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Hoffman Pottery Kahiki Vase or Glass

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smitty posted on 10/29/2014

Hello All--- just wondering if anyone can lead me to a picture of the rare Kahiki vase or if you have seen it can you describe it to me ? I found the other day a vase or tumbler looking Hoffman Pottery piece. No tikis on it but it is in the brown and black and gray patterning similar to the idol bowls. Bottom isn't marked Kahiki but rather Hoffman Pottery and is initialed RH on bottom. I've looked all over the web and the one vase that was on ebay and worth point several years back has no photo to go with it as it was from quite some time ago. Trying to figure out if it was an item for Kahiki or just a pottery piece by them.

thanks much!!!

tikiskip posted on 10/29/2014

So like you can't post a photo?
I can't think of any Kahiki stuff that had grey in it off hand.
Could be wrong.

Jeff Central posted on 10/31/2014

Yes, please post a pic! The Kahiki experts are here!!! :)

smitty posted on 09/06/2015

[ Edited by: smitty 2015-09-06 12:24 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/06/2015

Silly Smitty!

smitty posted on 09/06/2015

smitty posted on 09/06/2015

OK. Finally remembered to add this picture in. It doesn't look like any Kahiki item I've seen before but would still be interested if anyone knows anything about it.

uncle trav posted on 09/07/2015

Not on the Kahiki cocktail menu so it's a mystery to me.

tikiskip posted on 09/08/2015

Odd, no way of linking it to the Kahiki.
Would think it would be marked Kahiki on the bottom as they did other Kahiki mugs.

But who knows, if it ever was Kahiki it was not a mainstream mug and not on any
menu far as I know.

Hoffman made many different mugs and other pottery not Kahiki related over the years.

Jeff Central posted on 09/08/2015

On 2015-09-07 18:40, tikiskip wrote:

Hoffman made many different mugs and other pottery not Kahiki related over the years.

I agree skip! Still a cool mug!! :)

tikiskip posted on 09/08/2015

So Jeff do you know for sure what came first the Hoffman pottery black stamp, or the
Hoffman pottery name being scratched into the bottom of the mug.

One would guess that it was the stamp that was the more recent stuff as why would
you scratch your name into mugs when you got a cool logo stamp.

We never asked that of the son of Hoffman when we talked to him did we?

tikiskip posted on 09/08/2015

Now that I look back at the pic's of Eric Hoffman they had two black stamp types,
that round one seem here and the script one that says ceramics by Hoffman.

So that would be three different types of markings on Hoffman pottery.
Would be a good way to date the items.

Would guess the Kahiki bowl to be one of the first Hoffman stuff for Kahiki and they
did not make bowls that long.

So what is the stamp on the Bowl?

Jeff Central posted on 09/09/2015

Good questions Skip!!

I'll have to ask Eric. We are friends on Facebook so it should be quite easy!

Cheers and Mahalo,

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