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Help with Trader Sam's Grog Grotto mugs?

Pages: 1 5 replies

McSquiggins posted on 07/09/2015

Hey, would anyone be willing to help me out with getting the Grog Grotto mugs? Really can't afford the aftermarket right now. I'm looking for the Nautilus, Zombie, Krakatoa, Flight mugs, and the pearl. I'd be willing to throw in a little extra for your trouble. Thanks for your help!

tikitonyd posted on 07/09/2015

I'm going to Disney World in September... send me a pm.

TheParkCollector posted on 07/12/2015

They are going for about what they cost to buy the drink now on eBay. A few months ago they were high. Nautilus is $52. With tax and if you leave a tip....

McSquiggins posted on 07/13/2015

Yeah, I didn't realize you couldn't just buy the mugs separately. You can at Trader Sam's in CA. Would've been happy to buy someone the drinks for their troubles, but I'm just going to go the ebay route. Thanks.

nomeus posted on 07/14/2015

wait..i have one sitting here in the box. how much will you pay for it plus shipping?? (Nautilus)

[ Edited by: nomeus 2015-07-14 01:31 ]

TheParkCollector posted on 07/18/2015

If anyone wants anything from Trader Sam's Grog Grotto I try to go every couple weeks. Just email me: [email protected]

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