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summer art swap: the enchanted tiki room!!!! Ends August 1st

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cy posted on 06/08/2015

Great job Joshua, that looks fantastic!

MaukaHale posted on 06/08/2015

Looking forward to the final painting and the finished product. Well done!

hang10tiki posted on 06/08/2015

U kicked ars......

anthonymaye posted on 06/08/2015

Hey is there room for one more?
I started a painting, after mike sent me a email thank you mike!
My wife came up for the idea I was pretty stumped.
So it's the back room of the enchanted Tiki bar
"Where the Magic Happens" is what I'm calling the painting.

The initial sketch

The canvas all ready fo da magic

Blocking out the color


Adding some tikis

And a little more detail will start coloring in the villains and birds soon

hang10tiki posted on 06/09/2015

Anthony in da house

danlovestikis posted on 06/10/2015

Wow you guys are great. Before I could start on the mug for the swap I had to make one for Dan. Now he can't complain when the swap mug goes out the door. Here's the one I made for him.

I'll post tomorrow the one I'm making for the swap, it's better than this one but don't tell Dan because he's happy with his.

Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 06/10/2015

Joshua - that is really coming along, almost done! I love that room with all the windows, it that your "studio"?
Anthony - of course there's room for one more. Great concept, can't wait to see how it turns out!
Wendy - Dan's mug looks great! And the next one will be even BETTER!? :o

hang10tiki posted on 06/10/2015


anthonymaye posted on 06/11/2015

So I got some Color on the patrons at the bar
Start to make it look like something.

And couldn't get the tiki drink idea out of my head so

The pain killer

Thanks for all the kind words Mahalo

[ Edited by: anthonymaye 2015-06-11 06:31 ]

hang10tiki posted on 06/11/2015

Lookin great sir.....

danlovestikis posted on 06/11/2015

Anthony you are rocking it.

Enchanted Tiki Room Swap. After Dan choose the tiki mug he wanted me to make for him I chose the one I wanted to make for the swap.

I started with a different variety of my fogcutter mugs.

I cleaned it up and

then I began to build the tiki with sticky clay. This is the clay I cut off the tops of cast mugs. I just add some slip to it to keep it moist. As long as you keep the air bubbles out you can build anything with it.

One step at a time to build

the face and eyes and

then the mouth.

All done sculpting it.

These two mugs are now drying with one more clay project I'm making for an art show run by Tiki Roots Rocka.

Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 06/11/2015

Anthony I see Captain Hook, Mr Smee, Ursula, and the wicked witch from Snow White (?) Looks awesome!!!
Wendy, yours is looking so cool too!
No progress on mine yet but other pressing projects are coming to a close :D

MaukaHale posted on 06/11/2015

Wendy, once again you are TMOTTM!

anthonymaye, I like the concept, can't wait to see the finished piece.

hang10tiki posted on 06/12/2015

Wendy- awesome
Looks like we both had the same idea for inspiration...


danlovestikis posted on 06/12/2015

MadDogMike's project. Last page and this one showing how we all choose one photo to use for our projects.

Hang10tiki where's yours that is the same as my swap mug? We all must have loved that photo.

Thank you everyone for the nice comments about my swap project. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-06-12 08:37 ]

MadDogMike posted on 06/12/2015

Jon, are you going to do an actual wooden slit drum???!!! That would rock!

hang10tiki posted on 06/12/2015

MadMan- not sure if I'll be able to take it low enough to make sound or not
Don't want it to start to split, hmmmm, we will see...

Joshua Bell posted on 06/13/2015

Home stretch:

Base paint job is done, unless I notice any last minute tweaks. Just need to weather and seal.

(Which is good as we're T-9 days from moving.)

hang10tiki posted on 06/14/2015


MadDogMike posted on 06/14/2015

Love it Josh!

hang10tiki posted on 06/14/2015

Here we go

Mike no jokes

cy posted on 06/14/2015

There has to be some kind slit drum joke contained within Jon.

MadDogMike posted on 06/15/2015

I didn't see nuthin' Jon! :wink:

My Swap piece has been languishing on the work bench waiting to take care of some things in my life.

Mt Everest stage set - DONE!

First anniversary celebration - DONE

Harry Potter graduation party for 40 people - DONE

Now I can get back to work on my Swap piece! :lol:

hang10tiki posted on 06/16/2015

MadDogs always workin on sumtin

Lil more

AlohaStation posted on 06/16/2015

Day job trade show is over - Hukilau is done - now I may actually have some time. Count me in! I already know what I'm gonna do. I just need to execute!

danlovestikis posted on 06/16/2015

MadDogMike why you so mad when your making an extraordinarily fun life. You should be HappyDogMike!

hang10tiki that's so cool. Have you thunked it yet?

My mug is slowly drying. Wendy

ErichTroudt posted on 06/16/2015

after my sign was done is was still inspired. So I made a piece for me to go in my disney area.

MadDogMike posted on 06/17/2015

Looks really cool Jon!
Erich, nice addition for your room - isn't inspiration a wonderful thing?!

ZeroTiki posted on 06/18/2015

Sorry I haven't posted anything yet - in the midst of a move.

But fear not! Uncle Zero is plugging away on his newest piece, 'To Worship the Whip", as we speak!


MadDogMike posted on 06/19/2015

Tom & Zero, glad to hear you are in!

Joshua Bell posted on 06/19/2015

(Hrm... I thought I posted an update but it vanished. Did I hit the wrong button, or did a mod delete it?)

Joshua Bell posted on 06/19/2015

(weird, sorry if this is a duplicate post)

Weathered, sealed... Done!

They call me Tangaroa-Ru, the East Wind.
And I am Hina, goddess of Rain.
We often travel together, wind and rain,
Through tropic lands, across the seven seas.
Come closer, so that you may see
What magic there is in Fantasy.

The whole gang:

Wing Spinning Action:

(manually operated, no batteries required)

Move in T-4 days so... everything goes into boxes tonight. Tangaroa-Ru will stay safe and sound until the swap.

ErichTroudt posted on 06/19/2015


danlovestikis posted on 06/19/2015

Joshua Bell you can do anything. Ever tried ceramics? Wendy

cy posted on 06/19/2015


ZeroTiki posted on 06/19/2015

You guys are really bringing out the best of Adventureland!
1st look at 'To Worship the Whip"

MaukaHale posted on 06/22/2015

Zero, that's a great blend or two icons!

ZeroTiki posted on 06/23/2015

...getting back in the swap groove.


hang10tiki posted on 06/23/2015

Aloha- glad you are jumping in
Wendy- no thunking yet, might not be deep enough
Erich- it came out great
Joshua- awesome, cool video too
Zero- lookin good Bruddah

cy posted on 06/23/2015

Very cool Zero!

hang10tiki posted on 06/23/2015

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cy posted on 06/24/2015

Nice progress brother Jon!

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ZeroTiki posted on 06/24/2015


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RVICTOR posted on 06/25/2015

Glad to see the chalice survived the kiln...time to get started on the glazing. Having fun with it.

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danlovestikis posted on 06/25/2015

What great art men. This is an impressive amount of talent. Wendy

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ZeroTiki posted on 06/25/2015

...says the awesomely talented Ms. Wendy...

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cy posted on 06/26/2015

Finally some forward motion from cy. My favorite tiki ever is from the Enchanted Tiki Room so thanks Tu for the inspiration. First step was to get a frame to dictate the size that I used. It's about 18 inches tall by 8 inches wide.
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Next was drawing the tiki. The blue image was my model, but my first attempt on the left was a bit too stiff so I did a looser looking one.
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I cut some thin wood to fit the frame, glued a piece of green felt to it and screen printed ENCHANTED TIKI ROOM ENCHANTED TIKI ROOM ENCHANTED TIKI ROOM all over it in the proper letter style and added those cool drum playing alligator dudes.
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I then took another piece of wood, glued some gold felt on, and screen printed the design in three colors.
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Here is the almost finished version, after jig sawing around the tiki and painting the frame.
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[ Edited by: cy 2015-06-25 21:53 ]

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Joshua Bell posted on 06/26/2015

Wow! That is amazing, cy.

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