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AdOrAdam posted on 06/22/2015

On 2015-06-22 12:51, hiltiki wrote:
Kkocka, this picture should go in the cocktail garnish thread, real nice.

Agreed - Kkocka, going all out :)

I think I missed Negroni week but I just had a Negroni Sbagliato - although the way I made it was less as a Negroni (1-1-1), more if an Americano with prosecco (1-1-4) - delicious!

The Below Decks posted on 06/23/2015

mikehooker posted on 06/24/2015

Atomic Grog's 151 Swizzle v.4. Wow Jim, you struck gold with this one. Version two is one of my favorite drinks to make at home but I do believe this one hits closer to what the Mai Kai is serving up. Love the way the Pernod and cinnamon mingle with the potent rums yet it maintains a delightful sweetness that forces it down all too quick. This may be all I drink for a while.

The Below Decks posted on 06/24/2015

The Below Decks posted on 06/24/2015

mikehooker posted on 06/25/2015

Was planning to make another 151 Swizzle but decided to step it up to a '34 Zombie instead.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/25/2015

On 2015-06-23 20:59, mikehooker wrote:
Atomic Grog's 151 Swizzle v.4. Wow Jim, you struck gold with this one. Version two is one of my favorite drinks to make at home but I do believe this one hits closer to what the Mai Kai is serving up. Love the way the Pernod and cinnamon mingle with the potent rums yet it maintains a delightful sweetness that forces it down all too quick. This may be all I drink for a while.

Mahalo Mike! I'm happy to report that by all accounts at The Hukilau (including Mr. Berry), the 151 Swizzle continues to follow the v.4 recipe. And they're back to using the cinnamon stick garnish. I'd also highly recommend the new Swizzle cups: http://www.cocktailkingdom.com/tiki/swizzle-cup

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/25/2015

Another post-Hukilau cocktail ...

Created by The Mai-Kai's Kern Mattei for The Hukilau and sponsor Rhum Barbancourt. The recipe will be revealed as the next Cocktail of the Week on The Atomic Grog.

AceExplorer posted on 06/25/2015

I really enjoyed this cocktail, and I spoke to Kern about it and he told me how much effort went into the development of this drink. I had several of these while at the Molokai bar. When the recipe is published, I think you will make many folks happy!

The Below Decks posted on 06/25/2015

mikehooker posted on 06/25/2015

On 2015-06-25 00:30, Hurricane Hayward wrote:

On 2015-06-23 20:59, mikehooker wrote:
Atomic Grog's 151 Swizzle v.4. Wow Jim, you struck gold with this one. Version two is one of my favorite drinks to make at home but I do believe this one hits closer to what the Mai Kai is serving up. Love the way the Pernod and cinnamon mingle with the potent rums yet it maintains a delightful sweetness that forces it down all too quick. This may be all I drink for a while.

Mahalo Mike! I'm happy to report that by all accounts at The Hukilau (including Mr. Berry), the 151 Swizzle continues to follow the v.4 recipe. And they're back to using the cinnamon stick garnish. I'd also highly recommend the new Swizzle cups: http://www.cocktailkingdom.com/tiki/swizzle-cup

I noticed on the blog that it doesn't call for a sprinkle of nutmeg on top, something I've always just assumed was a part of a 151 Swizzle. Was this an oversight or is the Mai Kai not doing that? I honestly can't remember even though I had a bunch of em in April.

thePorpoise posted on 06/25/2015

I will have to try out v.4, have been drinking and loving v.3 for a while now. I've long maintained that the Tribute 151 Swizzle to me is the very best zombie, and the additions to v.4 seem to further align the drink with zombie-style cocktails.

hang10tiki posted on 06/26/2015

mikehooker posted on 06/26/2015

Tonight it's the Atomic Grog's 151 Swizzle v.3. Excellent drink. I think I might like v.2 better though and v.4 is probably tops for me. Thanks HH for leaving all the reworkings up cuz they're all fantastic in their own right. One of these days I'll have to have a head to head to head comparison. Challenge accepted!

thePorpoise posted on 06/27/2015

okay, tried my first v.2 tribute 151 Swizzle tonight, and am now enjoying a v.3.

gotta say, the v.3 is better, very balanced. the v.2 tasted on the tart side to me. i would try a v.4 next, but i think i better switch to beer for a while.

mikehooker posted on 06/27/2015

Ha. I wanted to try a v2 tonight to do another comparison while the others are still fresh in my mind but went with a beer instead. I checked back to my personal drink notes and I had given v2 an 8 on my grading scale last time I made it and rated the other night's v3 a 8.5 so maybe my memory is off and v3 does beat it out. I don't think you can go wrong with any variation though.

thePorpoise posted on 06/27/2015

Ballast Point Sculpin IPA.

I didnt want to like this beer.

First of all, these bastards stole the name for the brewery that I plan to open one day.

Second, why the F is it so expensive, especially when I go so many west-coast style IPA's brewed right here.

tried it though, and it is indeed super awesome!

hiltiki posted on 06/28/2015

Jungle Bird

1 1/2 oz pineapple juice
1/2 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz passion fruit syrup
1/2 oz Campari
1 1/2 oz Jamaican dark rum

My first time, amazing!!

AdOrAdam posted on 06/28/2015

Gotta try that Jungle Bird with passionfruit syrup :)

Just moved into a new house (with space for a tiki room!), first cocktail in the new place:

The Below Decks posted on 06/29/2015

A Pie, from Melrose Umbrella!

Oxybeles posted on 06/30/2015

A Doctor Funk for a hot afternoon...

“All roads lead to rum.” ~ W.C. Fields

[ Edited by: Oxybeles 2015-06-29 17:16 ]

thePorpoise posted on 06/30/2015

Tribute to The Mai-Kai’s 151 Swizzle, v.4, by Heyward.

very nice! definitely better than v.2; will have to wait for weekend to try v3 and v4 contemporaneously...

thePorpoise posted on 06/30/2015

ah what the hell-- i'm as they say, self-employed, so let's do it!

v3 underway-- tastes sweeter than v4; but, the falernum clove comes through better. you cant go wrong with either one!

The Below Decks posted on 06/30/2015

A Rhum Agricole Daiquiri from Melrose Umbrella!

lunavideogames posted on 06/30/2015

On 2015-06-27 00:24, thePorpoise wrote:
Ballast Point Sculpin IPA.

I didnt want to like this beer.

First of all, these bastards stole the name for the brewery that I plan to open one day.

Second, why the F is it so expensive, especially when I go so many west-coast style IPA's brewed right here.

tried it though, and it is indeed super awesome!

It is soo expensive because of the hops. They are getting spendy and they use a ton!

We have a Ballast Point here as well on the Best Coast :wink: It really is a great beer. The only beer I want to drink.

Glad you got a chance to try it and that you enjoyed it!

AdOrAdam posted on 07/01/2015

New armchair, same old drink - Boulivadier :)

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mikehooker posted on 07/02/2015

Yummy Mai Tai

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hiltiki posted on 07/02/2015

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3 Rum Scum

1/2 oz 151 prof rum
1/2 oz spiced rum
1/2 oz coconut rum
1/2 oz falernum
2 oz orange juice
2 oz pineapple juice

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Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/02/2015

Catching up on a few prior comments ...

mikehooker: I don't think I've ever seen The Mai-Kai use nutmeg on the 151 Swizzle, though it certainly wouldn't hurt. Glad you guys are enjoying the tribute recipes. Their potency makes it gets tricky to review more than a couple at a time. Beachbum Berry's TOTC Swizzle at the Tiki Tower Takeover at The Hukilau was very interesting. Same flavor profile, except El Dorado 8 as the only rum. A little easier to knock back several of these. Working on a tribute recipe now.

AceExplorer: The 1862 Rhum Punch recipe is now up on the blog:


Okole maluna!

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AceExplorer posted on 07/02/2015

Thanks for posting the recipe for the 1862 Rhum Punch, HH! I was able to get one of the table cards for the drink -- because it was a limited time special, and because I really enjoyed several of them, I wanted one of the cards before they all got tossed in the trash. Kern got one for me. It's nice how the boss can do that sort of thing... Great cocktail -- I understand that some credit goes to Jimmie from the Straw Hat Barmen for helping Kern by taste-testing that one over the course of several days while Kern was working on crafting it.

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The Below Decks posted on 07/02/2015

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hang10tiki posted on 07/02/2015

No talon jokes please

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hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2015

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hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2015

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hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2015

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Don Ho, Pepper, Martin Denny blasting in the background

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hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2015

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thePorpoise posted on 07/03/2015

dang HangTen, that Habanero must be spicy- you nursing one beer through multiple pix there.

beer here as well- Prairie Standard, a farmhouse ale brewed in Tulsa...

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The Below Decks posted on 07/03/2015

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hang10tiki posted on 07/03/2015

Porp- did two sculpin habaneros
It's my favorite beer.
Unfortunately can't get it in Vegas.
So when I go to California, I bring back a ton :)

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AdOrAdam posted on 07/03/2015

I'm interested in this Sculpin Habanero beer - what's it like?

Impromptu LH151 drinks:

Wisdom of Peles (Fees Vs Taylors falernum)

Mai Kai Jet Pilot Vs 2070 Swizzle


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hang10tiki posted on 07/04/2015

AOA- it's great
Sculpin IPA with a blast of habanero

If you can't find it in your local area, try this.
Take a habanero pepper, sliced it a few times,
stick it in a French coffee press with your favorite beer
and stick it in the fridge overnight...
Good beer with the burn blast to habanero.
Depending on the strength you may have to dilute it with more beer.

Obviously it won't taste the same but you get the idea.

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hang10tiki posted on 07/04/2015

Our extra frig is full

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thePorpoise posted on 07/04/2015

Lawd a mercy, aint seen that one round here.

I've had some jalapeno beers and they are spicy-- made the big mistake once of drinking a pint of jalapeno ale whilst eating a bowl of jalapeno mac-and-cheese. only the ingestion of more (chile-free) beer saved me...

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mikehooker posted on 07/04/2015

2070 Swizzles. Took Swanky's recommendation of cinnamon syrup in place of simple and halving the LH151 and adding Smith & Cross. I quite enjoy this.

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thePorpoise posted on 07/04/2015

another farmhouse ale brewed in the dustbowl-- this time its Boulevard's 2015 Saison-Brett, brewed in Kansas City...

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freddiefreelance posted on 07/05/2015

Paralyzing Pufferfish at the Bali Hai.

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Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/05/2015

Celebrating America's birthday with a drink courtesy of our UK friend, AdOrAdam, who sent along his own Black Magic tribute recipe. God Bless America and God Save the Queen..

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hang10tiki posted on 07/05/2015


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