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plenty MP3s!

Pages: 1 9 replies

emspace posted on 02/09/2004
Polynesiac posted on 02/09/2004

I'm Koo-koo for Coconuts! Those MP3's are the pinapple of my eye! :)

seriously, thanks for the link. I'll be sure to bookmark that one!

emspace posted on 02/09/2004

Hmm, I just gave 'em a listen after downloading, and man...they're too compressed, and also they were ripped a little too hot. That's my understatement of the day actually - way too loud, most of them. Poop. Maybe I'll email the guy and ask if he would consider re-doing them, or working out a trade...


Tikiwahine posted on 02/10/2004

Those are great! Thank you!
I'm planning my wedding at the moment and would like to play old hawaiian music like this.
I really enjoy music by the New Hawaiian Band as well. 'Hukilau Song' is my favorite by them at the moment.

I'm going to hook up a computer and have it play continuously throughout the reception.
Think I'll be disowned? :wink:

Now to find some good songs!

Aloha, eh
"The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those who got there first"

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-02-09 17:27 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/10/2004

On 2004-02-09 17:26, Tikiwahine wrote:
Those are great! Thank you!
I'm planning my wedding at the moment and would like to play old hawaiian music like this.
I really enjoy music by the New Hawaiian Band as well. 'Hukilau Song' is my favorite by them at the moment.

I'm going to hook up a computer and have it play continuously throughout the reception.
Think I'll be disowned? :wink:

Now to find some good songs!

Aloha, eh
"The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those who got there first"

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-02-09 17:27 ]

all the best for your wedding tikiwahine! j$

Swanky posted on 02/10/2004

You should ask Jeff Chenault for the comp he made for Hukilau. Many versions of the song there.

Unga Bunga posted on 02/10/2004

On 2004-02-09 13:37, emspace wrote:
they're too compressed, and also they were ripped a little too hot.

You are exactly right, but I guess the price is right.

Bamboo Bob posted on 02/10/2004

That is good stuff, Thanks!

Swanky posted on 02/10/2004

These are likely 78's and they may account for the sound. I don't think they were clipped, I just think it's the original recording that's a sounding a little off.

Tikiwahine posted on 02/10/2004

Thank you kindly Johnny$! I'm really looking forward to it! I've actually found a bartender that claims to be able to make Mai Tais, Fogcutters, Suffering Bastards and the like. Not that my relatives could tell the difference between them! Maybe I should give him a few recipes...

Thanks Swanky, I will definitely ask him about it! I'm not going to play the Hulilau Song continiously, just cool hawaiian music in general.(should have read my post before posting it :wink:)
I've decided to name my bar 'The Huki Lounge' so I'd love to have several versions of that song in rotation.
For some reason I also dig Petty Booka's Ukulele Lady.

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