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summer art swap: the enchanted tiki room!!!! Ends August 1st

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TU posted on Fri, May 1, 2015 6:07 PM

Hey Everyone,

It's that time of year again to start a new swap to have it done in time for Tiki Oasis!

I'm thinking of an ending date of July 31, so if you are interested, send me a pm or reply to the thread. I will post the usually guidelines as soon as we have a theme.

To start it off, here are a couple ideas right off the top of my head...

Under the Sea
7 deadly sins
my personal favorite...flamingos

I really enjoyed last summer's swap and you all are a great bunch of artists so I can't wait to get started!!


mix it with rum

[ Edited by: TU 2015-05-01 18:08 ]

[ Edited by: TU 2015-05-05 16:51 ]

[ Edited by: TU 2015-05-06 17:38 ]

[ Edited by: Hakalugi 2015-07-25 09:38 ]

TU posted on Sat, May 2, 2015 5:44 AM

Here are the guidelines from previous swaps. If I had your email from last summer, I sent out an invite too.

You make an original art piece (not a mold or a print) in any media ~ could be a painting, digital, carving, ceramic, beaded, knit, sewn, mixed, diorama, whatever. People will be paired by random drawing and will send to their partner. Only those who have posted a finished art piece prior to July 31 will be included in the drawing. If you have any questions, feel free to pm or post it.

Mike always does such an outstanding job of running the swaps and was a great help last summer when I hosted the Alien swap. Thanks for sharing, Mike!

Here are some ideas from the last swap to give us a start. What do you think?

Tiki Animals
Mythical Tiki
Enchanted Tiki Room
Tiki Bob
Tiki Waterfalls
Tiki Restaurant Logos
Tiki Matchbooks

I would like it to be Tiki Matchbooks and Napkins. I'm in, I can't resist these swaps. Thank you for stepping in again.

Cheers, Wendy

I like all the animal ones - flamingos, pufferfish, etc and I could get motivated by pineapples too!!! Weird, huh?

TU posted on Sat, May 2, 2015 4:38 PM

Thanks for joining in early Wendy and Lori!

I'm open for any theme.

I don't think there is anything weird about being motivated my pineapples. They are so tasty!

[ Edited by: TU 2015-05-02 16:40 ]

I'm in

I like the "Tiki Matchbook" inspiration idea
And "Enchanted Tiki Room"

I'll make sure the spousal unit jumps in too :)


I'd like to be involved, but depending on the final topic.

Tiki matchbooks, Maori, or Disney Enchanted tiki room would be my picks.

TU posted on Sun, May 3, 2015 11:45 AM

Thanks for joining guys. I would like to have a theme chosen in the next couple of days.

WHOOOOOHOOOOO!!! Thanks for running another Swap TU, your last one was awesome!
I like the Enchanted Tiki Room, lots of cool and whimsical inspiration.
I was inspired to start a black velvet painting. Not sure how that could translate to an Art Swap theme? Or how it could apply to sculptural work like ceramic or wood?


Hey all...So is this a Tiki Oasis swap or an open one like the Hawaiian shirt theme this past fall?



Hey all...So is this a Tiki Oasis swap or an open one like the Hawaiian shirt theme this past fall?


TU posted on Sun, May 3, 2015 3:26 PM

Great to have you on board Mike!!!

This is for everyone RV so come on in!!

TU posted on Mon, May 4, 2015 7:11 PM

It seems like this swap is a small one. Maybe once we get started, others will join in.

Here is who I have as joined so far...

Woodtiki (sent me an email)
Hang10 and spousal unit
and me

Not a bad start.

Looks like the top themes are Matchbooks and Enchanted Tiki Room

I'm groovy with anything, so pm me with your preference and I will give you my mailing address for bribes. Just kidding. Unless you want to send me stuff, it would be rude to say no.


my vote would be for the moai or the restaurant matchbook covers...then under the sea.

Honestly, I would be good with anything.


"then under the sea."

Oohhh, how bout under the table?

TU posted on Tue, May 5, 2015 4:50 PM

So...here's my thinking...

I saw we use the Enchanted Tiki Room as the theme. I figure there are animals, tikis, and all sorts of stuff that can fall into that topic. Even matchbooks could be used if you want to make a matchbook for the ETR.

TikiSkip: this is a safe place...no judgement...if you want to go with under the enchanted tiki table...we still love you

Lets have everyone post a finished pic by the end of July. I'm not big on rules, as long as everyone is having a good time.

Let's get going!!!

WhoooHooo!!! I like it :)


Ha! good one.

Don't think I will fit under the table though.


Awesome! I'm in!

Thanks for hosting this TU!



Mike, thanks for sending the email to clue me in- I've been swamped with work and child rearin' and haven't spent much time on TC. I would have loved to have seen the discussion on this thread earlier- as much as I appreciate some of the elements found at the Enchanted Tiki "Disney" Room, I feel little to no inspiration in taking art cues from Disney. I mean, it's Disney after all??

I realize this is a viewpoint not shared by many here. I prefer a theme that allows fellow artists to use our own creativity to inspire our work rather than a pre-existing, for-profit machine such as Disneyland/World.

Is the voting for the theme now closed? Is it too late to cast a vote for any of the other options? (Pineapples, napkins, matchbooks, hmmmm.... yes, even flamingos?) :wink:

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2015-05-05 22:32 ]


I'm in :)

I hope there is a thread on the Tiki Room here on TC. I'll have to look for it later. It's time to add it to my work list. What a busy summer. Oops summers not here yet, good there's time to get it all done! Wendy


"I feel little to no inspiration in taking art cues from Disney"

I kinda agree with ya here.
Not that I'm not into Disney , but on some of these swaps the theme is more geared towards
a person who paints or works in clay.
Guess you can paint or make anything out of clay though.
Plus not everybody has even seen the ETR, guess there are pics on line.

The Alien tiki theme would be hard for a carver as would flamingos, Flamingos? are those more FLA
slash buffet style?

Matchbooks and album covers is good because, well that's just everything under the sun.

I have only done one of these swaps, that theme was Pele and I had to stretch to make
a light to fit that theme by using a flame bulb, pretty weak Skip.

I guess what I'm saying if you want more people to join these swaps think of all the mediums that
people work in and try to make the theme easy for them to work in their mediums AND
fill the requirements of the theme.

Or do a theme that's fits a few tiki art folks mediums and get a few tiki art folks to join in.

Here are past themes...

Alien tiki
Tiki album art
Sea creatures
Ladies of tiki
Birds of the pacific
Polynesian menu
Shrunken head/ headhunter

Ladies of tiki sticks out as a harder medium for non painters and clay art types.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-05-06 04:04 ]

cy posted on Wed, May 6, 2015 8:21 AM

I'll jump into this fracas Tu, thanks!

I agree with tikiskip. I like the Enchanted tiki room but by having it as a theme I think you are asking artists to copy or reinterpret an interpretation that Disney has already done. The ETR is Disney's take on tiki.

I like the idea of taking a topic that there is no definitive definition of what the outcome should look like. To me something like Polynesian Myths would be open to a wide range of interpretation. For example: Maui had a magic hook that pulled the islands up out of the water. He also lassoed the sun to make the days longer. This is what Rolly Crump used to create the statues at the ETR.

I may join this group but I'm still thinking of what I can do since my schedule is pretty full the next couple of months.

If there are no rules does that mean I can use Rolly's inspiration for the ETR but not have it be anything that's from the ETR?

I'm lukewarm on the Enchanted Tiki Room subject as well. Maybe there's a way to loosen it up a little? I'm just not feeling inspired. I like Disney, don't get me wrong but I don't find it motivating - to me.

I hope I can come up with an idea!

TikiG posted on Wed, May 6, 2015 12:56 PM

I'm in for the new art swap!

I don't want to step on TU's toes here but we have never been rigid on the theme. To my knowledge, no one has ever been prohibited from participating because their art didn't meet the theme. This is a creative bunch of people and creativity is pretty hard to contain inside a given box. "Inspired by" the Enchanted Tiki Room could be birds, flowers, Pele, Hina Kuluua, Rongo, a rain window, or lots of other things. It is MY opinion though, that the art should at least somehow reflect the theme or you just make a mockery of the theme :wink:

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2015-05-06 13:25 ]


Not to flog a dead horse...but I put my vote in for leaving the Disney stuff to the Kevin Kidneys of the world...and I would bet dimes to dollars that even he would say "not on my off time".


Was not going to say anything as I'm not in on this one because summer is so busy
for me.

The only reason I did say something is because of what TikiAno said struck a chord with

BUT if on the next swap we could kind of have a more broad idea this may be better as
more people will join in.

The ETR idea has been coming up for some time now so somebody must have an idea they
are dying to use.
This swap will use up the ETR idea and maybe a good time to do so.

TU posted on Wed, May 6, 2015 5:36 PM

Wow, I wasn't expecting all the replies about different topics. It seems I have stirred up a lot of passion about Disney and theme park attractions. Sorry if I ruffled feathers.

Thanks Mike for the clarification, you could never step on my toes.

I did my best with the topic and opened it up for suggestions thru TC and the few email addresses I have. I guess I should have waited a few more days before suggesting a topic. I thought when I opened it up with...

Looks like the top themes are Matchbooks and Enchanted Tiki Room

I'm groovy with anything, so pm me with your preference...

people would feel comfortable enough to send in their vote or their opposition.

I'm not much for my ego, so if anyone else would like to step up and lead the art swap charge, please feel free. I just like swapping and the motivation I get by knowing my art is going to someone, so I need to finish it. I totally love my carved bamboo cannibal, carved fictitious album cover, alien tiki mug, and shirt inspired painting.

I guess my life is fullfilled with being a husband, father, doggy daddy, and middle school teacher. This seems to be a lot of bad ju-ju drama over something that should be fun, so maybe someone else can lead the swap.

TU- you started this swap, so you should be our leader.
Lots of topics thrown out there.
You picked one.
If I didn't like the topic or feel inspired to jump in,
then I just wouldn't participate.
This is just for fun after all.


:up: Amen :up:


"This seems to be a lot of bad ju-ju drama over something that should be fun,"

If you think I had any bad ju-ju drama on this that is not the case.
Was voicing my thoughts on the topic, and past topics really.
Not aimed at anyone.

I don't see any body really getting riled up about this here on this thread.


TU, I'm sorry for making remarks about the topic. If I can find the time I do have a project in mind that fits the theme. Thanks for leading the swap.


Tu, didn't mean to step on your toes- or Tus, just voicing my opinion on Disney, is all. I think it's great that you've offered to take lead of the Swap again, and meant no disrespect re: the theme choice. People have brought up ETR as a possible theme in the past.

I can try to come up with some kind of inspiration regarding this topic, but not sure if it'll work (for me). Maybe it's due to the insane food poisoning that I got from my last visit to Disneyland (which is an amazing story unto itself), or maybe my feelings are due to reading "Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World" by Carl Hiaasen years ago (I recommend getting it from your local library).

No bad juju meant/ directed/ intended. I admit this is the first time in a while that there's been some real PASSION about an Art Swap topic (both for and against), which is kind of a good thing, right? I agree with what Jon wrote, and I support his feeling- I feel the same way. I'll enjoy watching everyone's art making, but I just may not take part in this one.

MaukaHale, thanks for articulating what I could not. THAT's what I meant. :)

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2015-05-06 22:32 ]


I like Disney, but then have never been there so what do I know.
Just did not feel inspiration from the ETR.

It is just that simple.


Well, I am in the midst of moving, but......
Lemme mull it over.

...OK, mulled. I'm in.

Zero- :)

A little Inspiration

one of my favorite pages to look at.... http://davelandweb.com/tikiroom/


Both of those links do help.
Lots of ideas in those.


I love this theme! Thanks for leading it TU. I'd like to put in my name and do something for it. In the past I've not been able to something done in time, but I've got an idea so count me in!

TU -

If I added to your feelings of bad juju, I apologize. The topic didn't thrill me, that's all. I didn't hate it, I just didn't scream "yipppeee!" Don't be upset about THAT, you can't please everyone.

I'm totally cool with you picking the subject and people can participate or not, it's their choice. And let's be serious, nobody is dying to get anything I create. :wink:

And if you're cool with what Mike said I think everyone who wants to participate can figure out a way to respect the theme with their own interpretation of it. I am personally going to my best to make something, I just need some creativity to flow. (That usually happens after people start posting their art...)

Again, please accept my apologies. I am grateful that you are willing to lead the swap. Thank you!

Lori- I want what u make :)

Aw, Jon! You're too sweet!

I ALWAYS want what you make but haven't gotten lucky - yet. Maybe this time.

Thanks to everyone who posted inspiration. I haven't even picked a medium. Might be time to go back to clay although my Hawaiian shirt piece was clay. But other than that I haven't done any clay work. Without these swaps I probably wouldn't create anything!!! (I majored in procrastination in college.)

I am not an artist, like the rest of you, but if you'll accept some custom routered, burned, brushed and sealed Tiki themed trim, then I'm in! I like to make 4" by about 5' sections from reclaimed redwood and would offer multiple sticks as a trade.


Here's an example of my trim.

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