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la maison du jouir

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virani posted on 02/06/2004

Finally, after hesitating between Hawaii and Tahiti, I’m going with my beautiful vahiné for our honeymoon in may and june to the Marquisas islands ! we’ll take the Aranui (a boat that goes through the islands for picking the copra and delivering marchandises) in Tahiti, then it’ll goes to the Marquesas for 15 days and then we’ll return to Tahiti and Moorea….
I’m so exciting to go to the origine of Tiki, meeting the tatoo masters (Felix Fii…), Seeing the place where Gauguin died, looking at how the tapa is make, eating polynesian traditional food, meeting tiki carvers… and of course seeing plenty of tiki carved 500 years ago.
I’ll bring you back some pictures…
I heard Bigbro Sven did this trip too as a lecter in the boat 2 years ago.

tikifish posted on 02/06/2004

So what's the house of the day? :)

Tiki_Bong posted on 02/06/2004


Is that that 'French' language I've been hearing so much about lately?

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 02/06/2004

Tikifish, that's "jouir" not "jour"."La maison de jouir" means "House of Pleasure", the name of Paul Gaugin's house at Hiva-oa in the Marquesas. (if i sound at all scholarly, it's only because I read this in a children's book about Gaugin I bought at Goodwill. Lots of pretty pictures!)

Unga Bunga posted on 02/06/2004

oui oui fee fee tiki

tikifish posted on 02/06/2004

The house of pleasure! I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT! RrroooWWWOoooor

I thought the 'I' was a typo. I was never so good with the french verbs. Jouir = to play, actually, so it is 'THE HOUSE OF TO PLAY'.

Thus endeth the french lessons!

bigbrotiki posted on 02/06/2004

That, off course, is open to interpretation. Gauguin liked to provoke the local Bishop with his bohemian lifestyle, and thus the carved frame over his entrance has widely been translated with "House Of Pleasure".
It lead after all to his bedroom, which supposedly was liberally decorated with pornography.
His other mottos carved to the left and right of the door were "Soyez mysterieuse" (be mysterious) and "Soyez amoureuses et vous serez heureuses", which could be translated with " Be in love and you will be happy" OR, more literally, be AMOROUS and you will be happy.

Congrats guys on taking that trip, to the cradle of Tiki. Gauguin's house is unfortunately just a reproduction, ironically no one could afford the REAL carved doorframes in the Marquesas nowadays. But there are fine small Museums on several islands with interesting artifacts. And of course there is nothing more rewarding than visiting actual Tiki temples in the jungle, like the one in the Taipi valley, where Melville lived with the Taipi tribe after he jumped ship.
A warning: The Marquesan Tiki carvings are not cheap, the locals rather sell ONE for more money than more for less, so hold out for the good ones, they are worth their money.
Hope you will get to stay at the ROYAL TAHITIAN in Papeete, a small intact 60s resort.

Please convey my warm regards to Didier, (if he is the guide on your trip) and have him send me his e-mail address, I lost it.
He was a guide on Easter Island for years, and really knows his stuff.

I have been thinking of getting a group of Tiki Centralites together to do the journey again, that would be a blast. I have not been on their new ship, the old Aranui was a rustbucket made in Bremen, Germany in the 50s.

It is just a little costly (in the 3 to 4 grand range) for non-lecturers, so I don't know who can spring for that, sort of a once in a lifetime deal for most, I would think.

tikibars posted on 02/06/2004

On 2004-02-06 14:18, bigbrotiki wrote:
I have been thinking of getting a group of Tiki Centralites together to do the journey again, that would be a blast.
It is just a little costly (in the 3 to 4 grand range) for non-lecturers, so I don't know who can spring for that, sort of a once in a lifetime deal for most, I would think.

Give me one year notice, and I'm in.

pablus posted on 02/06/2004

I'd need a year, too.

Not for the money or scheduling but to make sure the rum supply was capable of sustaining me for such a voyage.

virani posted on 02/09/2004

You can check out the ARANUI web site at http://www.aranui.com
I heard that the new one is much bigger than the number 2, i hope it's not becoming a big cruse boat for rich people.
Nice conversation about the "maison du jouir", i was wondering if you guys would understood that name...
I can see you're all fluent in french (if it's related to tiki, of course).
I love Gauguin's art, in 2003, there was a big Gauguin retrospective in France, and i had been able to see the walls of his marquesan house... he was also a great sculptor.
If it's translated, try to read Victor Segalen's book about Gauguin. Segalen has come to french Polynesia just after Gauguin's dead and he was able to buy lots of his arts, and he wrote a lot about him.
He also wrote my favorite book of all time : "les immémoriaux", a fiction about the thought of the polynesian while the whites arrive on their land and converts the natives with christanism.

Tikifrog posted on 02/09/2004

Thanks for the info Virani. All of this sounds great.
I wanna be part of it.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 02/09/2004

On 2004-02-09 04:23, virani wrote:
I can see you're all fluent in french

Bien sûr, all us Canadians are parfaitement bilingues :lol:

Formikahini posted on 02/09/2004

The language teacher in me can't let this go:

jouer - to play
jouir - to enjoy...OR to have an orgasm

you decide which is better.

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