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Tiki Central / California Events

Jason Lee & the R.I.P.tides This Friday Cat Eye Club Downtown

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JasonLeeSurf posted on 06/11/2015

That's right Tiki fans..... our second appearance at The Cat Eye club.
After the infamous 3 hour long line last time to get in,
we promise a much more easy night and want to make sure you get in!

Our first set from 9-10pm will be our side lounge act, The Black Tides. This went REALLY well last time with many from TC coming out, ordering a great cocktail, sitting back and hangin' out.

After that, we will start to bring it up and crank it up for everyone to dance!
See you there

[ Edited by: JasonLeeSurf 2015-06-10 17:26 ]

JasonLeeSurf posted on 06/11/2015

JasonLeeSurf posted on 06/12/2015

Tonights the night! Free- Starts at 9pm!

See you there!

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