ferret posted on 01/21/2004

I used to have that girl in a shell (ashtray?) but I gave it away.

If anyone asks if I have regrets...the answer is yes. :)

[ Edited by: Slacks Ferret on 2004-01-20 20:23 ]

Unkle John posted on 01/21/2004

man there ain't nothing more beautiful than a woman's body, no matter if she's big or small.

Alnshely posted on 01/21/2004

aquarj posted on 01/21/2004

Hey Duke, that sounds fun! As one who's guilty of many idle ideas that haven't been followed through on (yet), I admire your book efforts. Let's talk again sometime. And yeah, an amalgamation of several people's collections and stories could make a book interesting, and also the esthetics of the book itself is a BIG factor (to me). I'm a visual junkie.

Mark my words, one of these days I will indeed track down someone who can talk story about Coco Joes. Planning to be in Hawaii this June, maybe I'll have to bring my investigator hat.

Just because something's on a back-burner doesn't mean it's not smoldering!


tikijackalope posted on 01/21/2004

I'm not seeing that Coco Joes stuff is any less expensive than masks, mugs or anything else tiki. Almost everything seems to be between seven and twelve dollars here in KS and MO. Last month I found a Bali Hai mug in great shape for $12; today for $12 I turned down a damaged Coco Joes pen holder. In the last few days on a junket across SW MO I've bought a few OoH Japan mugs and a Coco Joes Kanaloa (#43 on the orange tag on back) at $7 each. I did notice that two Coco Joes statues I had intended to buy had sold. I had turned them down on a previous trip because I figured they'd remain unsold at their $8 and $10 price tags. By the way, regarding previous pictures on this page, are there any states in which it is legal to marry an ashtray?

[ Edited by: tikijackalope on 2004-01-20 23:49 ]

GECKO posted on 01/21/2004

Auuuweeeee! I like da 3rd pic of da wahine ASStray....i mean her ashtray shaped like a shell....ahhhh you know wat da hell I'm trying to say! she makes me feel like those anoying seagals on finding nemo "MINE MINE MINE MINE"

Tanks again for da post. I just came from braddah Jeffs house to get some pics of his coco joes stuff. I'll post them on sunday. I'm a little bizzy right now.

nice collection of coco joes stuff coming out of da boon docks. Mahaloz for taking the time peopo!


SES posted on 01/21/2004

Wow! She is beautiful. Thanks for posting her.

Phillip Roberts posted on 01/21/2004

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-10 13:44 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/21/2004

On 2004-01-18 19:28, aquarj wrote:

The prize for weirdest off-brand tiki. Linguini arms, uneven boobs, and bowlegged like a cowboy.

[ Edited by: aquarj on 2004-01-18 19:33 ]

mecha-tiki attacks tokyo!

PolynesianPop posted on 01/21/2004

Randy, the last time I was at your house you had your CocoJoe's stuff displayed in a bookcase. You should post a longshot of that bookcase! All those figures together in one shot would be amazing.

Trader Woody posted on 01/21/2004

There must be a name for that fine grey dust that seems to accumulate in the detailed parts of Coco Joe's figures (and is almost impossible to shift)

'Coco Dust'?

Trader Woody

bigbrotiki posted on 01/21/2004

On 2004-01-20 23:45, tikijackalope wrote:
.....By the way, regarding previous pictures on this page, are there any states in which it is legal to marry an ashtray?

Yah...as G.W. Goethe once said " I wish I were a cigarette"

(..or something to that extent)

BambooLodge posted on 01/21/2004

On 2004-01-21 07:42, PolynesianPop wrote:
Randy, the last time I was at your house you had your CocoJoe's stuff displayed in a bookcase. You should post a longshot of that bookcase! All those figures together in one shot would be amazing.

Great stuff Randy! We would love to see a photo of the whole collection.
Dave & Coalbe Vasta

johnnievelour posted on 01/22/2004

I have many CocoJoes tikis and such, even a small "Da Kine Drink Book." I have found the majority of my tikis in thrift stores and swap meets. I have only bought 2 off e-bay. I noticed there are more Coco Joe's around than the HIP.
Here are the ashtrays I have:

The one on the lower right was my mom's. She was going through some boxes and found it. She got it in Hawaii in 1969 while visiting my dad on R&R. She couldn't remember how much it cost but she told me she bought it because it was a small souvenier, cheap, and an ashtray. It still had the ashes in it when she gave it to me.

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2004-01-21 18:38 ]

aquarj posted on 01/22/2004

Thanks again for the nice comments about the pics I posted, and still nice to see other people's pics too. I'm actually in Orlando right now for business, but I can post a shot of that bookcase soon when back. I've tried before, and couldn't get it to come out lit very well, so I didn't post anything because I'm a stickler with that kind of stuff. Worth another try though.

About the girl in the shell, I wonder if there was an original (human) model! Hoo-hah!

Hey filslash, you're right about PolyArt on those, except I think one of them is actually CocoJoes - I can check when I'm back home. Magee's is another brand (pic 4 #2).


Feelin Zombified posted on 01/24/2004

Today I found a 5 or 6 inch Menehune blowing a conch shell in the air. It's hapawood and looks to be on the older side. There is no makers mark & I have yet to see one like it, but I'm assuming it's a Coco Joe's. Does that description sound familiar to anyone? I'll to post a pic soon. (cam needs batteries)


ErichTroudt posted on 01/28/2004

Today I picked up 3 coco joes pieces. You can find a picture in the "tiki finds" thread.
I started looking at one of them and realized I had it already. But when I started comparing the two, I saw some differences. Both say Made in Hawaii, Coco Joes, made with Lava, and have the #202. The differences are one has 64 on the bottom, one doesn't, they have different color eyes, and the base for the feet is larger on one than the other. The one with the smaller base has "kaneohe, hawaii" on the bottom.

Did coco joes make different statues for different islands? Is it just a what year they were made in difference?

Different bases


tikijackalope posted on 01/28/2004

Would a shelf full of the one with the narrower base be somewhat domino-prone? If so, maybe they widened the base to reduce product breakage.

naugatiki posted on 01/28/2004

I dont' know if it's by accident or by design but those empty coco joes jam holders are the perfect size for shot glasses.

and does shutterfly only post in postage stamp sized pics?

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-01-28 14:11 ]

Alnshely posted on 01/28/2004

What you posted is the thumbnail view, Here is the full shot. Hit edit and see I chaged the 3rd to last zero into a six


Tikiwahine posted on 01/28/2004

Cool naugatiki,

I have that one too and was wondering what to put in it!(asside from drink accessories)

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 01/29/2004

Ok you CocoJoes fans,

36 minutes left on this auction. Due to the low view counter, I hope I'm not spoiling anybody's secret bidding. I'm not a Coco Joes collector, so I don't know if this pen-holder is worth anything. Is this price reasonable?



Tikiwahine posted on 01/29/2004

I've got that pen holder too, I'm personally not too fond of the mug, but only because they're plastered all over the place. Then again I have three of the wooden ones.

Haven't sen too much of the pen holder though.

If that were $9.99 Canadian it would be a much better deal.

aquarj posted on 01/29/2004

Looks reasonable. Those pen holders can also look nice hanging if you unscrew the pen cradle. I've seen other TCers do that in their homes too.

Bonus if you can find the Cocojoes pendant with the exact same tiki. It's one of their big ones that comes on a gold chain.


naugatiki posted on 01/29/2004

"What you posted is the thumbnail view, Here is the full shot. Hit edit and see I chaged the 3rd to last zero into a six "

Dang, I never would have thought of that, thanks for the tip. Lets give it a try...

Waikikian tiki garden tour

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-01-29 12:01 ]

GECKO posted on 02/02/2004

here's some stuffs from my friends collection. first is this plaque over 20 inches long.



this next plaque is still white and hasn't been dipped I guess in the black resin.

these are a box of molds mostly from 1968


and last but not least..beleive it or not!?!?! this is a cocojoes mongoose! they did this and a ant eater and a whale just befor they went out of buisness. I guess they were trying a more sleek look?? no cocojoes stmp but it came from the cocojoes out of buisness sale. Cocojoes had these displayed at the Ala Moana mall as a more expensive version of their stuff.

I guess this was the last thing they did to try to save the company.


SES posted on 02/02/2004

I had no idea it was white underneath and coated. I thought it was the same all the way through. I like the mongoose.

emspace posted on 02/03/2004

Wow, wow, WOW!!! Those molds, man...I wonder what the legality of making a new run of these puppies would be? I mean, they sold the molds, I guess they (whoever they are) don't care now. There are some cool looking ones in that stack, like the bug-eyed Moai, and I see at least a few that look like pendants (I had a nice one back in the day). That is hot stuff Gecko, thanx for sharing!

Heh heh, I never thought I'd see anyone do a tribute to a mogoose though...

:), em.

naugatiki posted on 02/03/2004

That Moai mold was for a key chain. In the Early 90s Cornet in Kailua on the Island of Oahu had a going out of business sale and that whole line went at 50% off. I mention Cornet because that was the closest thing I've seen to a tiki dept store and had pictures of Ku scattered around the store and a "tiki" section that put the ABC store to shame.

Waikikian tiki garden tour

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-02-02 17:43 ]

tikijackalope posted on 02/24/2004

A local garage sale picker found these and sold them to me three for twelve dollars.

5" King Kamehameha I

Can anyone tell me if this 8" Coco Joe's is supposed to be a particular deity?

This shapely 8" HIP rounded out the set. Would anyone know if the general lack of nipples on bare-breasted women was something voluntary on the part of Coco Joe's and HIP?...perhaps a desire not to offend prevailing tastes in public souvenir stores...or was it necessary to fly under the wire of some sort of obscenity standard of the time?

I also got this 12" beauty recently on ebay.

GECKO posted on 04/21/2004

I've been very busy but I finally found a few hours on Sunday to hit da swap meets. Mana was in da air!

my first $5 bill spent was on this rare coco joes plaque. I love it!

then this plaque was da second find. I almost passed it up because of da $20 price tag and the blue tint to the finish. But these plaques are always hard to get so I got it.

I found da old H.I.P wahine charm for $2.
Da king and da queen in da back are very rare coco joe chess peices....yes there is a whole chess set made by CCJ's. If you find any you are very lucky. Not to many were made. I only know 1 person that has the whole set. These were given to me from a good freind. The heart shaped charm on the mat is da older version. You can tell by looking at the back. Da older wun has a carved back as apposed to da flat back. So if you have this charm go check da back of yours.

well shutter fly just went down so I won't be able to show da other 2 rare peices untill they go back up. You'll like the next two. So stay tuned.


Tiki_Bong posted on 04/21/2004

Gecko bra!

Are those molds Freddies? If you keep posting cool stuff I might just have to think about a trade for the Morgantown TV glass!

purple jade posted on 04/21/2004


I think maybe that one you asked about is Kanaloa, which I say because of the round eyes.

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/21/2004

G man. you lucky boy you! I am going to find a few days to carve with you brother. This has really got to happen, I feel it.

GECKO posted on 04/22/2004

Ok, here's da second half since I got kicked off of shutterfly last night. Here's da rest.

anybody recognize this OKOLE?

still has da tag.
yes, dat's da wun Aquarj posted earlier on this topic and gave me many sleepless nights because I didn't have it! well I slept good for da last 3 days!! super find at $8.
the other 2 were given to me by braddah Freddy. They are Pen Holders. If you have da wahine there is 2 versions one, with a bikini top and da uddah is topless and is older than the covered wun. Freddy has da wun with nipples.

here's a rare white coco joes. These were made just befor they went out of buisness. Not to many were made. Like the lava these were made with real coral mixed in with the resin. That was kinda stupid of coco joes with all da coral reef protective groups on da island. Regardless, it's rare and it's now in my collection.

I agree with PJ that it looks like Kanaloa to but not fo sho?
Coco joes made up some of it's figures and made up stories to go with them. H.I.P however told da real legends about all da Tikis. The stories came from wun of da big Kahunas here on da islands. His name is at da tip of my tounge because I was just talking about him lastnight with a friend.

Bong, HA! Freddie wish those were his! he has 12 of mine at his house(thought I forgot eh) I know he's reading this. Anyways, those all belong to me braddah Bong. The charm that Freddy gave you was from a rare mold that came from that batch.

Braddah Chiki, da bad ass carver from So. Cal .....no worries brah, nooooo worries!!! We'll get together and do some ono work together! eh, put some money together and open up a dream spot down there in So. Cal like Braddah Brad da Beach! Like dat wun haole on TV wen sed "If you build it, dem braddahz gon come" think about it.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-04-22 01:23 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 07/18/2004

can anyone date this guy? Has no markings. Any info makes Z happy.


Kenike posted on 07/18/2004

Can anyone tell me if this 8" Coco Joe's is supposed to be a particular deity?

I actually have this one with the paper label still attached. It's LAUKAPALILI, GOD OF THE "WINDS OF LOVE.'

TabooDan posted on 07/19/2004

Hey, Very nice! I have not seen those with the Hapa Wood bases before either. Cool! I do have two with Coco Menehune fishermen with brown bases that say Hawaii and are made of a thin resin. If I could figure out how to put pictures on here I could show you.
I too, also believe HIP to be a seperate company than Coco Joes. The quality of Coco Joes is so much better! Of all the pieces that I have, only the HIP pieces have the finish coming off. I would believe that if the companys were connected, they would use the exact same methods and have the same quality finishes. I am not an expert but that is what I have seen. See yah!

On 2004-01-13 00:16, GECKO wrote:
Aloha ohana,

Being we have all da experts here, will you please jump in!!

Whats up with these 2 companys? ORRRRR, is HIP a part of Coco Joes? they resemble each other a lot ya.
If this subject is already covered in Tiki Quest sorry but I haven't stoped druling ova da pics yet so I'll get to da reading laterz.

If you get da kine that might not be in Dukes book or even if they are, I was just hoping to see some collections. I know it's a pain uploading pics but eh "swhy hod" ("dats too bad" in pigon). I hate it to. but heres a couple of mine.

anyways just wanted to see if you braddahz and sisstahz are HIP to collecting CoCo Joes.......dats my weak punch line.

I jus wen picked these up ova da weekend. I haven't seen this style in Tiki Quest. No year is stamped on....for my beer drinkerz, no born on date!

the bottom is made to look like wood

da base has 64 on da first tiki, 62 on da 2nd and nothing on da 3rd tiki??? know what that means?

4 of my original coco joe molds from 1968.

more pics to come later.

Live Aloha

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-13 00:20 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-13 00:21 ]

[ Edited by: GECKO on 2004-02-02 14:34 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-04-22 01:51 ]

TabooDan posted on 09/10/2004

I finally know what I am doing on here now so here is the pictures that I said I would add of the Coco Joe items with the seperate brown resin bases. They sure look sharp like this when you have the black and the Hapa wood color. Both have Hawaii on the front of their bases. Dan

dogbytes posted on 09/10/2005

I thought I’d post here, where the lava figurine collectors are: do any of you have information on (what I think) might be a company older than Cocojoes and HIP ~ Holo-Ka-Hana, Ltd.

the label
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“Nanea (fascinating)

The latest creation by Holo-Ka-Hana, Ltd.

Nona Kapuailohia Beamer, recognized exponent of Hawaiian hula, named this fascinating figurine. Talented Georgi Daniel sculptured (Nanea) as well as Menehune Hauoli, Ki'i, Hoohehe'e, Koa, the Hawaiian warrior and Haunani, the beautiful Hawaiian miss.

All figurines are registered in the Territory of Hawaii, and are the exclusive property of Holo-Ka-Hana.

Lava from a recent volcanic eruption is used in a secret process giving these masterpieces of Hawaiiana a true distinction. Something to be treasured with your other fine pieces. These are not reproductions of great art - they are original authentic, and exclusive- made only by Holo-Ka-Hana, Ltd. Honolulu, Hawaii, We sincerely hope you will treasure (Nanea)”

I’ve googled to find out more about the company, but I’m having no luck. Nona Kapuailohia Beamer is the mother to Keola Beamer, the musician. Georgi Daniel passed away at the age of 82 in 1998.

oh and while i'm here: how do you clean & protect your cocojoes/HIPs? i thought the soap n water, soft damp towel would work, but they're still pretty grungy.


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ookoo lady posted on 09/10/2005

A related thread from the son of the founder of the HIP company: Here


Pictures of my Coco Joes stuff with rhinestone eyes:



Cool plaque I got from Doctor Z:

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I love this stuff!

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Sneakytiki posted on 09/17/2005

I have a black King Kamehameha I have not seen anywhere else with the gold accents on it mine has, I also have one of the white sleek later cocojoes pieces similar to the whales in this topic but with dolphins instead, so there was at least 1 other white piece in addition to the others mentioned previously. A great way to clean these white pieces is with a rubber pencil eraser. Probably clean those whales right up. I don't know that this would work on the blk/brown, lava/coral/hapawood finishes. I've had luck with pressurized air on these other surfaces. I've seen hapa wood type resin figures dated as early as the 1950's though what brand, if any, I can't recall.

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2005-09-17 13:46 ]

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HOUSE OF KU posted on 10/15/2005

Aloha dogbytes! I've got haunani in two different sizes. this company must be older than 1959. for cleaning, I use a little dish washing soap/water solution and one of those soft vegetable brushes (dollar stores should have them)and use a circular motion to get all the nooks and cranies... air dry or use some compressed air to blow dry...aloha, hoku

HOK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a089b598b6aea50e5cdb3d38de4dec55?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HOUSE OF KU posted on 10/15/2005

Aloha dogbytes! I've got haunani in two different sizes. this company must be older than 1959. for cleaning, I use a little dish washing soap/water solution and one of those soft vegetable brushes (dollar stores should have them)and use a circular motion to get all the nooks and cranies... air dry or use some compressed air to blow dry...aloha, hoku

OL Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/adab0ecbff0c53599794ed8c336c9914?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ookoo lady posted on 11/12/2005

I've started collecting the pen holders.....

There are different tikis in black and brown:

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It's very easy to remove the pen holder part, then they can be easily hung on the wall as plaques. I'm hanging them up on my bathroom wall, and they look really cool.

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I have duplicates of the first two pictured, so if you have one not shown here, and would like to sell or trade, please let me know!

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Kono posted on 11/12/2005

On 2004-01-20 01:14, aquarj wrote:
Hey Sven, as for your request, I took some pics tonite. The cool thing about the CocoJoes type stuff is that when you look at it up close, you realize how exquisite some of it really is. Same goes for many of the tikis, but this girl-in-a-shell is pretty amazing.

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Two more special angles, especially for Sven...

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There was recently a piece on ebay that looked just like this one except in brass:


I saved the pics since the auction will eventually disappear:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1404&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages15.fotki.com%2Fv231%2Fphotos%2F1%2F123827%2F1947277%2F08_1-vi.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=07b3da02b1bb69a656f31e61599a4def

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Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1404&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages12.fotki.com%2Fv236%2Fphotos%2F1%2F123827%2F1947277%2Fd6_1-vi.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ff999caf21c1f3e7014d2ca3c3f4e2d2

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1404&url=http%3A%2F%2Fimages15.fotki.com%2Fv231%2Fphotos%2F1%2F123827%2F1947277%2Ffe_1-vi.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2461bc301d0d950fb43d1991c3f09d9a

I wonder which came first?

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