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eBay: Pufferfish Lamp (not my auction)

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FrEaKyTiKiGuY posted on 02/08/2004


2 Hours Left, it's a big one!! 21 inches long!! I was bidding on it, but my wife says that she is not going to allow another illuminated dead fish to hang from the ceiling in my Moai Mosh Pit...so bid all you want.

[ Edited by: FrEaKyTiKiGuY on 2004-02-08 15:57 ]

Swanky posted on 02/09/2004

I wish there was a picture with something to compare for size. It does not look that big...

FrEaKyTiKiGuY posted on 02/09/2004

I bought one from this same guy, and trust me...it is a good size fish. My wife freaked when she pulled it out of the box and I told her it was a real fish. The hardware to hang this guy needs to be revamped though. The cord is a heavy duty light cord and the metal bracket you see in the top of the fish is about 3 inches long, for perspective.

[ Edited by: FrEaKyTiKiGuY on 2004-02-08 16:39 ]

FrEaKyTiKiGuY posted on 02/09/2004

it went for 46 bucks?....damn, thats a good price for that big of a puffer.

FrEaKyTiKiGuY posted on 02/10/2004

Here is another puffer, supposed to be about 25 inches long. He has not been made into a lamp yet, but there are enough experts on this forum to help you through it. Check out their other items, they have smaller puffers as well.

Now, which way to the Bar?

[ Edited by: FrEaKyTiKiGuY on 2004-02-10 04:02 ]

Swanky posted on 02/10/2004

That guy has a puffer on Ebay almost all the time. He reuses the same pictures so you can bet that is NOT the one being sold. I think his prices are a bit high. And the pictures not being the actual puffer annoy me too.

I spent time searching and got mine (a big fat 20+ incher) for under $20.

tikijackalope posted on 02/11/2004

Swanky noted:

He reuses the same pictures so you can bet that is NOT the one being sold.

Is this practice common? I've seen it in one mug auction already and I'm fairly new to ebay.

FrEaKyTiKiGuY posted on 02/17/2004

here is a strange pufferfish lamp on eBay ...never seen one like this before. Supposed to be from a now defunct tiki bar.


Doctor Z posted on 02/17/2004

On 2004-02-16 16:55, FrEaKyTiKiGuY wrote:
here is a strange pufferfish lamp on eBay ...never seen one like this before. Supposed to be from a now defunct tiki bar.


It's not a pufferfish or a blowfish - it's a parrot fish (see the 'beak'?) I've got a 27" one that I picked up from a guy in Thailand and it looks great! It casts a much more even glow than a puffer, 'cause the surface is covered with little teeny needle-sharp spines, instead of the larger, more spread out spikes of a puffer. The one in the auction certainly looks like it's seen better days, however...

The seller seems to be shipping it from Marina del Rey - maybe it came from the old Don the Beachcomber?

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2004-02-16 20:28 ]

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