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Please Help!

Pages: 1 4 replies

Mano Tiki Tia posted on 02/03/2004

Hi all
I'm doing the MS walk to raise money for Ms research, on April 17, 2004. It would be great if anyone would like to donate or even join the team. Our team name is Joshie's Chicken Monkeys and we have a great time. I have been diagnosed with MS since April 2002 and I'm currently on medication to try to slow down the disease.

So if you would like to join our team or donate, my goal is $1000, just click Donation Page

Thank You all in advance
Tiki Central is truly a supportive community.

Mano Tiki Tia
aka Joshie

[ Edited by: Mano Tiki Tia on 2004-02-02 23:16 ]

Humuhumu posted on 02/04/2004

MS is a fascinating and tricky disease, and definitely can use all the research dollars it can get. One of my dearest friends up in Seattle was diagnosed with MS about a decade ago, just as she was finishing her PhD. I hope you find that MS goes relatively easy on you; it sounds like some of the newer medications have been helpful in improving quality of life for some patients.

Come on TCers, make your Mai Tais at home this month, and use the savings to kick MS's myelin-munchin' ass!

Unga Bunga posted on 02/04/2004

That is a beautiful Moai on your webpage.
I hope you reach your goal very soon.

Mano Tiki Tia posted on 02/05/2004

Thank you Unga Bunga.
The Moai is not mine. It's at the tiki barber in San Diego, The Hair Hut.
C'mon only 800 more dollars and i've made my goal

Mano Tiki Tia posted on 04/12/2004

OK All

I have one more week to raise the funds for the MS Walk. I need pledges in any amount, from a buck to ?? Any little will help.
Just click on my page to donate Joshie's Chicken Monkey Donation Page
Thanks once again

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