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'GINOSAJI' Kickstarter Campaign!

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KreepyTiki posted on 09/19/2015

Aloha, Ohana!

It's been a long time in the planning and at last the Kickstarter campaign for 'GINOSAJI - The Horribly Slow Murderer Movie Project' is now underway!

Here's the link:


But for those of you not familiar with the background of this project, here's the short version:

Several years ago I played one of the two main characters (Jack -- the one with all the guns in the poster) in a short film called 'The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon' which won numerous awards at film festivals throughout the world, went viral on YouTube (nearly 29 million views and counting), and is the #2 most voted for title on IMDB's list of over 18,000 Short Horror Films, just under 'Toy Story Of Terror', which ain't too shabby.

And now Richard Gale, the uber-talented writer-director of the original film, along with key members of the original cast and crew (including Yours Truly as Jack), are going to make a feature film based on the original short but with a deeper, richer, crazier and even more epic canvas spanning multiple generations and continents.

And while not a tiki-related film per se, there will be a sequence in a tiki bar which will most likely be shot at the beloved Tiki Ti In fact, Mike Buhen Sr. and family are all big fans of the viral Ginosaji series on YouTube and are even planning to create a drink to promote the film -- to be served with a SPOON! (Don't ask, just watch the original short film on YouTube and you'll understand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y )

So I'm letting all you folks know about this 'cause I think you'll get a kick out of it -- it's a wild, weird and truly original epic horror-action-comedy -- and 'cause we need all the pledges we can get; and for which YOU will get various cool rewards and collectibles!

Cheers and Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2015-09-19 08:58 ]

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2015-09-19 09:01 ]

MadDogMike posted on 09/21/2015

Loved the original! Glad to see you are doing a feature film. There was a series? I'll have to look. I only saw the trailer style original.

KreepyTiki posted on 09/21/2015

Hey Mike!

Glad you enjoyed the original which is about to reach 29 million views on YouTube! But, to save you (and whoever else might be interested) the trouble of searching for the other episodes in the series, here are some links:












Well, Mike, that brings you pretty much up to date. The third link on the list -- 'Save Jack' -- is actually an INTERACTIVE experience which gives viewers the option of choosing four other films accessible within that framing introduction.


Cheers and Mahalo :drink: :tiki:

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2015-09-21 13:20 ]

MadDogMike posted on 09/22/2015

Thank KT, will definitely check those out!

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