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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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cy posted on 03/16/2015

You got it Jon, looking forward to it! Thanks nicework, I think I read in your thread that a culinary mentor said never do the same thing twice, words of wisdom that I always go by.

Watango productions posted on 03/18/2015

Man the wall panel guys turned out awesome.

MadDogMike posted on 03/18/2015

Catching up on stuff I had missed Cy - CRAZY GOOD as usual!
Another way to treat your shiny hardware to to burn the finish off. Zinc melts at 800 degrees so a even a small fire will work. It releases some nasty fumes so be sure to do it in a well ventilated area. It could also affect the temper of your metal so you probably wouldn't want to do it on a hook holding a 300 pound tiki over your head :wink:

AlohaTexasTikiCo posted on 03/19/2015

killer. i dig the semi-cubist vibe you've got goin. rad.

cy posted on 03/19/2015

Glad you like Watango and Aloha Tex, and MDM! I have learned more from my Tiki Central friends then any other source and am happy to be a part of it. Guys like Will carve, Aloha Station, Tikiskip, Mad Dog Mike and Timbercove among others have given me great advise that I use every time I carve. Mike I thought I had that eye hook thing all figured out when my brother told me about wire that is wrapped in a bark- like substance but by the time I wrapped it around it was too thick to fit the tiki back on. I will now distress it like tikiskip suggested, or put the blow torch to it and see what happens. Thanks!!

cy posted on 03/30/2015

This piece of noble is finished, painted in lime and rum flavored tones. "Punchy's Brother" be his name and is loosely based on the old Hawaiian Punch dude.

The front skull takes a few cues from the Kool-Aid man.

I feel extra credit is due for all the holes in him.

[ Edited by: cy 2015-03-29 17:51 ]

Will carve posted on 03/30/2015


AlohaStation posted on 03/30/2015

I like the green - gives him a zombie-esque vibe.

TheBigT posted on 03/30/2015

extra credit ++

hiltiki posted on 03/30/2015

So interesting, it looks completely different from the front than it does from the side, like two different pieces, great carve.

hang10tiki posted on 03/31/2015

Killer colors bruddah........

cy posted on 04/05/2015

Thanks Will and Big T, money in the bank! Aloha and H10 I knew I was taking a chance by painting him green, but after the initial shock I like him. A great observation hil, he does look a lot different from one angle to another. I have mixed feelings about the Marquesan I started.
It is a piece of doug fir.

The inspiration was a $1.99 thrift store find that has been hanging around my garage for the past year.

I started on the back.

The one tiki on my shoulder said "Try it, you might learn something dumb-shit", and the other said "Stay in your lane, fool".

Did a bit more on this old, untreated, telephone pole. He will spurt water.

This poplar plank is coming along.

Eventually it will be a standing lamp. Hope to have it completed by Tiki Caliente in another 5 weeks.

[ Edited by: cy 2015-04-05 14:38 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/05/2015

Big CY doin a Marq
Very Kool bra

hang10tiki posted on 04/08/2015

Sporting one of my many Frog Island shirts today
This one always gets a few comments


TheBigT posted on 04/09/2015

haha! friggin awesome shirt!

cy posted on 04/09/2015

Thanks for advertising for me brother Jon, did you know he once discovered the fountain of youth but did not drink from it because he "wasn't thirsty"?

cy posted on 04/19/2015

Here is the latest on "Mark"

After a few more coats he will be very, very red.

With Tiki Caliente less than a month a way I abandoned the great advise from MadDogMike and Tikiskip and used a brown Sharpie to color the eye hooks on "Lloyd" and glued/wrapped a bark looking wire around the exposed threads. Don't tell anyone though.

[ Edited by: cy 2015-04-19 15:47 ]

Will carve posted on 04/20/2015

Good call on the eye hooks.
At 40 MPH no one will notice.
It all looks good.

hiltiki posted on 04/21/2015

Love Mark.

tikiskip posted on 04/21/2015

Yeah Mark is cool.

Just PLEASE don't make a "bob" as there are too many bobs.

cy posted on 04/21/2015

Thanks Will, it's closer to 55mph though, appreciate the motivation hil, and not to worry skip, I don't even say the "B" word.

cy posted on 04/26/2015

Three amigos that are almost done for Tiki Caliente. Hope to see you there!

amate posted on 04/27/2015

That Marq turned out great. When you first posted that I thought, "Wow, Cy is going traditional". Proved wrong yet again! :)

congatiki posted on 04/27/2015

Great new carves Cy, I really love the big one in the middle. Nice use of color,
as usual :)

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nicework posted on 04/28/2015


cy posted on 05/08/2015

You should know better amate, thank you conga, I had a good time with that piece of noble, and it takes one to know one nicework! Here is the crew that is boarding the SS Minnow with me and heading to the Tropics, Palm Springs next week.
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Looking forward to it, I'll see some of you soon.
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hang10tiki posted on 05/08/2015

Killer bro
See you in Palm Springs soon...

tikiskip posted on 05/09/2015

Cy, I love that skeleton man!!
He is so cool!

That is going to sell!
Good luck.

cy posted on 05/10/2015

I'm looking forward to it a lot H10, see you Thursday. Thanks for the encouragement tikiskip, it is always hit and miss with me but Caliente is always my best, now when are you going to get into the art swap, dammit? Here is a couple new ones started this weekend, a 6x6 piece of unknown barn wood and another noble log.
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[ Edited by: cy 2015-05-10 14:27 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/11/2015

Barn wood
Your neighbors barn might fall over if ya keep takin da support beams

tikiskip posted on 05/11/2015

"now when are you going to get into the art swap"

That is more of a fall winter thing for me.
Too much to do in summer, have not worked on lights
at all this summer yet.
And the pools not even open yet, did get garden in though.

Good luck on your sale, you have a lot
of great carves there.

hang10tiki posted on 05/19/2015

Great to see yA at Caliente bro

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cy posted on 05/20/2015

Always great to see you and Sew Tiki also Jon, I certainly appreciate the excellent drinks! I had my best event so far, thanks so much to all that purchased tikis and t shirts at Caliente!

cy posted on 05/25/2015

Always happy to start new stuff.
A piece of cedar commissioned for a floating home on the Columbia River named "No Wake"
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The only request was for a frog somewhere, so next is the paddle and nautical light holding tiki bottom section.
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I got this 6x6 square from my barn. It has a beautiful grain.
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A rather sketchy, pulpy brand of noble.
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cy posted on 06/07/2015

Here are a few shots of "Medley", an almost finished piece of poplar.
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This guy thinks he is king of the frogs but he jumped into the pond with alacrity once my mower started bearing down on his amphibious ass.
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Will carve posted on 06/08/2015

2 good back to back posts.
Good stuff.
I see happy recipients in your future.

amate posted on 06/09/2015

I cant blame the king for his concern. If I were that size, a mower would have the same effect on me!
Looks like nice weather up your way. Already getting hot down south.
Carvings...outstanding as always.

amate posted on 06/09/2015

I cant blame the king for his concern. If I were that size, a mower would have the same effect on me!
Looks like nice weather up your way. Already getting hot down south.
Carvings...outstanding as always.

cy posted on 06/14/2015

Always a pleasure to get a satisfactory response from you Will, and also thanks to amate, the weather in Oregon has been fabulous for the last few weeks! Here is "Skeptic", a sketchy, pulpy, piece of noble that I wanted to complete for the Tiki Kon event here in just a month.
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TheBigT posted on 06/15/2015

Hey cy,

Sketchy came out great. Love the contrasting color.

On 2015-05-25 16:11, cy wrote:
I got this 6x6 square from my barn. It has a beautiful grain.

And you're tearing down your barn for materials?! That's dedication! :P

cy posted on 06/21/2015

Well, not yet ready to tear down my barn for the sake of tiki BigT, but if I get short of lumber all bets are off. This cedar chunk has been a work in progress for the last couple o' years. It will hold shot glasses, mugs, bottles, and knick-knacks from past experiences.
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Thanks too much Tikiskip for the hanging props that gives this carving much of it's personality.
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This portion is based on a tiki from Sven A. Kirsten's tiki bible "The Book of Tiki"
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It's an evolutionary tale that includes flowers, fish, crustaceans, insects, reptiles, mammals, humans, and all that contribute to the soup in which we swim.
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[ Edited by: cy 2015-06-21 20:16 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2015-06-21 20:52 ]

Will carve posted on 06/22/2015

Love it when a plan comes together.
That may need to go on a turn table.

hiltiki posted on 06/22/2015

Love the tiki side.

tikiskip posted on 06/22/2015

Looking good Cy!
I love to be a part of your carvings.

Hey check this out.
forstner bit

These come as large as 4 inch or more I think.
So what if you put a hole right behind that tiki in the carve out area, then carve out behind that
tiki from front to the hole, then you could put a light fixture behind that tiki and have the light wash
over that area from behind the tiki.
This would hide bulb so that all you would get is a nice glow.
The bulb would be changed from the bottom of tiki.

Look at the light I sent you with the cork.
This is how I would do the light on the bottom.

cy posted on 06/28/2015

Thank you Will and Hil! Skip you would not believe how much time was spent thinking about lighting this sumbitch, so I sure appreciate the helpful input!! Here is "Darwin" with a coat of orange and clear.
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This is a commissioned piece for a house boat off the Columbia River. "No Wake" is doug fir.
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[ Edited by: cy 2015-06-30 13:52 ]

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skootiki posted on 06/29/2015

I really like Darwin.....very kool!

cy posted on 07/05/2015

Thanks Scot, I edited my screw- up as that one is called "No Wake". Besides a leaky floor, there is not much worse for a house boat dweller than a speeding boat in the neighborhood, hence the name. I added kiln- fired glass inserts to "Darwin" and will be bringing him to next week's local Tiki Kon event. Beautiful, warm to hot weather in Portland, hope to see you here!
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This is a Hawaiian fish called Alaihi. I liked his spikey nature.
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[ Edited by: cy 2015-07-05 15:33 ]

amate posted on 07/07/2015

The fired glass adds another layer. Always so much going on in your art...never gets boring!!!

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