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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

First timer Tiki Carving

Pages: 1 11 replies

Monkey Bizz posted on 06/29/2015

My Daughter turns 10 years old in 2 weeks and she asked for a "Tiki" Theme Party.
And here in the Netherlands it is pretty hard to find any tiki related items.
And she did not wanted a Princes Party........
So Daddy has to spend his free time in the shed...

What do think of the result?

What has the best results.. Waxing or Lacquer?

My first intent was a old style tiki but this guy showed up..

[ Edited by: Monkey Bizz 2015-06-29 01:19 ]

DutchTiki posted on 06/29/2015

Some kind of alien-tiki, awesome!

(Grappig, nog zo'n tiki enthausiasteling!)

Monkey Bizz posted on 06/30/2015

Yep, But I was going for a original Tiki.... "The Force" was strong in this one...
(Zeker Grappig, erg zeldzaam in Nederland)

The next Raw Tiki is waiting...

amate posted on 07/01/2015

What do I think of the result?
I like it, I like it.
Give us another one!

Biotron2000 posted on 07/01/2015

Good job! Your daughter is going to have an awesome party with party favors like that!

Monkey Bizz posted on 07/03/2015

Thanx for the support Guys!

Monkey Bizz posted on 07/10/2015

Work in progress ....... the second one in the making

Kahiki Guy posted on 07/10/2015

very nice work. That second one looks like it's coming along nicely...

Monkey Bizz posted on 07/11/2015

Thanx, I think I got the design of the second one ready. Just a few midnight hours work .......

Monkey Bizz posted on 07/14/2015

Fire tiki being born.......

Monkey Bizz posted on 07/15/2015

tada......second Tiki Ready! Any Thoughts?

cy posted on 07/15/2015

Cool pics and tiki MB.

Pages: 1 11 replies