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Vinyl Cut Lettering / Logos

Pages: 1 3 replies

tikitonyd posted on 07/01/2015

Hey guys... new to the forum and the wife and I are just beginning our tiki collection. I wanted to throw this out there for consideration. I have a pretty extensive art/ graphics background (sculptor, character design, etc.) I also happen to own a vinyl plotter/ cutter. If any of you guys are looking for custom cut stickers, window decals, lettering or vinyl masking stencils for projects, let me know. I'd be happy to cut you a dirty dirty price or work for trade of tiki stuff you wanna trim from your collection.


LoungeShark posted on 07/01/2015

Do you have a website or anything?

tikitonyd posted on 07/01/2015

Nope... it's nothing I do professionally (I'm in radio). I just happen to own a very nice vinyl plotter/cutter. I do my own projects, stuff for a couple of motorcycle clubs, my radio station, etc.

tikitonyd posted on 07/01/2015

I've always worked in art/ design on the side... did some toy & statue sculpting, developed some animated properties, lots of logo design and layout work. I even apprenticed at a tat shop for a year just cuz I wanted to learn it.

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